I am awake Nigeria. Part 3. The cursing out of my life..

I am Awake Nigeria. Part 3.


When the past has almost ruined the present, and the present has the potential to destroy the future, it becomes necessary to get rid of the present, and the past out of the future. And in this case, I decided to curse them out, in order to show the magnitude of the importance for the detachment. The past, and present, relates to Nigeria, and the future is oversees where I have been before coming to Nigeria, and the remaining days of my stay in Nigeria.

I have cursed the following people out of my life, so that they will not be listened to. Because the ties and closeness between us in Nigeria, is the reason for their actions, strength, recognition, and confidence. They include:
Richard bassey Okoi, and late Juliana bassey Okoi, my so called Nigerian parents, and their own parents. brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, friends, school mates, village/elders, Nigerian political contacts, neighbors, etc.
Read on if you need more details. You can just read the person's and sections that interest you. However, I advise that we read all, because you might discover lies, that you previously thought were true.  But the foreign, and Nigerian intelligence agencies, foreign governments, my organizations, and descedants, should have the full text. 

Richard bassey Okoi: 
Cursed be richard bassey Okoi for being the devil. And for deceiving many out there that he is god. And claiming to have authority over me, when he knows the truth is that, he was, is, and will forever remain a useless, and worthless slave, cockroach, and maggot, kind of creature to me. He is a mad, and very foolish animal. To start with, do I have the same type of human body as he does? bassey why do you call me your son? You fool! As the devil you are the father of lies, and liars, and useless idiots on earth. And your foolishness stinks to the ends of the earth. With my presence in a family with you, did you understand the reasons why? I guess your foolish brain tells you that, I came to give you Heaven, you everlasting mad fool! Or that I came to make you great again, useless forever you will remain. The wise, can see that the devil is nothing but a useless, foolish, and powerless trash. Cursed be your life, and your parents who gave birth to you, for all the evils, lies, and disgusting things you allowed to happen. And for those who  were fooled into believing and spreading your lies every where, just to tarnish my reputation. Lies such as; eiye cult, I didn't graduate the university, black axe cult, homosexuality and the lies that the disgusting mad, foolish, poor idiot, and cockroach without a higher education, called osu charles erijo, was or is my gay wife is unforgivable, and introducing him as my friend who wanted to take me to America, is a curse on you. It's your father and your mother that a mad man, poverty stricken enemy, and envious cockroach like him, will take to America, your illiteracy and foolishness is a disgrace. Because of this trick which you fell for, or used him to invent, he had the guts to do certain enemy damages which he couldn't have done. Also Taking decisions on my behalf without my knowledge and consent, giving rights to persons who are not even fit to be my animals to see themselves as my elders, and allowing them to interfer in my life, etc. I have disowned you forever, even if you die, I have no part in your burial, and I only have one business to effect in the premises. I heard about the myth of Zeus, which you in your foolish ways, want to show the world. By trying to play Cronos, the father who ruined the destinies of his children, before Zeus, his brothers, and relatives killed him, and Zeus became Lord and Supreme being above all. Devil the fool, the simple and wise way is this: My name is Ojeje, which in yakurr dialect is also pronounced, Ozeze, and Zeus, can just be inferred from it, by Ze raise to power 2. Which can be; Ze'2 because I am typing with a phone, and not a laptop.

