To hell with all those who call themselves "U" network.

It seems power and wealth, attracts filth, useless people, gold diggers, parasites, enemies attacks, amongst others.

I first heard about the "U" network some years ago, and I didn't take it seriously, because I neither formed, nor joined, nor was I informed about the formation, nor those who are the members. And for what I know nothing about, I have been, and still is under attack from some illiterates, enemies, imbeciles, family members, relatives, friends, etc, because of the actions of this so called U network. It's a common saying to hear the enemies, fools, illiterates, family, friends, etc, saying; does his "U" hear me/us? This is more common among those who are called "IN" group, e.g, joe bassey. The "IN" group, are illiterates, uneducated, and enemies who are envious of my degree, and education, and as a result wish to make me poor. May lightning strike them all dead  This is clearly madness to me.

The above is a clear pointer to the madness, and stupidity of most of those, I have known in Nigeria. To start with, I am not part of the U, or IN, and I will never be. And I disapprove of all their activities, because they don't have the rights to form any group, in order to interfer with my life. Cursed be the "U", and the "IN" groups, for the years of negative effects on my life. They are evil, and satanic.

I know they were formed because I know sons of President, and other personalities, when I was in the university, and to place themselves in an advantageous position in my governments, when they found out it was connected to me, and for gold digging. However, be that as it may, none of them cared about me, and my well being. It was just for their enemy, and selfish ambitions.

This is my warning to all those who call themselves U. I advise you all to concentrate on yourselves, families, and parents. What business do I have to do with you all? Why can't you just mind your businesses just like me? Recent discoveries of the foolishness, and gold digging of some of my university coursemates, such as Sylvanus (Sly) Ogolodom, makes me feel very disappointed. Sly, you will forever remain that boy, who just collected money from me, under the pretext that you knew someone in basic school, who could do something for the youger brother of your fellow gold digger, parasite, and probably homosexual, osu charles erijo, the mad cockroach, and biggest gold digger, and parasite I have ever known. You knew you couldn't do anything, yet you lied, and collected the money, and spent it, as your gold diggers life dictated. Birds of the same feather flock together. Stay away from me for the rest of your life. And remember, I don't have any business with any of your personal friends in Port Harcourt, or Abuja. I wonder what you, and your foolish gold digger, parasite, partner, maggot charles osu erijo, are entrenched in the web of my friends, and contacts. Can't you see that I moved on?

Now coming to university secret cults, let me state here again, that back in the days on campus, I was not a member of any cult group. Even though some of you feared, and believed that I was a member of one. Probably because of my high level of confidence, fearlessness, courage, and my exams and records, these are normal parts of life to me. Secondly, be informed that, all the university confraternities, are beneath me. The founders such as Professor Wole Soyinka, Professor Awe, late Bolaji Carew, Tunde Jawando, spiritual leader Odi, etc, are all beneath me, in this country Nigeria, and the world at large. I can in someway refer to them as my sub ordinates, at some lower levels. I didn't know this part back in the days on campus. I just discovered, during my reawakening process. 

Curse, and death on those who foolishly believed the enemy, and gold diggers eiye lie of the cockroach, and maggot, called kenebi okoko, and his partners, such as cursed fool, and the mr. nobody, called ini,  that I gave power to eiye confraternity in Uniport. May you all drop dead! I heard that for the above reason, a certain fraternity called Vikings, which was the leading confraternity in terms of numbers, lost a lot of grounds and membership to eiye, and they blamed me for it. Una papa, and Una mama, like we say in Nigerian pidgin. How could that be true? I neither bought membership form, nor did I do initiation, nor attend meetings, nor pay dues, nor partake in their activities, while on campus, while then will I give them power, or like some imbeciles will put chose them, because I wore a navy blue suit, and a blue shirt. Curse, and death on you all again. Through out my days in the university of Port Harcourt, and several years after my graduation, I never knew the colours of eiye confraternity. How then could anyone who was normal, conclude that, because I wore a blue shirt, and a navy blue suit, on my convocation ceremony, I was choosing eiye to be my cult, or giving them powers. Cursed be your father's, mothers, wives, children, and yourselves, for this secret slavery, madness, foolishness, uselessness, and enemy attack. Why didn't anyone confirm from me?

If I knew back then in the university, that I had such powers to bring down any confraternity from power, it could have reflected in my life on campus. You bloody fools! Remember, I lived in the hostel for two and a half years, I never attended parties, until my second semester in my final year, I didn't have a girlfriend, and I didn't go out with any of the pretty girls I liked, I had sex with some gurls, and that was all, I was a known gambler from my secondary school days, but I stopped the very day I was admitted, until the second semester of my final year. The above lifestyle, was to curtail points of contact with confraternity members who knew me from way back in secondary school, because those were the easiest ways to find oneself in confraternities. Listen to me you mad thinking fools, if I had known back then that, I had such powers, I would have lived in the best accommodation on campus, would have attended parties, night clubs, and would have dated all the pretty girls I liked on campus. The only thing I had time for, was just my exams, and records. Which gave me a lot of money, and I enjoyed helping students pass exams.

Professor D.I. Anyanwu, I heard you are a member of the buccaneer confraternity, and you are probably angry that I didn't join the buccaneer confraternity. For your information, I didn't know you were a buccaneer lecturer, and most importantly be informed that, late Bolaji Carew, the founder of buccaneer, is a junior sub ordinate to me, therefore I can't be a member of his confraternity. Why do you hate, and attack my progress in life over a confraternity that is neither yours, nor your father's? Let me tell you how it is, next time you go to your village, join the confraternities formed by some of those boys who did Iwamakwa ceremony, with your last son. That's how it is, if I the August Visitor, and Commander In Chief should join buccaneer of Bolaji Carew, Tunde Jawando, and Kunle Adigun. 

It is obvious that you believed the eiye lies of your neighbor, and bush baby son, of your neighbor and fellow lecturer, kimse okoko, cursed be his life. The cockroach and maggot, kenebi okoko, was a nobody to me in secondary school, and just a passive friend in the university. His evils included the plans that I gave him my star/destiny, and set out to achieve it, connecting himself to my FGC Sokoto/sons of former President contacts, etc, with this life, and destiny destroying plan, and you never verified from me. And for the fact that your own first son worked in his company, without verifying from me, speaks volume. It's a shame, you are part of the useless Nigerian family, may all you have done, go back to you. Unconfirmed reports have it that you were the one who picked ann horsfal, to be the female leader of "U", if this is true, cursed may your life be, because of the uncountable attrocities committed by this enemy, and gold digger ann horsfal. This means that you and others created "U" for your selfish ambitions, and to destroy me. What a life! From now onwards, you are now papa Isu, the uneducated, peasant farmer, who lived all his life in a mud house, in Mkpani. I am sure it was from your thinking from this primitive life in Mkpani, that just like the bush babies, kenebi okoko, and ebibio spiff, you all came up with all possible plans to know common sons of late president of Nigeria, and retard my progress, due to your envy, and wickedness, as illiteracies, and poverty in Mkpani. Remember, I made it possible for you to become, President Donald Trump of the United States of America. You see, I am a nice man, who envies no one. Who tries to help all I can.

Cursed be "U" network, for wrecking havoc. As a student, I helped so many pass their exams. Which their confraternities couldn't help them with. Why attack my life, family, etc? Curse and death, also on those who wrongly linked me to black axe confraternity, probably because my room mate, was the said head of the confraternity. Who was he to me? could he stand against the powers behind me on campus? did he even tell me he was a cultist? And how sure are you mad fools, that all he wanted was to know, the boy on campus, who knew the sons of a former President of Nigeria.

To hell with them all 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William. 
