I greet you the Presidents, Emperors, Queens, Kings, Prime Ministers, Chancellor, Generals, Air Marshalls, Naval Admirals, international intelligence agencies, police, etc., Especially those of Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America, United Nations, Vatican, State of Israel, Nato, Nigeria, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, etc. It seems since my slumber and rest days, someone erroneously concluded that I don't need money in this life, and has wickedly spread this wrong belief, and works hard on it even till date, trying to see it through. You all should find out who it is, and destroy such wicked fellow or fellows, and their agents. Their ignorance is a great threat to us all. It seems in their foolishness, they believed that, my coming to Nigeria/Africa, after being the wealthiest man in the world, was to be poor.  May lightning strike them dead. When I was Pharaoh of Egypt, was I poor? Is Egypt not part of Africa? The lack of understanding of my mission in Nigeria and Africa, can be clearly seen, and their wrong guesses and beliefs, very dangerous. For this reason, from today, let no one consult or confer with anyone else about me or my purpose, kill anyone who refers even to father or mother.

I am saddened by a very wicked syndicate of people around me here in Nigeria, and other foreign elements, who it seems to me, are hell bent on making life miserable for me, and stealing, gold digging, converting my heritages to theirs, etc., while wickedly showing indifference to all the hardships they cause me intentionally. No matter the successes I achieve, or wonders I make happen, or the great privileges they enjoy because of me, which are all worth billions of dollars, these enemies of the whole world, will look for a way to prevent me from getting the financial rewards, honours, etc. I have patiently watched, tolerated, ignored, and endured their envy, gold digging, stealing, and wickedness, for some reasons, and to see those who truly care about me. They are wicked, evil thieves, and envious folks. All I Labour for, they want to prevent me from getting my due rewards, they scramble for, and  want to get it for themselves. These fellows must be stopped. Getting a job for the reward of being a graduate, is fought against by a bunch of envious illiterates, and contracts, and slots for my own political appointees, audience with the President, etc., which should be rewards for my successful plots and political victories, is even fought against by these enemies, I your hitherto unknown Commander In Chief, ask you all to declare war on them, and those who listen to them, and deny my dues.

The above situation is hereby brought to the attention of the world, to put an end to this menace from a group of good for nothing people here in Nigeria, and some foreign unknown collaborators. Because if it continues, it means my life doesn't mean anything, which makes me laugh my ribs out. Oh Nigeria! The only unchangeable physical body in the world, could it be envy? Let it be noted that even a billion lives on earth, will be too small to destroy, including the extinction of families and descendants of the perpetrators. Because when I die, I keep on living. 

Those mentioned in the first paragraph of this post, will be the ones I will take control of, and use like a remote control, to carry out the destructions. And if I may ask, who can, and who has ever been able to stop me, when I am in the spiritual, or when working with my spiritual tools? My rest/slumber has been disturbed, and life isn't fun anymore, without the accompanying power and wealth. For those who did their best to wake me up from my slumber/rest, haven't you read in the books of King Solomon of Israel, that; do not wake love, until it is ready? Be informed that because this life was meant to be a rest, I didn't come down with my spiritual tools. This calls for the beginning of the destruction of all those known individuals, persons, groups, and organizations, known over the years to be sworn enemies of my progress, no matter who they are, families, friends, enemies, school mates, neighbors, former colleagues, politicians, government officials, etc. I can't take the wickedness and contempt anymore, from people who are not even fit to be in my presence, or my servants, most of whom, I could have turned into animals, or street lights, if I had come down with power. Kill them all, before the world will be made to boil like hot water, and the whole world will wail, because of the wickedness and attrocities, of these disillusioned mad idiots, here in Nigeria and beyond. Those who know the 1st and 2nd world wars, know my role. I will not be kind, if there is a 3rd, after this wicked experiences, there's need for appeasement. A few jealous, mad, and ignorant, persons around me, shouldn't make the whole world pay the price. I advise the whole world, should make them pay. A word is enough for the wise. 

