Communication can be defined as the transfer, impartation, and transmission, of information, data, knowledge, from one person to another, or between entities.

To communicate with me the August Visitor, and the only being with an unchangeable physical human body. Honestly, I don't want to have anything doing with those who don't know that I am different from everyone else in this world. This life I am living today, is the original/pristine life, the way it was in the beginning, before human forms changed, and humans started inventing secret ways of communicating, e.g free masons. Therefore, everyone should use only verbal, and written, means only. Don't use any secret means, and expect me to understand.

The perfect example are the classrooms, and lecture halls, impartation, transfer, and transmission of knowledge from the teachers, and lecturers, to students. I have passed through primary, and secondary schools, and the university, and I perfectly understood the communication during classes, and the knowledge passed across. The examinations, and classroom tests, are proof of my understanding.

Anything outside these, are like the bleating of a goat, barking of a dog, chirping of a bird, mewing of a cat, etc, I simply don't understand them, because I am not an animal.

I am writing this particular post because of the future, my past life here in Nigeria, is almost gone forever.

I have come to realize that most of the problems I have had with those I have known, and grown up with, are communication related. Someone using one secret method of communication with me, which they have been used to their whole lives, and have used such with everyone else they have met on the planet, and they were clearly understood as the norm, without realising that I am different from every one else on the planet. I sincerely hope this will be eradicated, or drastically reduced.

I don't need to be friends with anyone who doesn't know that I am different. Mr. 1, in 8 billion. This is one reason I hardly make friends these days.

Talking to me is totally unacceptable, because I can't talk to anyone when they are sleeping, (It started in 2006, before then it never happened). Talking to me the way free masons, or other secret societies do, is totally unacceptable, because I am not a member, and I don't understand them, in this life of slumber. And most importantly, I existed before them all.

For some, it's like asking a dog, cat, goat, etc, to speak with us humans, these class of people, I pray I don't meet them, and if I do, then goodbye will surely be waiting by the corner.

There's also a criminal part to this problem. I go somewhere new, or anywhere, and the criminals, and enemies, come around and start using the secret languages, body language, etc, to communicate with me which I don't understand, but everyone else around understands, and because everyone else don't know that I am different, everyone else feels, I understand the criminals, enemies, thieves, fraudsters, or just some ignorant and innocent folks. Beware! Do not be deceived! E.g, I heard that in mason, that they can say anything without using words, if they choose to. E.g, they can cry in mason, laugh in mason, shout in mason, they can say take your money/money in mason, beg in mason, lie down in mason, run in mason, sit in mason, stand in mason, slap in mason, send out in mason, marry in mason, say I love you in mason, eat in mason, etc, with just facial expressions, body languages, etc, these should never be used with me, because I don't understand, this is a life of slumber/rest, it's the purest, and original form of human life, like it was in the beginning, before alterations came along. 

My advise here is; before anyone uses any communication with a stranger, they should first find out if the person understands it. It should be a universal accord. To avoid unnecessary problems.

The above, are the reasons behind what I often refer to as animalism. And the plethora of problems, I have had with some of the fools, imbeciles, gold diggers, thieves, illiterates, I have known here in Nigeria. E.g, we begged him to take us to Sokoto, and he refused, we were even lying down to beg him, and he still refused, we got married, he gave me his star/destiny, I told him this and that, etc, which to me, were, and still are blatant lies. Where and when did they say it? did I understand them? what was my reply? Surely, they did all the above in mason, or other secret communication methods, which I didn't, and don't understand. I believe they use it, for shameful, criminal, gold digging, stealing, fraudulent, disgusting acts. Because we also had other normal communications, using normal verbal, and oral methods.

The past is almost gone forever, the future should be aware of this. Even though the future will be very light, and compact. Some things done in the past must be reversed, repealled, totally recalled, cancelled, condemned, revoked, annulled, etc,  because they were done using this communication methods, which I didn't understand, and such conclusions, and decisions, were reached, and taken, based on errors, and wrong judgements. These includes, my late, and disowned parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, in-laws, cousins, nephews, nieces, school mates, childhood friends, former colleagues, government/political contacts, and everyone I have ever known, and met  This is very important, before my announcement. Thereafter, punishments, and deaths shouldn't be spared on anyone who intentionally plans evils against me, tries to steal, defraud, ruin my nations, governments, life, etc. Death awaits some of those people. I will love to kill some myself, some must be killed, to avert a 3rd world war.

If anyone tells you that he, or she, told me something, ask them in what language, and communication method did they use? Did I understand them? And what was my response? With these questions, any wise one should know, I didn't understand, and the message most likely misleading.

I have had problems with people wanting something, or a favour from me, e.g, gold diggers, parasites, some self seeking politicians, etc, and talking to me during sleep, and then just move ahead to take, or fight for it. When I neither responded, nor had concrete evidence, that the face of the person talking, was really the person in question. These problems, have persisted for years, and the problems, have had far reaching negative consequences, which only God saves me from. For this reason, I have to cut off from my past. Because it feels like one who has lived all his life with pets, we hardly fully understand eachother, but we get through life with all the related communication problems. It also feels like living with fools, imbeciles.

I pray that, the remaining part of my life, will be free from these problems. Amen!

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
