I am awake Nigeria. part 2

I am Awake Nigeria. Part 2.

I am the August Visitor, the unofficial Commander In Chief of Nigeria, and several other nations, and the unofficial and everlasting President of Nigeria. It can be deduced from my post and publication, "the history of Nigeria which is not taught in schools", that the executive, legislative, judiciary, and military authorities of Nigeria are vested upon me. Including the authority of independent national electoral commission (I N.E.C). These will remain forever, as long as Nigeria remains a sovereign nation, and over the entire nine hundred thousand square kilometers of land it covers, in whatever way and form they exist.

No evil spiritual powers and financial might, in Nigeria are greater, or equal to me, and what I represent on a global scale. The Presidents and past military Heads of State are all my representatives, sub ordinates, and servants, if they chose to be sincere to themselves.
 This means that as I write this post, President Buhari, is my current servant in my Aso Rock presidential villa, in Abuja. And those contesting for president in the forth coming 2023 presidencial election, are contesting to be my representative, sub ordinate, and servant. I wonder why one of them is still not showing willing loyalty to national and party interests, after I made the party primaries turn out in his favour, due to some circumstances. Killing him even as president of Nigeria, is not a problem, however, the intended national interest is more important. 

I was born into a family of uneducated, foolish, wicked, and envious animals. Whose ways of thinking by my own standards, can only be likened to that of animals. And today some years after my reawakening, I feel like someone who has lived his whole life in a zoo. Family, friends, school mates, neighbors, etc.

After a long and hard thought, I said to myself, if you want to hide someone like King Solomon of Israel, hide him among fools and poor people. 

There are reasons for my presence in Nigeria, which is a discussion for another day.

 However, I think it has to come to an end. I believe that the biggest problem here was communication problems, and the devil's deceit to cover up his uselessness and foolishness, which my presence has exposed to those with insight. For the communication part, I remember that John Davison Rockefeller Snr, during his life time suffered from a disease called Alopecia, which is a partial or total loss of hairs on the human body. I think it was a partial loss of hearing in Nigeria. Let me explain, I can hear the words they speak, and see the other secret things they do for secret communications, e.g the popular masonic communication, etc, but I don't understand them. I only understand the plain communications of words, which they no longer know how to use for a life time. To the exception of school classrooms, and maybe a few other places. I think there might also be something related to my olfactory gland/organ. And of greater importance is the fact that I have also shown, the young and naive critics, that I am the father of the United States of America, by making its presidents even from here in Nigeria, in Africa. And the world at large. All powers belongs to God, and Heaven.

I can say for sure that since I was born in 1976, I alone know the exact meaning of the words I speak when communicating, and those who communicate with me, are the only ones who know the exact meaning of the communications used. My whole live here in Nigeria has been filled with such communication problems, which I can't be held liable for. And so many things done in Nigeria, should be discarded, recalled, and undone. For this reason, no one should write a book about me, because they will be writing a lot of lies,and unintentional lies, and wrong judgements due to lack of understanding, and wrong interpretations of my human actions, words, communications, intent, etc. 
My greatest worry is the exportation of this Nigerian family, friends, etc, and their foolish, and animalistic destructive ways of life into my foreign governments, nations, organizations etc, with a further plan by them to encroach into my foreign heritages, just because they are my so called Nigerian parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, friends, school mates, neighbors, political contacts/subordinates, former colleagues, etc. They don't have such rights because they are not my wife, and legitimate and biologically proven children. The only people in Nigeria I can grant such access to, would be a wife, and children. And since I don't have a wife in Nigeria, and at the moment I don't have a biologically proven child/children, no one in Nigeria can have access to what belongs to me in Nigeria, and oversees. I have my descendants in those countries, and it is their heritages, together with my/our national Armed Forces in those countries, government, and citizens. Nothing, and no one from Nigeria transgresses into what we worked, and fought for, centuries, and decades before my Nigerian life. Moreover, these Nigerian family, and others, have not been nice to me.

 They have been very wicked, and uncaring to me, and they scramble for my resources, and government, with hate and covetousness in their hearts to destroy me, and take control if they can. This is unacceptable by me, and they must be destroyed. I want the world to know that I hate them, and I have to severe ties with them, and I have to return oversees, where I don't want them to cross over to.

The unbelievable foolishness, where it is a taboo to ask me questions to confirm anything concerning me before taking decisions is absurd, and the height of wickedness. They prefer to assume, and they are always wrong with their assumptions. For which I have had to suffer consequences for thinhs, I never did, and didn't even know about. All manners of enemies attacks, and frauds have succeeded, through this so called Nigerian family, friends, school mates, etc. E.g, eiye cult, black axe cult, homosexuality, and cockroach imbecile osu charles erijo being called my gay wife (cursed be his life, and those of all who believed him and accorded him such regards), I didn't graduate from the university of Port Harcourt, I abandoned Ogechi, I refused taking school mates to Sokoto to know sons of Presidents, envious and enemy cockroach ebibio spiff, lying to the port har cursed set of Fgc Port Harcourt 95, that I asked him to kill me (many will die for it), etc. Where this happens, only fools remain to be part of such wicked imbeciles, especially where the object, is like a tower among shrubs, in terms of life's true essence, value, wisdom, vision, prospects, this foolish ways of theirs will forever come up with foolish ways to cut shirt ones successes. Like I have experienced so many times in Nigeria, even as I write this piece. And one who trusts only in the powers of God and heaven, in the midst of those who trust in the failing powers of the devil, the envy of my spiritual heaven, will forever be a source envy. E.g, my successes at making Presidents in Nigeria, and overseas for ancient reasons the so called Nigerian family, friends, and some of the Presidents etc, can't understand, have been a terrible point of envy, hatred, even from some of the Presidents, which has resulted into sufferings, instead of the rewards, and enjoyment. They intentionally delay, and hold on to it. And the thieves, and envious ones will ascribe what doesn't have any bearing to them, to their Nigerian family, friends, etc.
The crux of the matter is that since they are only interested in scrambling, stealing, ruining, my resources, power, government, and most importantly the control over all, while harbouring deep within them, the hatred for my success, greatness, well being, and seeking my destruction, and down fall, I seek to show them and the whole world, that I don't want to have anything with them again, by cursing them out of my life. Because showing them love, care, respect, only means a green light for them to proceed with their quest. 

The pains, and bitterness of the consequences of their evils, foolishness, envy, hatred, wickedness, scramble, their love for leading useless lives, while becoming envious of those who live useful lives, and runn6at the speed of light to destroy, or stop the rewards of the fruits of the wise and useful lives, is unbearable for me. It's like saying we all must be poor together, I say no way! I even heard that I and my former Nigerian parents, some siblings, were hated for being brilliant, and attending very good schools. And the battle to make sure we don't reap the rewards of my academic exploits have been going on for decades, withou my knowledge, and death has been part of it. These are not human beings, that should ever be around a great man,and mind like me. And should never transfer their Nigerian envy and foolishness to my oversees nations, and governments, like I am currently seeing. Someone, I made President because of our Nigerian family, refused to carry out a simple instruction I gave to him, which he is suppose to deliver, as the President of that oversees nation. However, he brought in to play the Nigerian factors of jealousy for my success, and hatred. If allowed, he might even want to prevent me from returning back to my own nation, for the sake of the Nigerian family's envy, and the resultant shame they will feel. Because I just found out, that's what all my successes in the midst of their failures, always means to them. 

My oversees descedants, the Armed forces, and other past presidents, and all citizens, must be aware of this potential threat to my/our nation, and nib it in the bud. This Nigerian madness, foolishness, ignorance, wickedness, and deadly destructive envy must stop.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