Juliana bassey Okoi:
until your death you were the person I loved the most. And the circumstances surrounding your death are still a mystery to me. However, I know it had a lot to do with your devil husband, children, your relatives, your in-laws, your enemies, my enemies, and family enemies. Be that as it may, I have found out that your children, your brothers Jeremiah Nnodim, and Lawrence Nnodim, and your sister Monica Ukpabia (nee Nnodim), their children, and most terrifying of all, your own children, who see themselves as my brothers and sisters, carry out all the evils, wickedness, disrespect, stealing, ruining of my prospects, your brothers,  sister, their children, and your own children, seeing themselves as my elders in the Nigerian family, and contending power, and authorities with me, in my own governments, nations, organizations, etc, because of you is completely unacceptable. Therefore, I have to curse you out of my life, to keep them away from me forever. The pains they have inflicted on me, and my reputation which they have ruined because of the general illiteracy, foolishness, primitive thinking, and the grandeur plans to become the masters of my life, and world is totally unacceptable. I heard poor and local, Lawrence calls himself my master, and Jeremiah my father, through his Ali Mohammed Daneji, barrack life. These are madnesses, and animalisms, which I can't tolerate from common idiots like them, because you yourself are my servant, who are they? And it seems you have always watched them do their acts, and in some cases cared about your children's interest, over mine, like the unfounded rumours of asking my school teachers not to give me the first position in class, because the other dullards children of yours, always feel envious, and ashamed of themselves, whenever I come home with the 1st position. This probably made me lose my medical ambition. It's difficult however, because of this coterie of family members, cursed be your family, including the family of your uncle, Chukwunonye who are loyal disciples of your brothers, and sisters. And enemies of my progress, fame, and life.  

Joe Bassey:
Firstly, be informed that your father bassey Okoi, is not my father. Therefore you are not my brother. You are a slave to me and my descendants all over the world.. Your life and that of your family and siblings could have been much better if you had a proper education, and wisdom. You are like a mad man to me, and to my Port Harcourt setmates, because of the useless gold digger, imbecile, low level osu charles erijo, from a family with proven cases of madness, which was one of the reasons I didn't want him around me, and why I avoid him. But to you as a local man without a higher education just like him, he is a man. When he was even an idiot by some of the responsible men, in the neighborhood when he lived with us.  Your illiteracy is one the reasons behind the deep rooted envy inside your heart, which always impels you to secretly do all kinds of evils against my educated life, and wise and great reputation. The  illiteracy group called in, which you and other uneducated people run,e.g Monica Ukpabia, is clearly an instrument of envy, and should be for you and your children. Your envy is a disgrace to life. If you have had any education, you could have known that no one has the right to interfere with the life making decisions of his younger siblings, without their knowledge and consent. You have been a disgrace to me since we were kids. You say I don't listen to you, and so what? Who listens to a fool? You yourself did you ever listen to your parents, and other elders? No you didn't and no one ruined your life and career. Infact they were the ones who even made you a local government councillor, and your late Nigerian mother's secret plea to me, made me give the nod to your American Joe Biden Presidential victory of November 2020. This was a woman you neither listened to, nor helped even when you were a local government councillor. But in your own case you secretly ruin my life at the levels your powers can, and think no one will ever find out. The disgusting stories of the cockroach, imbecile, man from a mad family, poor idiot with no higher education like you, gold digger, thief, occupational liar, homosexual, ritualists, robber, etc called osu, is a terrible disgrace to me. Both of you are birds of the same feather to me, (gold diggers, beggars, envious idiots of my life, homosexuals, thieves, parasites, local idiots, primitive thinkers, fraudsters, liars, robbers, etc.), that's why you both flock together. I am a great man, and I achieve it everywhere. 
Cursed be your life, and that of your father and mother, who are the reasons you think you are my elder brother, and thus you can wreck havoc on my bright future to cover up your failures. Remember, I don't have any business, or problems with your friends, school mates, wives, children, what is your business with my school mates without my knowledge? The way they exploit your illiteracy, and ignorance, is a disgrace to me. Boys who can't talk rubbish to me, use you to talk rubbish. If you were wise, and had achieved or known greatness, you could have known that the animal osu charles was a nobody to me in Port Harcourt, just like my Sokoto school mates, who he depends on, gold digs, parasites, defrauds, and tells lies to.  In the bassey family, I also have younger ones, do I interfere with their lives? Do I have any business whatsoever and depend on their own friends? Do I talk to their children, and tell them lies, and mislead their own children? The way you and other children of bassey did to Ogechi because you believed she was my daughter, listen imbecile Joe bassey, it will never be well with your descendants for the rest of their lives, if she is my child. Some of my younger siblings have also been strong headed to me in the past, did I ever use it as an excuse to ruin their lives. Cursed be your life, and those of your children. Stay away from me and anything that belongs to me, and my foreign descendants, and future ones. Your father is bassey Okoi, and we are not brothers. 

