I am awake, and no one knew about it. Neither those who have been waiting for it, nor those who have been praying against it, so that they can steal, and fool the nation. No wonder it was written, no one will know the day, and time.

The word awake, is used here in the context of one super wealthy, and super powerful, being in a slumber, or coma, not being aware of anything around him, and who he is, even though everything belongs to him, and everything happens because of him.

He was in this unconscious state for years. However, he started getting out of his coma, and eventually gained consciousness, and knowledge of his being, his powers, his wealth, his abilities, his purpose, etc.
The posts titled, the History of Nigeria which is not taught in schools. 1 and 2,  are the perfect evidences that I am Awake. Because no one taught, or showed me, any of those things in the publications, and posts. My Awakening process, led me to them all. A first class PhD research thesis.

I am awake. It's time to connect to my Nigerian wealth, and power. And to proceed for the purposes of being here in the first place. From this day henceforth, cursed be the President of Nigeria, the past ones, and all those who are holding monies belonging to me, if they don't give me my power, and monies, to live the quality of life I deserve, want, and have walked for. Everyday I suffer, lack of decent accommodation, luxurious life, medical attention, money to do whatever I want to do, while you all hold my trillions of naira, cursed be your lives, and may mysterious deaths, hit your households, in Nigeria, and every where else in this world. I want to be out of my present accomodation immediately. The Nigerian Armed Forces, you will be a disgrace if you don't transfer my money, and power to me now that, I your Commander In Chief, is AWAKE. Kill all who are yet to carry out my order concerning Nigeria on this blog,, and my Facebook.

My Aso Rock Presidential Villa, Presidency, the executive arm of my government, of the federal republic of Nigeria, I Am AWAKE. I am the owner of the Aso Rock Presidential Villa, which can be seen from the name of the Villa, Aso Rock Presidential Villa, and 'V' sign on top of the rock (Aso) after which it is named. I am also the owner, of the over nine hundred thousand square kilometres of land called Nigeria, is AWAKE. On my right Arm/shoulder, I bear the Seal of the Virginian, represented by the 'V' on top of Aso Rock, and the 'V' on the top part of the Nigerian Coat of Arms, the map of Abuja, the federal capital territory, etc. I was the Virginian Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of America, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr. 'V' sign represents, 'Virginian' oVal office, V=5=Pentagon, etc, and I am them all. 

My Nigerian Armed Forces; namely, Nigerian Army, Nigerian Navy, and Nigerian AirForce, all serving, and retired, Service Chiefs, Generals, Admirals, Commodores, Air Marshalls, officers and other ranks, I your Commander In Chief is Awake. The ONE of which it is said, 'Victory is from God alone' for the Army, 'Onward Together' for the Navy, ' Willing Able Ready' for the AirForce, is AWAKE. On my top right Arm/top shoulder, I bear the seal of several nations, and that which shows, 'Victory is from God alone' and the others. 
I am your five star General/Field Marshal.

The Nigerian Police, the DSS, Nscdc, and other security agencies, I am AWAKE.

The Legislative, I am AWAKE. The national assembly of Nigeria, is located in the area called 3 arms zone, in the federal capital Territory. On my top right arm/shoulder, I bear the Royal Seal of England, the 3 Lions of England, (the Royal Arms of Plantagenet).

The Judiciary I am AWAKE. I am the one of whom section 232, of the 1999 Nigerian constitution refers to. To other Nigerians, it talks about the original jurisdiction of the Supreme court, which is the highest court in the country. Moreover, the entire 1999 constitution is a secret record of my life until the time it was published.

The political parties, I am AWAKE. I don't know if you know what it means. Let me put it simply, only parties created for me, and whom I am their head, can have a President in my Presidential Villa, to govern my country Nigeria.

The Religious leaders, I am AWAKE. Those who don't know me are fake! From now onwards, let your actions, and words always be, Let thy will be done. (I.e, my will).
Traditional rulers, I am AWAKE. The over nine hundred thousand square kilometres of land called Nigeria, belongs to me, and I am it's Commander In Chief, though in an unofficial capacity. Therefore, you all should be loyal to me. Keep your traditional authorities, to yourselves when you see me, or in matters concerning me. I am higher.

All ambassadors in Nigeria, the United Nations, and other global organizations in Nigeria I am AWAKE. Know this, I am the world's number one citizen.

I don't hate Nigerians. The remarks in the post refers only to those I have known my whole life here in Nigeria.

From today, I don't have family, and friends in Nigeria. Everyone I have ever known in Nigeria, are gone with the past. I can't call such people family, and friends. They are only interested in tussling for my power, and the wealth, without caring about me, gold digging, fraud, foolishness, imbecillicity, criminality, parasiting, stealing, destroying me, myopic thinking, primitive thinking, illiteracy, madness, envy, betrayal of trust, how to seek exaltation for their foolishness, over those who have worked hard, and deserve it, how  mediocrity wants to be exalted over true worth, how to destroy anyone trying to become someone. Therefore, they can't be part of the future which is far more important. With the exception of a very few.

I have never been a member of any Secret society, or confraternity, since I was born in Nigeria. And I have never been controlled, or led by my peers. Who ever wants to control, or mess with me now, must first have his head cut off from his body.

No Nigerian family again (late mother, disowned father, brother, sisters, grand parents, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc, I can't tolerate their foolishness, envy, wickedness, gold digging, primitiveness, idolatry, betrayal of family for financial gains, lack of love for each other satanism, voodoo, etc) no Nigerian relatives, no Nigerian friends, no Nigerian school mates, no Nigerian villages, no Nigerian elders, no Nigerian equals, no Nigerian love.

Kill anyone who tries to intervene with my life, with intent to negate, subvert, or change, whatever I have ordered in Nigeria, based on the above parameters.

Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all! 
Who is my family? Who is my friend? Who is my school mate? Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all! 
They have all caused me so much pain in Nigeria. Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!

I am AWAKE, I am no longer the old man they use to know. And the past life, and poverty must be kept away from me. Open the flood gates of my clean Nigerian money to me. After all, everyone deserves to enjoy the best fruits from his fields, and nation.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
