How to know a fool


Tell someone a story, or a lie about someone they know, then tell them to take a punitive decision, measure, or action against the person.

If they take the decision, or action, without confirming from the person, then they are FOOLS.

Everyone has the right to listen, believe, or disbelieve anything they like, but taking a punitive decision or measure, without first confirming the story from the other person, is foolishness.

Life experiences, would have taught the wise, about; lies, set up, deceit, slander, envy, and ignorant passing on of wrong beliefs, and lies from one person to another, even among the upright friends, family, some of those we consider elders, and trustworthy people.

Based on this criteria, about 90% of my former friends, and family, are all gone with the wind.

Better being an orphan, friendless, or not working on, or having any government, or political roles, than having these kind of fools in your life. I have met a lot of them in Abuja. The enemies soon turns them to tools of their war fare, without them knowing it. All they need do is tell more negative lies, against their innocent targets. And If it's not confirmed, it keeps ruining, and turning away hearts, creating enmity, and hatred. But most importantly, it exposes the fake, from the true ones.

Life experiences, taught me all these.


chubuzor Igwe Ojeje William

