I am Awake the whole world  Part 2.

I, Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William, of Nigeria, and  (C.I.O.W) Commander In Chief, Of, World), and the August Viisitor, greet you all my descendants, Presidents, Emperors, Prime ministers, Chancellor, Armed Forces, and their Service Chiefs, and citizens, of Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America, (J.C.I.F.E.R.G,A), Israel, the United Nations, European Union, the nations of the defunct USSR, the African Union, South America, Asia, Australia, middle East, etc, peace, and prosperity, to you all. All the above mentioned nations, the Leaders, Armed Forces, my past descendants, and citizens, due to the situation of my slumber/rest, and my deplorable financial conditions, it's your duty to make me very very wealthy. I make this requests, as Emperor Jimmu 1, of Japan, Emperor Zheng Ying of China, Emperor Julius Caesar of Rome/Italy, King Clovis 1 of France, King Offa 1 of England, Czar/Tsar Riruk 1 of Russia, Emperor Otto the great of Germany, President Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr, of the United States of America.

My enemies are your enemies, some want to see me poor, let's disgrace them. I have intentionally avoided some of the evil, and shameful things some of the enemies want me to do with them, just to keep my clean records, for the honour of our nations, descendants, and citizens. I knew that I was going to be known someday, The enemies frustrated employment, and some other legitimate ventures, I wanted to get into, because they didn't know who I was, and wanted me to do the things they do, become a member of the societies they belong to, bow to their Nigerian idols, etc, I ignored them all. While controlling the highest level of government, without their knowledge, and to the envy of those who knew. I am proud I came out clean, and all their evil spiritual powers, could not kill me.

It's very bad for one to sow, and for others to try reaping. Especially, when enemies, and other unfriendly friends, unloving family members, school mates, even community of origin, and it's elders, and those who don't care about us, want to be the ones to reap what we sowed, and take control, and steal what has been ours for centuries, and thousands of years.

The funny part of this is that, some goats, and other lesser animals, from Nigeria, are the ones taking, and attempting to steal. Which is like goats, trying to steal from a sleeping lion, and praying it doesn't wake up. It can also be likened to some other ranks/junior ranks, in the Armed Forces, trying to steal from their Generals, Admirals, Air Marshalls, etc, believing for some reasons that they won't be caught. And also counting on the friendly disposition of their superiors towards them, and probably family ties, school ties, communal ties, etc. But once caught stealing a man's heritage, and what should rightly belong to him, his descendants, nations, Armed Forces, and citizens, the thieves, and fraudsters must be dealt with. And whatever friendly dispositions, and ties that may have existed, would be severed. No matter how one may look at it, this practice is wrong. Never covet what is not yours. E.g, if I remember that l have my ancient families oversees, Armed Forces, and citizens, who laboured with me, in developing the nations, governments, organizations, etc, E.g, J.C.F.E.R.G.A., United Nations, etc, and here I am today in Nigeria, centuries, and thousands of years later, and some of the idiots here in Nigeria, want to use the privilege of knowing me here in Nigeria, to infiltrate, defraud, steal, etc, from my nations, governments, organizations, etc, to the detriment of my past families, Armed Forces, and citizens. This makes me feel terribly bad. And I feel like wiping off the face of the earth, the foolish thieves, enemies, gold diggers.

The above mindset, is predominant among those who know me, and my global estate here in Nigeria.

In part one, I stated that, you all must completely cut off from everything connected to me here in Nigeria, such as parents, grand parents, family, relatives, all kinds of friends, school mates, village communities, and their so called elders, and Chiefs, political contacts, neighbors, former colleagues, contract employers, my contract employees, etc. Nothing from them in Nigeria, should cross over to our foreign nations. They are useless thieves, enemies, bunch of illiterate family, envious and wicked folks, and mad fools. Pay no heed to anyone of them. At this point, I have almost come to the end of my purpose in Nigeria.

I have seen the works done my emissaries, and the evidences that I am the owner of the country, the government, the head of everything in the government, e.g, the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Military, Police, political parties, etc, and the little works they have been able to do, and the problems bedeviling the masses, nation, and by extension the African continent. Now I can move on, with this message to world, and African leaders; and citizens; develop Nigeria, and Africa. Since most of you are also Nigerians, and Africans, I want to see you all living a comfortable, and prosperous life, like in other parts of the world. I hate to see great leaders, and citizens, of the developed world living in the deplorable conditions which some are subjected to here in Nigeria, like I have seen. Get rid, of the racial touch in your ways of handling governments, developmental, and societal, affairs. I am the father of the White race, and now I am an African, those who know, should know there must be reasons, and I implore you to make Nigeria, and Africa comfortable for yourselves, and for all mankind. Education, should be number one tonic, because it's the brain that matters most, in the developmental processes.

