Julius Caesar

The Image of Julius Caesar, the 84th Emperor/Ruler of the Roman empire.

He was born about 100 years before Christ (BC), and died about 44 years before Christ (BC). He was stabbed to death by his fellow Romans, in the Roman senate. 

Let us remember that Jesus Christ was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler of Jerusalem/Israel, at the request of the Jews. He was crucified, and his side pierced.

The first church in the world is the Roman Catholic Church, whose first Pope was Saint Peter, the disciple of Jesus Christ. He was also crucified like Christ his master, by the Romans, in Rome. 

I was Julius Caesar, the 84th Emperor/Ruler of the Roman Empire.

These are some of the histories, and backgrounds of my rarely understood Authorities. They have existed for thousands of years.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
