Story for the mind.

For all those who have been monitoring me, to know those I know in the country, and who my connections, and secrets are, I have one question for you all, have you seen them? 

Have you noticed that, nowadays, I am always alone? And I still perform the wonders I do. You all should stop wasting your time. What you should rather be looking for is, who is somebody, or anybody in this country, who is not connected to me, my organizations, etc. 

Despite what I chose to do, or how my situation may appear, I am the connection, and power. Presidents are my subordinates, and reside in my Aso Rock Presidential Villa. And the wealthiest men, have a lot of my unconnected money within their systems. E.g, the richest Nigerian business man, Ali, a.k.a, Aliko, whom I believe still wants to become the world's richest man, with my money, while praying, I remain poor, unmarried, childless, so that he can keep my money. I am working on Southern Christian President, he is.more interested in a refinery he is building in Lagos, when I am yet to get the documents of the project. They are so many like him out there. That's why I no longer like anyone from my past Nigerian life. Liking them, or loving them meant, them taking, and owning everything I own, or scrambling for as much as they can lay their hands on, and believing that I won't be angry with their decisions.

If that's what my love, and likeness for them meant, and still means to them, then, I have no choice than to give them the opposite of love, and likeness.

For all the useless fools, and poor folks I have known, know this, I am a self made man. Made because of my unwavering belief in God Almighty, my love for knowledge, education, hard work, wisdom, understanding, honesty, discipline, highest belief in myself, my brain, my abilities, love for creating something out of nothing, ownership from the past, and always minding my business. That's the direction I will advise you all to hook up to. And not on fellow men, devil, satanic powers, who are nothing before the Heavenly beings.

Seek help from others when you need to, but don't make it a habit. Endure pain, and hardships, during the storms of life, they don't last forever. Never let the storms of life, force you into crimes,  and other evils. Sometimes, the way you handle them, can attract others to you. Enjoy when you can, because what's a man's toil in life, if he doesn't enjoy himself.

I wasn't made by the so called rich persons I know, or those I went to school with. Most of those I went to school with especially from the Port Harcourt zone, are like bush babies, compared to what I do, the level I operate, and the needed discipline, wisdom, strength of character and knowledge needed. 

Those who neither ask questions, nor confirm what they hear about others from the persons in question, before taking decisions are fools. And cause a lot of problems.

Those who talk to those I know, or those around me, are imbeciles. Because some of them are enemies, and fraudsters. And no one knows what I do, nor the my reasons for doing them, hence, no can give details. Therefore, those who are not discussing with me, are just talking rubbish, drawing up mad conclusions, and taking animal decisions. E.g, the Nigerian political class. 

Those who say they are elders to me, are like animals to me. To start with, do we have the same kind of human body? And do we live the same kind of life? We don't. I have the only unchangeable physical human body in the world. No one in Nigeria, has ever seen my type before. Therefore, how can anyone be my elder?

I don't have friends in Nigeria. Some enemies are the ones moving around, introducing themselves as my friends, especially from the Port Harcourt zone.

I have God Almighty, and one with God, is majority. Even the powers of the devil, his demons, and agents, are destroyed, and those who try to contend bow, and some are eventually disgraced, and destroyed.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
