Part 2. Never enquire elsewhere, enquire from me. part 2

The mystery of my slumber/rest, cannot be completely understood by anyone. No one in this world understands how it feels to be the only unchangeable physical being in the world. Heaven only knows.

The best way to know anything about anyone, is to enquire from the person concerned. No one knows the thoughts of another. Therefore, never enquire elsewhere, enquire from me.
Wonders done by God, Heaven, my ancient descendants, my G8 nations, Armed Forces, etc, are what some useless idiots, try to ascribe to themselves, exploting the prevailing ignorance in Nigeria, and abroad, and trying to reap what I sowed, laboured, and created, centuries ago.
These writings are meant to reduce the deceits, frauds, unnecessary burdens placed on so many in the political arena, because of ignorance, and to protect my own REPUTATION. Politicians when I write you a letter, discuss with me, don't go discussing with anyone else, because they don't know nothing about the real me, and what it means to be the August Visitor, and unofficial Commander In Chief. Nigerians, the government leaders are mostly drawn up from these individuals I have known, from childhood. North, South, East, West, all mostly from these categories, that's why I write, to change their wrong thinking, beliefs, and perceptions,and give wisdom, and knowledge, in other to make the nation, and government better. Or I get rid of them.

Don't enquire from disowned father, late mother, or their parents, because I existed before them all, and what I do, doesn't belong to them. They don't understand the mystery of the slumber. You will be misled, just like so many out there, who have done certain wrong things in the past, because of the wrong informations they got, and wrong beliefs they created thereafter. Some deserve death today, some will be ashamed forever, once they know the truth. Most fraudulent plans that worked, the deceivers first deceived these ones. Including their own brothers and sisters, e.g, Juliana's siblings. Moreover, I have unchangeable physical being, while they have, changeable spiritual existence. A word is enough for the wise 

Never enquire from brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc, because herein lies the biggest envy, foolishness, problems of illiteracy, inferiority complex, wickedness, etc. Most in this category, are like gravity to my life. From childhood, I have always been the trail blazer, the one making the right decisions in life, the first graduates from both paternal, and maternal families, etc. I could have been killed for this, and attending very good schools with children of President, Military Generals, governors, federal ministers, billionaires, was another sin I committed,  which also had its own problems, and envy, unbelievable!!! They believed they have ruined me completely in life, infact, some of them have been celebrating that they have successfully, and secretly turned me into a poor man. They can't believe what's still happening, because they don't know who I am. Rose Opara, cursed be your life, your husband, and your children. Austin junior, rose's only son, whatever you do in life before 50, will be destroyed, and killed, if I don't change my mind. All those idiots, who have been interfering in the family affairs of bassey Okoi, and Juliana, supporting their evil plans, cursed be your own families, and children. E.g, all the evils of the mad man, homosexual, blood money ritualist, armed robber, gold digger, imbecile fraudster, etc., osu charles erijo, the lies and deceit of eiye, and black axe, secret cults, homosexuality, in, u, even blood money, which I hate, all have their roots within these categories, before spreading out to the world. Joe, you should be ashamed of yourself for this. A semi mad man, natural born gold digger, imbecile, a Port Harcourt disgrace, and my greatest enemy and most envious person of my fame in the city of Port Harcourt, who came to Lagos, to escape hunger, is the one you, and others call my friend, and have been introducing to my family, relatives, and friends, as my friend, without my knowledge, and he is controlling them today. What a bunch of circus animals, who have never achieved greatness in life, hence can't understand greatness, wisdom, and power of education. rose should have lived her whole life in a forest, instead of being a menace, and queen of envy, just like her friend osu charles erijo. 
I have been unemployed, and controlling the outcome of elections, and some parts of government and politics (even though I am not a politician) for over a decade now, without getting involved in blood money, or rituals.

