The G8 Nations.


I am reminded of a certain song, which says, He's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the whole wide world, in his hands.



Emperor Jimmu 1. The first emperor of Japan.

Born: 11th February 660 BC

Died:  9th April 585 BC

Some sources believe, 711 BC - 585 BC


Emperor Zheng Ying. The first Emperor of China.

Born: 7th February 260 BC

Died: 10th August 210 BC

50 years.

Reigned 10 years.


Julius Caesar, 84th ruler/Emperor, of the Roman Empire, now Italy.

Born: 13th July 100 BC

Died: 15th March 44 BC

56 years.

Reigned 5 years.


King Clovis 1. The first King of England.

Born: 466 Ad

Died: 511 Ad

45 years

Reigned 2 years


King Offa 1. The first King of England.

Born: Unknown

Died: 29th July 796

Reigned, from 757 Ad - 796 Ad

Reigned 39 years. Nigerians, what does your 1999 constitution say about me?

Buckingham Palace had 775 rooms, when it was commissioned.

John Davison Rockefeller Rockefeller, was 75 years old [1839-1914], when Nigeria was created in 1914.


Prince Riruk 1. First Czar/Tsar of Russia

Born: 830 Ad

Died: 879 Ad

49 years.

Reigned for 17 years



Otto 1 the great, of Germany. (The Holy Roman Emperor)

Born: 912 Ad

Died: 973 Ad

62 years

Reigned for 37 years



Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of America.

Born: 13th April 1743, other sources 2nd April.

Died: 4th July 1826, [4/7/1826]

83 years

First President of America to live in the White House, from the beginning of his tenure to the end. (8 years)

He drafted the American declaration of independence.

The American Electoral College has 538 members. He lived for 83 years.

Thomas Jefferson, and his friend James Madison, started the Democratic Republican party in America. Today, the Democratic, and Republican parties, are the two parties in America.


Also worthy in American history is;

John Davison Rockefeller:

Business tycoon, and founder of Standard oil,  first man, and American in history to make a billion dollars.

Born: 8th July 1839

Died: 23rd May 1937

98 years.

John Davison Rockefeller, was 75 years old when Nigeria was created in 1914. Remember, King Offa 1, the first king of England, created and ruled, from 757 - 796. And Buckingham palace had 775 rooms in 1837, when it was commissioned. Just 2 years before he was born in 1839.  

All the above mentioned rulers are one person, reincarnating at different times, in the course of history, for some purposes. He was the founder and first ruler, of five of the G8 nations. In America, he was the 3rd, but unofficially, he was the leader, from the day the American declaration of independence which he drafted, was adopted on the 4th of July 1776.

I am a Christian; hence, I will back up my claim of reincarnation, with the holy Bible. In the gospel of Matthew, chapter 11, verses 14 and 15, Jesus Christ said, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah, who is to come. Let anyone with ears listen. He was referring to John the baptist.

I am all the above persons, because of the SEAL on my right shoulder showing Presidential seals of America, and different nations of the G8. See photos.

And because of my unchangeable body [one in 7 billion]. As a Christian, I will back it up with a quotation from the bible. In 1st Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 46, it is written; it is not the spiritual body that is first, but the physical, and then the spiritual. 

If we take the first letters of the above nations, and arrange them in chronological order, starting from the first nation, to the last, we have; J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A. 

I am, OJeje Chibuzor, Igwe William.

These will sound unbelievable to the common man, but they are mysteries from time immemorial. Therefore it should be known that; my Nigerian family members, friends, enemies, military, religious, traditional, political, government, etc, and indeed all Nigerians, are my subordinates.


Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William