My foreign descendants, Armed Forces, nations, and citizens, do only what I your father, and founder wants, orders, desires, etc, or what you feel is in the best interest of our nations, and citizens. I forbid you all from refering to anyone with me in Nigeria, who are just like animals to me, and who can neither understand the history of our nations, my way of reasoning, purpose, and we have serious communication problems, because unlike our ancestors of J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A, etc, who have seen, and lived with me in the past, they have never seen someone, and life, like mine before. That is what the motto of the Seal of the President of the United States of America, refers to as, E pluribus unum, (Among many one). During the 1776 wars, and struggles for American independence, it was E pluribus unum, and in J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A, it was also E pluribus unum. No Nigerian understands the original life I live today, as it was in the beginning. Since I realized this, I try to over look so many things, the way those who have pets like dogs, cats, etc, do, and I try to keep to myself as much as possible, because they don't know it's a higher realm of life, and to avoid the problems of communication, which I discovered has existed for as long as I have lived. For this reason the superior life, and powers, of E pluribus unum! And the ownership of Nigeria, no Nigerian, can be my equal, or superior. Not even Nigerian parents, Presidents, Generals, religious leaders, traditional, etc.

Let me illustrate the need to completely cut off from my Nigerian life, with what I refer to as the mistakes of the late Queen of England, Elizabeth II. In Nigeria, she is the younger sister of richard bassey Okoi, my disowned Nigerian father, hence she is one of the Nigerian aunties. When I was born in August 1976, she was the Queen of England, and I was a baby. Even though I was a baby, I was still King Offa 1, the first and everlasting king of England, and the (_ _ _) of England. Therefore, her true allegiance, loyalty, service, etc, were supposed to be towards me, her King, master, and (_ _ _) of England. But through those years, she was consulting her brother, and my late mother, on matters concerning me, whatever they told her she accepted, without knowing that both of them were just as ignorant as she was, in most cases. And as a result of this, she made so many wrong decisions, and mistakes, most of which affected me her King, and master negatively. When her job was to make straight my path in life, and eradicate, all enemies, thieves, fraudsters, gold diggers, etc. She ended up doing just the opposite, and her son, the disgusting homosexual cockroach, imbecile, mad thinker, thief, gold digger, and animal, charles of Wales, became a symbol of this stupid degrading foolishness, and one of those with the greatest plans, to steal, and gold dig from my global estate, one method being that he is my gay wife, or something of that nature, by first deceiving my foolish Nigerian family, then extending it to school mates, friends, governments, etc. Which is his late mother's disgrace, because she seemed to have believed him, and was part of this mad plan to infiltrate, steal, reap what belongs to me. However, as long as I have never been gay in my life, was never his gay partner, nor wife, he must DIE, for this disgusting disgrace on me, my descendants, nations, citizens, Armed Forces. E.g, this mad gay cockroach, will want all British citizens to see him, as the wife, husband, of their King, and (_ _ _), and would want my American, and other nations to grant him access into all my global estates, and to exercise authority over them, and then want to be seen as one greater than their father, and founder. This madness of this Nigerian animal, must be gotten rid of from the world stage. He must not be allowed to exercise true authority as the King of my nation England, he is better off dead, or sent on exile, or confined, because there are so many other mad things, and envy induced schemes, he has up in his semi mad brain, in his osu charles erijo Nigerian life, where he was my school mate, and lived with me for a few year. Now her brother, the cockroach richard bassey Okoi, now sees himself as a god, or master to me, as a result of this. She became embarrassed, when she discovered these grave errors of judgement of hers, spanning decades. All I am saying is that you all should learn from her mistakes. I am your father, and founder of my nations, and our nations, not these folks here in Nigeria. Kill them all, if they want to interfer in my responsibilities, in my nations businesses here in Nigeria as the owner of the country, and in our foreign nations, which should completely be off limits to them, and Nigerians.

I am no longer a baby, I know I founded the greatest nations in the world, and the recorded, and unrecorded history of this world carries a lot of my codes, therefore, it is proper to consult me directly, on matters that needs my attention, or forget about my Nigerian life, and everything in Nigeria. For example, during the just completed November 2022 American mid term elections, some people came to the premises, and neighborhood where I reside. When I noticed it, I completely ignored, and avoided them. And unknown to them, I don't get involved in American mid term elections. I thank you all for the secret support you have given me in the past. Have your usual spiritual, and physical security protections, around me. But to hell with these Nigerians from now henceforth. The system is about being taken advantage of, by some goats. Show no mercy, destroy them all, and feed the goats to the lions, when caught.