rose opara (nee bassey):
You have always been a brainless animal, with an unexplainable envious heart. All your evil plans will surely be metted oit to you, your husband, and your descendants. Your illiteracy, and lack of wiadom is your greatest problem. You should be living among animals in the forest, so that you will not be envious of normal, and successful human beings. You are not my sister, therefore don't you ever call yourself that. Your animalistic way of thinking is what you should work on. Just like your brother joe bassey, remember that you slapped yoir late mother, yet you demand the highest respect from your siblings. Cursed be your wicked life, and heart, yoir husband, and cursee be your kids, for your wicked plans to kill, and ruin that girl Ogechi, who you believe is my daughter, because she is very pretty and yoir own daughter isn't.  And for the other reason that I didn't attend your children's birthdays. Your wickedness will kill you.

okoi bassey:
 another of those useless members of the family, who envies the great child. I don't have much to say about your useless, local, envious heart. Just get your brain developed a little bit, so that you can understand contemporary life.
And for your over jealous life, let me reveal for the first time on Facebook, and my; blog, one of the most important moves for the 2015 APC Presidential victory.. On that day of the presidential election, I left you and your friends including Yahaya, at the polling booth, and entered the barracks, I made some moves, one of which was going to block A1, our  former block of residence in the barracks, and stood at the hallway window between the kitchens and the first room upstairs, which is like the one the Pope uses in the Vatican, to address the audience. okoi I stood facing the huge crowd gathered at the road between Arakan and Ashanti barracks, and raised  up my both hands in the victory sign (A1). Before going to block A1, I had gone to block B9 to visit the soldier Mr. Bala, the husband of Asabe, the couple we fondly call papa and  mama Sadiq. Okoi you didn't know why I left lagos for Abuja in 2011, and what I did until I returned back on the 31st of December 2014, for the elections. 
The point I am making is this, I was the APC coup plotter, I am APC. There's no way I can trust you with my secrets, because of your envy. Forget what I said and did in Lagos when I came there, and what I voted, because the victory wasn't a political one. And the votes which people like you casted was useless, that's why the victory results announced for APC in 2015, and 2019, were about fifteen million, in line with my company's Julio Rock Nigeria Limited, tax identification number. (T.I.N.) 15382107. Therefore, stop fooling yourself, and causing problems for me by saying I wasn't an APC member, and you were, therefore I had nothing to do with the victory of APC. This type of jealousy is what will destroy your life. I guess your envious, and wicked heart, quickly forgot the disgrace, and hardships President ebele Jonathan brought my way in 2011, by ruining my 2011 plans in Lagos. From the aforesaid reasons, why would any right thinking person believe that I would support ebele Jonathan, instead of getting him out, with my authority. okoi your father and mother are nobodies, where I am, therefore you aer juat a rat, where I am. And can never understand my level of life, and why I shun blood and ritual money practices.  I curse you out of my life. 

three of you are not totally free of some of the crimes of the rose, Joe, and okoi. However, I chose to overlook your offences, ignorance, etc, for the simple reason that you were my younger ones. Know it today, that your parents, bassey and Juliana, are my slave and servant. I am not your brother in the human way of life. Remember my human body is different from yours, your other siblings, and your parents. Therefore, none of you should ever contend power, authority, or equality with me. Your parents are not the source of my powers and authorities. They are even liabilities to me, and my foreign families. Have nothing to do with imbecile, gold digger, cockroach, maggot, Port Harcourt beggar, who was envious of my Port Harcourt fame and greatness, and my enemy called osu charles erijo, and my other school mates. I curse you out too for posterity sake. Even though I know what to do for you, when the time comes. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William 