Don't enquire from school mates, whether from Lagos, Sokoto, Port Harcourt (FGC PH 95 se, the worst of them all), they are mostly a bunch of senseless idiots, who are used to cover up some persons. Only when they are appointed to occupy some of my offices in my governments, are they useful in rendering service to me, because of my authority. Some have become so deceitful, and proud over nothing. And gold digging, set homosexuality, fraud (419), lies, etc, have pissed me off. They are nothing to me. E.g, a certain Mohammed Etsu, who is from Niger state, who was a former senior special assistant to a former speaker, of the federal house of representatives, and the speaker is currently a governor, is such a rat, who feels he is something, and deceives the fools out there, who don't know what real power is in Nigeria. To start with, offices of speaker of the federal house of representatives, and governor, are beneath me, and my status. I can't even contest to be speaker, or governor. People like them, are the ones who use my government to cover up their nefarious means of living. Also, whenever I travel to Niger state, I go to the houses and office, of the two former Military Heads of State of Nigeria, Rtd, General Ibrahim Babangida, and Rtd, General Abdulsalam Abubakar, for issues of national importance to me, which I want them to be part of the execution. And I go there as their boss that I am, and not as a citizen, or politician. And I don't go there to beg for money. What I go for, always creates opportunity for all to benefit after successful completion. I don't go to individuals like Mohammed Etsu, his local government chairmen. If you further misbehave, I will ruin your political career, or have you killed in this country. Nigerians, don't, enquire from them, they are just useless without me, and my offices. I heard Mohammed Etsu, was deceiving the fools in the political arena, that he was the one responsible for the victory of APC, in 2015. May lightning strike you, and those political fools dead. Did APC come from Nigeria? Are you my ancient descendant, or one of my governments?  Some of the worst human beings in this world, are in this group, ebibio spiff, kenebi okoko, Kelvin erijo, poor, and hungry man, called osu charles erijo and cursed ann horsfal, his former girlfriend, ably supported by the likes of, Mohammed Etsu, Ikechukwu Odu, Nero Scott, etc, and recently persons like Sly Ogolodom, and a few others, from my university line, who it seems has joined their fraudulent life, called 419, which they use to cover up their blood money, and money rituals. All close friends, who  betrayed life, and friendship, for gold digging from my contacts, for envy, and shameful way of life. Their estimate of money, which makes them do all the disgusting things, is nothing to me. Those they call men of timber and calibre, are nothing to me. And knowing me was a privilege, most of them in this group didn't deserve. Shafatu, you will confess what business and right, you have meddling in my life, when I don't even know yours. Mad animal, osu charles erijo, you are a dead man, wherever you are. Mad animal, mad thinker, disgusting homosexual. Cursed be the remaining days of your life.

Don't enquire from my village, or so called elders. Because even before the village was formed, I have been controlling this world. And no one from both paternal, and maternal villages, have any right whatsoever to interfere in the activities of my governments, and nations, which I created even before I was born in Nigeria. Lebolkom, Aduma, Mkpani, and Umuezeala Owerre, have no right,  power, or authority, in my government. Because, neither the villages, nor the indigenes, created, and acquired the land called Nigeria with me. My ancient families, and foreign governments did. Anyone who tries the foolishness, and madness, of contending with me, because they stupidly feel they are from the same village with me, or they are elders, will tell me if the village, and their fathers, own my government, and if they have any right in what belongs to me. For sure, I will do what needs to be done for both communities, at the right time. This is a warning to paternal, and maternal families, mind only what belongs to your fathers, and yourselves. Also, I am not forgetting politicians, like Jones Eteng Williams. I will always support any ambition you have, especially if it is not in contrast with mine, because you are like a brother to me, despite some unpleasantness. However, don't ever take me for granted, because you can't be me, neither because of bassey Okoi, and idiots such as rose Opara, etc, it will surely ruin you, and your family. Because it's my government, authority, and parties, and not theirs. The powers, and authority, belongs to me, my future wife, and our kids, my ancient families, and governments, and not to Nigerian relatives, or villages.

Arakan barracks, and the foolish apapa friends who received the mad thinking, and foolish cockroach, and gold digger, osu charles erijo,  in lagos, without my knowledge, and without confirming from me, all the stories he told you all, it's just a display of your foolishness, and intentions to ruin me. Hence, bye bye folks. God be with you, until we meet again. I heard that back in the days, a young boy in the barracks, held the opinion, that osu charles erijo, must be a poor, and hungry man in Port Harcourt, that's why he was in Lagos doing all the nonsenses he was doing, which I neither did, not knew about. Manpelewa, like we use to call you, you were very correct, may God bless you, and your family, for your wisdom. If they had listened to your wise counsel, it would have been a different story today. Wisdom isn't determined by age. However, I still keep in touch with a very few barrack boys, I found/find responsibl, like Jackson, Patrick,  who proved very responsible. Most of the past haters, now that you all are grown up, and probably matured, are you proud of the lives you lived back then in the barracks? Can you allow your own children to live such reckless, and irresponsible lives? I hope you can see why some of your parents wished you were like me. All what the bad ones among you have been doing behind me, has never bothered me, because it's the evidence of your envy, foolishness, evil intentions, and probably anger, for failed opportunity, for gold digging on the new contacts I had. I didn't use any of them myself, so what's your anger?

There are so many more to add, however, I have to end it here.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