Let me add one more example. The present American President Joe Biden, is the first son of richard bassey Okoi, and late Mrs. Juliana bassey Okoi, my purported Nigerian disowned, and late parents. To start with, I was the reason behind the victory of President Joe Biden, which means I made him President of my nation, the United States of America. Let it be remembered that, the United States of America, I gave independence to, and created as Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the American declaration of independence, and the 3rd President of the United States of America, the Virginian, in whose state we have the Pentagon the seat of the American Armed Forces, and central intelligence agency. And just above it, Washington DC, the capital, where we have the White House, in which he was the first President to rule from the beginning of his tenure, to the end of his second, from the White House/Oval office. I later reincarnated as John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and became the first American billionaire, who died in 1937, two years before the second world war, and played a major secret role in the victory of the American, and allied Forces, under the command of Field Marshal/Five star General Dwight D. Eisenhower. This secret role of mine, as Rockefeller, in the second world war victory, is recorded by Dwight Eisenhower, the late Five star General, and President of America, in his executive order 10680, made on February 5th, 1960, and effective since 4th of July, 1960. The executive is the present Seal of the President of the United States of America, which can be inferred from the birth mark on the top of my right Arm/ top right shoulder. Let it be noted Nigeria got it's independence in1960, and the RC number of my Nigerian company, Julio Rock Nigeria Limited, with the corporate affairs commission, is 1068517. It might interest Americans to note that he is here with me in Nigeria, and our pictures may soon be on this blog/Facebook. We live, and connect through ages.

Therefore, my American legacies, were built by my Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr, lives. And not the present useless Nigerian family, friends, school mates, etc. But to Joe bassey Okoi, he is my elder brother here in Nigeria, in the useless family of useless richard bassey Okoi, and so he wants to claim Nigerian birth right over my American estate, and heritage, of Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr, which I acquired in 1776, and the years before and after, and from 1839, to 1937. This mad Nigerian illiterate, and very envious chap, who only became my Nigerian brother in 1976, wants to take authority over my American estate, as the Nigerian first son of the Nigerian Richard bassey Okoi, and late Juliana bassey Okoi. This is madness, highest level of foolishness, highest level of envy, I'll guys, stealing, attempts to ruin my life. Unknown to him, my position in the family, as the 3rd son, and 4th child, of 7 children, was just to show one of my secret codes, coded in the Bible, in the book of Acts of the apostles, chapter 17, verses 16-34, which talks about a statue in Athens Greece, dedicated to the unknown god. This ignorance, envy, wickedness, desire to infiltrate, steal, and encroach into my American estate, and powers, encouraged by the likes of charles, is unfortunate, and needs to be properly checked. Because America may be at risk, and the penalty is dearh, from my descendants, my Armed Forces of the United States of America (Pentagon) CIA, US secret service, American citizens, etc, if he doesn't stop this madness, gold digging, envy, of his, and if he doesn't pay 100% allegiance, and loyalty to the United States of America. Joe can sell my American heritage, if he can, for a plate of Nigerian pottage, from the rich, and fraudulent, enemies, FGC Port Harcourt 95 set, and FGC Sokoto 95 set, gold diggers, thieves, and the foolish international power seekers, who are like the goats trying to steal from a lion. In Nigeria, he is a great partner of charles osu erijo, the mad man, who wants to be seen as the mad cockroach, who can steal, and gold dig, even from the August Visitor. May his soul rot in hell, when he dies. Another pointer to this problem of Joe is that, there is a young girl who may be my daughter, but I am not yet sure she is, because her mother has never told me she is, and I haven't done a Paternity/DNA test. However, it seems my Nigerian family including Joe, know, or feel she is, and they have been secretly controlling her as evil, and gold digging, uncles, aunties, grand father, etc, without my knowledge, and consent, and pretending not know anything about her in my presence. And she feels like the child respecting elders, uncles, aunties, etc, not knowing that the envy, and wickedness being unleashed on her, and me. She is alive, because of God, and the fact that, no evil powers can kill me, and anyone of my blood descendants, including my future wife.