If the useless idiot, envious animal, gold digger, imbecile, thief, in Nigeria called osu charles erijo, is also Prince charles of Wales, kill him as prince of Wales! The G8 nations kill him! Who is that cockroach to mess with the father of your Nations? United Nations, kill him! British citizens, kill him! because I am King Offa 1, your everlasting King of England, Queen Elizabeth the ll, kill him! for unpardonable offences to King Offa 1, hence the whole of England. The untold hardships and ruining of my reputation, which was unknown to me for almost two decades, is an unacceptable disgrace. It seems to me, it is a way of controlling the world, by fraudulently ascribing to himself, authorities belonging to me. It's the height of foolishness, for a common idiot like him, to call me the King and God of England, his gay husband or wife, when I have never been involved in any act of homosexuality with any man, since I was born. Kill him! kill him! you all. If my advise is taken for granted, then I will laugh. In Nigeria, I will like him to cut off his head and that of gold digger, imbecile, envious, errand boy, cockroach, ebibio spiff.

I deserve more than a trillion dollars, instead of it, people who probably were animals in the forest, when I created their nations, are busy causing havocs, on someone just minding his business, and governments.

Let me come down to Nigeria, which is my present country of abode. I have introduced myself as the unofficial Commander In Chief, at the Aso Rock Presidential Villa, which is the seat of the President of Nigeria. The evidence can be seen on the top of Aso Rock, in whose vicinity it's located, and named after, the V shape (Virginian) sign, similar to the one in the birth mark, on my right Arm/shoulder (refer to the pictures in  my post, Nigerian Armed Forces Remembrance Day 2022, posted on 15/1/2022), can be clearly seen. Refer also to the photo in this post to see the evidence of the V, on Aso Rock, left there by the government, Aso Rock, and builders of the Villa. I have done the same introduction at the Armed Forces complex, which is the base of the headquarters of the Armed Forces, comprising, the Defence Headquarters, Army Headquarters, Navy Headquarters, and Airforce Headquarters. The Nigerian Army in its wisdom, interviewed and interrogated me, on the said issue before accepting my letter, containing the said national secret. I did the same at Louis Edet house, which is the base of the Headquarters of the Nigerian police force.

Our distinguish Military Service Chiefs, Generals, officers, and other ranks, of the Armed Forces, can you tell me, Nigerians, and the whole world, why the August Visitor, residing in your country, and by virtue of his presence is head of all the Armed Forces, should be working and other individuals, will be collecting the rewards for keeps, and never remit to me? Why should I be messed with by persons not even fit to be my servants, why should I be homeless, why should I plot the success of a political party, and I can't have audience with the President? why should I look for job, and contracts, and enemies, will cause these to be denied me? why should I be trekking, and you all behave as if it's okay? Why should my enemies live and prosper? Why should I suffer for wrong reasons, and envy?  Looking as if the intelligence, and spy units don't exist, or can't detect the deceit of the enemies, gold diggers, fraudsters, envious family members, friends, school mates, politicians, government officials, etc. It's time to correct these lapses and mistakes of yours, because you bring disgrace on yourselves, and your military profession.

