My life: No blood money or money ritual. No membership of secret societies, or cults.

Since I was born in 1976, I have never done anything, or act, pertaining to blood money, or any money ritual. I have neither done it individually, nor collectively with a group of persons, etc.

I will never do it. I have nations, and governments, the nations and governments, have Central Banks, treasuries, etc. I render services to my nations, and governments. Therefore; I deserve my payments, and appreciations, and not blood money, or any money ritual. My present state, is a disgrace on my nations, governments, and our citizens, by those who are supposed to handle such matters. It is regrettable, and unfortunate.

Whoever brings disgrace, on his/her nations Founder and (_ _ _), is indeed a disgrace himself, or herself. I have been very very patient. It's time for the past and present beneficiaries, to pay tribute due to its Founder, (_ _ _), and symbol of their nations. How can I, the August Visitor, who has trillions all over the world, be involved in blood money, or money rituals? even in Nigeria,after enemies ruined my careers, other academic pursuits, and caused delayed marriage.

I need my billions, and trillions, to enjoy the fruits of my works, with my wife to be, children, loved ones, scholarships, those in need, and other  charitable causes. I don't need envy.

Whoever linked me to past, or future, blood money, or rituals, is a liar, and deserve to be dealt with severely, or killed. Any such story is a fraud by enemies.

Since I was born in 1976, I have never joined any secret society, or secret cult. And I will never join any, anywhere in the world that I might find myself in the future.

What do I need them for? They can't provide my spiritual powers, because they don't have it, they can't understand my unchangeable physical body, and neither can they understand the mystery of the slumbe, they are employees in my governments, and my nations, there is no one who has my type of unchangeable physical body, I have trillions around the world, my governments and nations, have nuclear, and other kinds of bombs, fighter jets, armoured tanks, war ships, sophisticated guns, chemical and biological weapons, etc, spiritual powers at their disposals for the running of my nations, and governments, etc.

Based on the above, let no one cause any problems for me, himself, herself, families, and their cults, and societies, because of membership.
For all existing rules, I am the exemption. Nobody can't be what I am, no matter the number of such organizations they belong to.

Those whose members, and societies, and cults, are found to misbehave, should be down graded to the level of slaves, and servants, and dealt with. And those who don't cause any problems for me, should be left alone, and advised to stop violence, and other anti social, and anti academic activities.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