The point is this, this girl I am talking about, is probably Kamala Harris, the present Vice President of the United States of America, under President Joe Biden, one of the so called evil Nigerian uncles, gold digger, and under the control of some of the Nigerian enemies, and gold diggers, e.g, charles osu erijo, and probably a certain Shafatu Suleiman, and Sulaiman Shagari, and Abdulmutallib Shagari, all my former school mates, and sons of late president Shehu Shagari, whom I haven't seen for 32 years now, but the likes of charles osu erijo, ebibio spiff, kenebi okoko, etc, depend on for life, politicians,  and a certain Lebanese, Mr  Faki. Kill them if found in any move or moves towards my American, foreign, or even Nigerian, governments, resources, organizations, heritage, foreign families, businesses, etc. God punish them all, and cursed be their lives. They are goats, send our lions after them.

It's always what they can  get from knowing me, the Mr. nice man. Therefore, it is always a matter of the good folks, versus those trying to take advantage, and those trying to steal. The perpetrators known to me are many, however, the worst who deserve to be mentioned here are, the disgusting semi mad man, and mad thinking fool, gold digger, parasite, charles osu erijo, a.k.a., prince charles of Wales, (I reject him as the king of England), maternal family, paternal family, school mates, friends, and a certain Lebanese called , so called village elders. Among them is the great battle to control, Nigeria, and the world at large, because they are my useless Nigerian, families, school mates, friends, communal kinsmen, so called elders, or even Chiefs, or because I did one contract with them, friends, etc. This is what I earlier referred to as the goats, trying to steal from a sleeping lion.

Who were they when, me, my foreign descendants, Armed Forces, and citizens, were creating the foreign nations, and this little one called Nigeria? Do they have any rights interfering in what belongs to me, and was created by me and others, in the centuries past? Do I get, or use anything from them for the real actions of what I do? Therefore, their interferences must be treated as criminal, and the idiots, dealt with, and dethroned, for criminal, and enemy activities.
Let me give one example that can be verified from this blog, and Facebook. Sometime last year, I asked a former course mate of mine, called Samuel who lives in America, for some money (300,000 naira) which was about six, or seven hundred dollars, for GRE, and TOEFL lessons, and exams, and he gave it to me. When I went to deliver my letter to President Joe Biden of America, at the American Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, my acknowledgement copy was signed by a certain Elakpa Samuel. Refer to my letter to President Joe Biden, on this blog, and Facebook, to see for yourselves. Unconfirmed reports has it that for this, he has plans to control Nigeria, and even America, and wants to be given some billions of dollars. Like I said, it's an unconfirmed report, which should be confirmed by the relevant authorities. This type of interferences are what I don't want to happen again, if he is the same Samuel. The only reason I am giving this a thought, is because of the prevailing mindset in Nigeria, among those I know, and some of these Nigerian based idiots are very close to him, and are trying to expand their tentacles. In his case, Slyvanus Ogolodom (Sly), our fellow course mate was a very close friend of his, and Sly close to the biggest gold digger, thief, and parasite, charles osu erijo, and probably others. For good reasons, any one I ask for money, I always record it, and have reasons to reciprocate beyond their own imaginations. So helping anyone who helps me is always a pleasure, and part of my plans. But not this way. In his own case, I had already annointed him a future governor of Nigeria, or something similar in the states, when I return home to the USA. Because he was one of the few who earned my respect on campus. Someone thinking of taking control of my Nigeria, and America, because he just assisted me with common $600-$700, is not normal thinking. If investigated, and found to be true, I don't know him anymore. It's unfortunate, and one of the madnesses due to low level exposures, and inordinate ambitions to acquire power, and money, by hook or crook.

That has been the work of the imbecile, gold digger, and disgusting homosexual, charles osu erijo, a.k.a, prince charles of Wales, on those I know, and come in contact with here in Nigeria, including my foolish, and useless family, friends, and school mates. Turning everything into fraud. This is madness because he is like a goat, and cockroach, compared to a lion, and because I mind my business, without knowing what he does, and without interfering. For Charles, this most foolish idiot, who I consider an animal, or some sort of alien on earth, who neither understands life, nor it's purpose, MUST remain the prince of Wales, and die disgustingly. and never King of my England. Cursed be anyone in my nation England, who gives him the full accolades of my Throne of England, cursed be his life as prince of Wales, and to hell with his semi mad thinking, and problem prone life of his.

The recent wedding of the daughter of Donald Trump, the former President of America, to a Lebanese called Michael, is a scheme I promised to be in this part 2, however, due to the need for proper clarity, and build up of the story line, for better understanding, and details, its going to be part 3. Which I also posted today.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