Let it be accepted that it wasn't a widely known fact, and those who knew about it, have only be using it for their selfish interests, while bringing disgrace on me, and your profession. From today henceforth, start killing everyone who plots to harm me, or tries to prevent me from getting the financial rewards for all my successful toils, as carried out by me, whether the secret or public ones. Be they the so called father, his children, his brothers, his sisters, late mother, her brothers, sister, friends, school mates, politicians, government officials, those from my Nigerian community of origin, even the bad elements in the military, who are they to me? Who are they in this world to mess with me? Why does my quests and struggles for success, arouse so much envy, gold digging, etc? Can any of our distinguish Military Service Chiefs, or Inspector General of police be allowed to walk on the streets? Or allowed not to have a living quarters? Or security guards? Well I know security is provided for me, but how do the security details feel seeing the condition of life, and sometimes moving in vehicles, when their Chief is walking on foot? Are those behind it normal? Are my Nigerian family members normal? Those who have been operating this wicked secret system of an unknown Head of all, who is assumed not to need his wealth, and it is held back by those who are suppose to remit them to me, and those considered to be investing for me, are you all normal? How can one man own wealth, and another is holding for him? And even when the real owner is dying, and languishing, because of lack of basic things he needs in life, they still behave as if all is well. All will never be well, with you all. You all are thieves, not fit to be helped or entrusted with anything belonging to another. E.g., I am languishing, a certain business man, has become the richest man in Africa, and wants to be the richest in the world, I am languishing, all those we carried out successful elections, have not done anything, instead they hold on to it, or remit to some presidents, business men, or some cockroaches who call themselves family, when in truth they are nothing but wicked and envious enemies, and gold diggers, and are busy fighting to keep it for themselves, or even kill me. Cursed be their lives, their wives, husbands, children. You all are a threat to the world. I think it's time the whole world turns these threats on them, and their families, all over the world. E.g., the only reason I am not married today, is finance, because since 2006, I have lacked so many basic things, and I don't want to be a poor husband and father.

since 2006, when I wanted to make a career switch from banking to geology, through the oil, and oil servicing companies, life has been a rough ride, unknown to me,it was the work of these enemies, they don't ever want to see me rise again. Can anyone tell me why, John Davison Rockefeller Snr, (now Ojeje William Okoi) should be refused employment in oil companies, which he was the dounder? And the government he is the owner and Head? This is one reason, I don't care about a certain political party which was in power during those days. It got to a point, I swore never to seek employment, but to create my own company or business, to create employment for others. Yet the enemies are still fighting against it. World leaders, start thinking revenge immediately. Because when I die, I keep on living. Those who know, know.

I plot successfully and not get rewards for it? Can you tell me why? Together with the national chairmen, I also perform the secret duty of national chairman of INEC, determining the outcomes of elections with the national chairmen, and yet no one, has shown any appreciation? In INEC, I am the only person who counts, the President, and politicians, are secondary to me. 

Former Military Heads of State of Nigeria, and Presidents, do you know why I have never asked anyone of you for money? despite the fact that you are always part of my plots in Nigeria? The answer is simple, you know the government systems better than I do, you are suppose to make the way and provisions for me, after the successes. Hence, if you can't give me what is mine, you can't give me yours. I might not be wrong that some of you are in possession of some stuffs belonging to me. I introduce myself as the King of England in the house of one former Military Head of State, and as the Hand of God, in the house of another Military Head of State, Head of government, unknown C In C,, etc. Is it proper for the King of England, the Hand of God, and their head of government to be walking the streets, poor, without a decent accommodation? To be responsible for the political victories of so many in the country, across party lines, and yet no single appreciation, contract, slot for my own political appointees? And my Head's of State, and Presidents, look the other way, without telling them that I am, the source of political victories, for them to render the needful. Or have my dear Heads of State, and Presidents, been made to believe I came down to Nigeria, to be poor? Dr. Ebele Goodluck Jonathan, you are a useless fool. Niger deltans, khow it today, that he was President because of me, but he became what Saul was to David, that was why I got him out. President Muhammadu Buhari, are you a human being? Do you and Osinbajo, know what happened from 2011 to 2015? I have come to the conclusion, that you both are not high enough on the ladder, to know much about me. Be that as it may, your work ends in 2023, and mine continues. Do not interfere in my 2023 national responsibilities, because my 2015 got you the presidency. Work with me to hand over to a Southern Christian President, of APC, from South East, let's use power to help the weak.

It's high time you all start correcting your mistakes, and do the needful, and wipe out the disgrace, which also presents you all as wicked subordinates. 


C. I. O. W. (Commander. In Chief. Of. the World) 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
