Certain mysteries can only be understood, when the real knowledge is available. But some remain hidden forever, because they aren't meant for all. It's unfortunate I have to reveal myself this way, you all left me no choice. My life wasn't supposed to be this difficult, when I own a lot. Take a careful look at the seal of the President of America, and you will see the eagle facing the right side of its body, and holding in his beak a white scroll inscribed E PLURIBUS UNUM, meaning, among many, one.

The position of the beak holding the scroll, nearly corresponds to the right shoulder of the human body. Remember, I am one in seven billion, with unchangeable physical body, and I was also, Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of America, and principal author of the American declaration of independence. The top part of the birth mark, has a V shape. Look at the map of America, you will see the V, at the top eastern part of it. In Nigeria, you will also see the shape,in the map of Abuja, the federal capital city of the country, Which was created in 1976, the year of my birth. The V, probably represents, the Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, was from Virginia, and was its governor in the past. It's also the Oval office, and pentagon, remember V is 5, in the Roman numeral figures, and 5 is also pent, in terms of shape. Let me end here for now, for want of space.

The basic design dates from 1945, when President Truman specified it in executive order 9646. We all remember that the second world war ended in 1945, and the United Nations was formed in the same year, and the Rockefeller family donated the land in New York, on which the secretariat was built. But the current seal is defined in Executive Order 10860, made by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on February 5, 1960, and effective since July 4, 1960. Let it be noted that Nigeria, had its independence in 1960, and I was born here in 1976. The RC number of my company, Julio Rock Nigeria Limited is, 1086517. Can you see executive order 10860? My fellow Nigerians, this is the reason I am greater than all Presidents, and military heads of state of Nigeria, Generals, police, politicians, religious leaders, and traditional rulers, etc. And I have authority to decide presidential elections. It's called the power of ownership, and I will continue doing it. The secret behind it all is God Almighty, and heaven. And not anything here in Nigeria, not family, relatives, societies, occultism, communities, friends, enemies, politicians, etc., nothing in Nigeria can stand against them and prevail, because they created the country. They only use local representatives, and they're greater.

Around 2005/2006, some Presidents, of America and Nigeria, showed me I was very important, I wondered why, because I wasn't born with my ancient memory, and I was born into a very humble family. My quest to find out why, led me to several discoveries, such as the seal of the President of America, my role in the creation, and history of the G8 nations, which when arranged in chronological order is, J.C.R/I, F.E.R.G.A., (Japan, China, Rome/Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America), my Nigerian coat of Arms, etc., these researches and discoveries are worthy of a doctorate degree.

I have been able to reconstruct a bit of the past. A lot of divine guidance was involved, especially from my Bible, knowing where to seek knowledge, recognise codes, and understand them. Thanks a lot for the internet. I hereby award myself a honorary PhD, because I don't even believe, these original discoveries can be found in Harvard, or Oxford. I don't think they teach such hidden secret truths, which tells about our history. Moreover, my secrets can't easily be understood by others. My research shows me that I have been, Emperor Kamuyamato Iwarebiko, (aka Jimmu) of Japan, Emperor Zheng Ying of China, Julius Caesar of Rome/Italy, King Clovis 1, of France, King Offa 1 of England, Prince Riruk 1 of Russia, Otto 1 the great, of Germany, the Holy Roman emperor, Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of America, and Principal author of the American declaration of independence, John Davison Rockefeller Snr. Some of these history can be seen in the seal of the President of America, which is a collection of people from all over the world, including the J.C.R/I.F.E.R.G.A. nations. And in the chronological arrangements of Jcr/iferga, America is the last of them all, and it was the meeting point for all. Greetings to my foreign descendants, the President, prime minister, the imperial royal majesties, kings, queens, of Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America, and all other nations of the world.

Let it be noted that, I do not wish to bequeath any power, resources, wealth, or anything connected to my global estate, governments, etc., to any member of my Nigerian family, whether father, mother, their relatives, or friends. All should remain with my foreign descendants, and my future wife and kids, when I get married. I have been so badly treated by them. The authority they enjoy in my governments and others, they use to steal, ruin, and impoverish me. I think I have some to kill, so do you all. What right do they have trying to impoverish me, while trying to convert what belongs to me, and foreign descendants, governments, to theirs, with so much wickedness. Probably because I like and respect them. It has to change. It's wrong taking food that belongs to the children, and throw them over to evil, and useless dogs. G8 governments, Armed forces, embassies in Nigeria, you all have to change your modus operandi. 

Henceforth, destroy anyone who causes me problems, especially those who want to impoverish me, and steal rewards for the fruits of my labor. I need all my monies, even if they run up to trillions of dollars. I often wonder what runs through the minds of the leaders of my G8 nations. How can you all sleep, when I am not comfortable in Nigeria, and those I help win elections, feel too big to contact me, and bid me visit them, and the country. I hope this ugly trend changes.In Nigeria, I have helped a lot, who also feel too big to reach out to me humanly, for simple appreciation. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
