I AM AWAKE! The whole world. part 1.

I am awake, and no one knew about it. Neither  those who have been waiting for it, nor those who have been praying against it, so they can steal, and deceive the world. No wonder it was written, no one will know the day and time.

The word awake, is used here in the context of one super wealthy, and super powerful, being in a slumber, or coma, not being aware of anything around him, who he is, and what he has, even though almost everything belongs to him, and everything happens because of him. He was in this unconscious state for years. However, he started getting out of his coma, and eventually gained consciousness, and knowledge of his being, his powers, his wealth, his abilities, his purpose, etc. To the glory of God Almighty. 

The posts, and blog publications titled, He's got the whole world in His Arms, 1, and 2, and my roles in the making of American Presidents, (which some fools want to use for fraud. details in part 2) are the perfect evidences, that I am Awake. I wasn't born with the memory which is slumber, and no one taught me, or showed me any of those things in both posts. My reawakening process, and search for knowledge, made it all happen. A PhD research thesis.

My (G8 nations) J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A. 

Emperor Emeritus, Emperor of Japan, and the Armed Forces of Japan, my other descendants of  Emperor Jimmu 1, Prime Minister, and all Japanese, Your founder, and first Emperor Jimmu 1, is Awake!

President, Prime Minister, Armed Forces of China, my descendants of Emperor Zheng Ying, and all Chinese citizens, I your founder, and first Emperor, Zheng Ying, is Awake!

The president of Italy, Vatican, Prime Minister of Italy, my descendants of Julius Caesar, all Italians, I Julius Caesar, the 84th ruler of the Roman empire is Awake!

President of France, Prime Minister, Armed Forces of France, my descendants of King Clovis 1, and all citizens of France, I your Founder, and first King, King Clovis 1, is Awake!

My Descendants of King Offa 1, Prime Minister of England, British Armed Forces, and all British citizens, I your founder, and first King, King Offa 1, is Awake! Note, no king yet in England, charles of Wales, is rejected by me, away with him.

The president of Russia, Prime Minister, Armed Forces of Russia, my descendants of Prince Riruk 1, of Novgorod, and first Czar/Tsar of Russia, and all Russians, I your founder, and first Czar/Tsar, is Awake!

President of Germany, Chancellor, Armed Forces of Germany, my descendants of Otto 1 the great, the Holy Roman Emperor, and all Germans, I am Awake!

The president of America, the Vice President, Armed Forces, my descendants of Thomas Jefferson, my descendants of John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and all Americans, I Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the American declaration of independence, and primary reason for the American independence, the 3rd President of America, and the 1st to rule his whole 8 years tenure in the White House, and the Pentagon, and CIA Headquarters are located in Virginia, his state of origin, and who later came again as John Davison Rockefeller Snr, the first American billionaire, is Awake!

The United Nations, the man whose family purchased, and donated the land in New York, on which your Headquarters/secretariat was built on is Awake!

State of Israel, I am Awake!

The other breakaway nations from the USSR, I prince Riruk 1, of Novgorod, and first Czar/Tsar, of Russia, is Awake! Russia, and Ukraine, what's going on?

European Union, I the founder, of most of your most prosperous nations is Awake!

Asian nations, I am Awake! 

African Union, remember that apart from Ethiopia, who is probably the only country in Africa not to have been colonized, the Egypt was the first to get independence in 1922, and South Africa, in 1934, all the others got independence after the 2nd world war.  I am Awake!

South America, and their Armed Forces, I am Awake!
Australia, and the rest, I am Awake!

The first thing I want you all to know, is that you all should cut off completely from everything that's part of my Nigerian life since 1976. Such as Family, friends, school mates, relatives, government officials, religious, and traditional rulers, infact everything that I have ever come in contact with since I was born. Over 99 percent of them aren't fit to be called my family, and friends. And I don't want them crossing over with me to the other side, because there foolishness, and short sightedness, envy, love for fraud, love to steal, love for other people's money, betrayal, etc, will give birth to evil agendas, which if left unchecked, they will spread oversees, lying I asked them to do it, or that they family, friends, school mates, etc.

Kill them all, if they ever try messing with my foreign nations, wealth, power, authority, etc, because of their relationship with me in Nigeria. Nigeria where I have been with them for some time now, there has been no wisdom, trust worthiness, love, knowledge, love for responsible living. Rather they love, envy, fraud, gold digging, wickedness, criminality, betrayal, madness, mad thinking, satanism, demonism, and most can sell themselves for any evil, therefore they have no place in my future. Some fools here are trying to deceitfully spread Islam in my foreign nations, just because they know me here, or were school mates. I will make sure they regret the day they were born, for their lies, because even their religion condemns lies. And cursed be anyone oversees, who welcomes anyone, or anything from Nigeria, that knows me, or is connected to anything concerning me in Nigeria. I feel like someone who has lived with enemy pets for 46 years, without any understanding.

Kill them all if they ever come around me, saying they are family, friends, school mates, relatives, political contacts, neighbors, childhood friends, elders, because they're responsible for most of the hardships I have faced despite my brilliance, hardwork, and ingenuity.

Wisdom, God, Heaven, and some of you my foreign descendants, governments, organizations, gave me a life beyond their wildest imaginations. Those for statue of liberty, stop right now! You don't understand me, and you can never understand me. I am different from you all, if you can't know or understand my  reasons, then you can't be a good judge, and can't know everything.

Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!
I alone knows the very very very very few who I consider useful.

Start getting ready, Royal, Presidential, Prime Ministerial, Chancellor, Military, and private jets, for me your father, and founder. Use your descretions. I need to move now. After all, every one deserves to enjoy the best fruits from his fields, and nations. Open the flood gates of my global clean money to me 

C.I.O.W. (Commander. InChief. Of. World)
Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William 
