I am awake Nigeria. Part 5. The cursing out of my life.

I am Awake Nigeria. Part 5.


When the past has almost ruined the present, and the present has the potential to destroy the future, it becomes necessary to get rid of the present, and the past out of the future. And in this case, I decided to curse them out, in order to show the magnitude of the importance for the detachment. The past, and present, relates to Nigeria, and the future is oversees where I have been before coming to Nigeria, and the remaining days of my stay in Nigeria.

I have cursed the following people out of my life, so that they will not be listened to. Because the ties and closeness between us in Nigeria, is the reason for their actions, strength, recognition, and confidence. They include:
Richard bassey Okoi, and late Juliana bassey Okoi, my so called Nigerian parents, and their own parents. brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, friends, school mates, village/elders, Nigerian political contacts, neighbors, etc.
Read on if you need more details. You can just read the person's and sections that interest you. But the foreign, and Nigerian intelligence agencies, foreign governments, my organizations, and descedants, should have the full text. 

All other family members: 
I also curse this group out of my life, for posterity sake. I want you all to remember that I have never worked in anyway to interfere and ruin your lives. I know for sure some of you have done some evils to me, including some who had never met me, but have heard the story of taboo, that I was attending school with sons of President, governors, federal ministers, Generals, billionaires, etc, I owe no one any apologies for my academic brilliance, wisdom, discipline, etc. And for being the first graduate in the family. I have to painstakingly curse this part too out of my life. Nothing good has ever come from this group. I am more like that Ojeje, that must be brought down. Those of you involved, keep trying, until you die. One of you was of the opinion that I was too young to travel to America in 2003, and some of you your foolish parents, are pushed to worked against my growth and progress because you feel ashamed of yourselves, whenever I am talked about. Shame on those in this category. Blessing aka Atiku Abubakar, be informed that the Nigerian government, and parties are mine, and not that of the family, grand father, bassey Okoi, or  your father. 

School mates: FGC Port Harcourt and FGC Sokoto: 

I curse you out of my life. In 2015,  I called the imbecile, cockroach, gold digger, low level animal, thief, maggot, homosexual (I didn't know back then), etc, that I will visit him in Port Harcourt whenever I came to the town, the feedback I got was that if I still had contact with that great enemy of my life, and progress, even my monies might not be given to me in a hurry. I understood later, how bad he had been, while pretending. Even today, he goes around introducing himself to everyone I know, and every where I go, that he is my friend, and comes up with all kinds of evils, to ruin me, and gold dig. I don't know how many ebibios there are out there, but I have more than overwhelming evidences to curse this group out of my life. Excluding, Francis, Olisa, Benson, and all those not incolved. The truth is that in the last 19 years (2004), ebibio and I met only in 2018, at a class reunion in Abuja. Where he was a disgusting sight, I let him out because it was a reunion, and I had not gotten enough evidences. Cockroach ebibio spiff, I hope you have prepared your grave, and mortuary? like I told you to. maggot osu charles erijo, also pretended for years, before I deciphered him. All those who have believed him, and done what he wanted, or granted him anything because of me, shame on you all, for your stupidity. But those who accepted him as my gay wife, currse be your lives, and your foolishness. Cursed be his life, whole family, wife, children, extended family, friends, sources of income, health, etc, and cockroaches, kenebi, Nero, Ike, Kelvin, Mohammed, Shafatu (concentrated curses on her), Suleiman, Abdulmutallib, and the other FGC Sokoto cattle and goats, who have been working with these useless almajiris, liars, fraudsters, thieves, maggots, and my envious enemies. Folks like these Fgc Sokoto 95, can make me dislike Nigerian Muslims.  Nigerian Armed Forces, and police, you can start shooting them, (Fgc Sokoto 95, and FGC Port Harcourt 95 sets) for the fraud that they are the ones controlling the country, and for interfering with my national responsibilities by taking advantage of the loop holes in the system, and the prevailing ignorance, and power illiteracy, among the political class.
I recently heard this group approached my uneducated, poor, and beggarly, brainless, and envious Nigerian siblings, and other family members, that they were going to buy me a car/hummer jeep, therefore they should abandon my plans, and carry out theirs. Can the readers see how foolish and useless this my Nigerian family are? Yet they are bestowed with privileges of power because of me. To start with, the success of what I was working on, can buy me over a thousand Bugattis, Bentleys, Ferraris, etc, and not even a cheaper hummer jeep. But because naturally they are dependent beggars, they are penny wise and pound foolish. Always looking for the finished products of others, rather than spend the time, resources, and risks to make theirs. To prove the evil and gold diggers plans from the so called cockroach, deceitful, cocaine agent, foolish, and a useless nobody, and daughter of a nobody, called Shafatu, and probably the sons of President setmates of mine, if their intentions were genuine, why didn't they come to me? Why go to my poor, dependent, ignorant, uneducated siblings, and family? Are my government, nations, parties, organizations, owned by the Nigerian family? Cursed be your whole lives, and entire families. Buy cars for the almajiris, the beggars, and poor ones in your states, communities, and the likes of gold diggers osu charles erijo, ebibio spiff, nero Scott, kenebi okoko, Kelvin erijo, Mohammed Etsu, and not me. Don't ever forget the person I was in FGC Sokoto. Also, I know that you, and Aliu Mohammed Daneji/ aka Aliko Dangote are the ones behind the proverbial 'come to Kano scheme'. What business do I have with you in Kano? May lightning strike you dead.

Arakan barracos/Lagos friends: 
The problems a man faces in life, are greatly determined by the environment, and people he grows up with. I regret growing up with the arakan barracks youths of the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's. Where illiteracy was the order of the day, and seriousness in life was taking for granted. I thank God that the present generation, are not like our own generation. Seeing undergraduates, and graduates, in different fields is a common phenomenon. If I had grown with this serious minded generation, there won't have been so much envy, wickedness, and ignorance, portrayed by some. Edwin Ofeimu, listen to me, all those I went to school with were nothing more than class and school mates to me. You are a bush boy, that's why you believe that they were, and are super men to me. Coming back and minding my businesses was due to reasons your inexposed mind couldn't notice, and you all were envious, but you didn't know it, that's why you are still misbehaving until today. I am sure you also wanted me to take you all to the new rich kids, and sons of President, to help you and give you all money, which didn't happen because I left after one year. Be informed that since 1990 when I left the school, I have never met them, and I have never collected a dime from the sons of the late president. Even our mutual rich friends in apapa, did I disturb them? Those days in arakan barracks, and till date, how many times did you see me visiting them, or them giving me money? I was a very very important part of my set in both Sokoto, and Port Harcourt, however, but I let it end in school. Strange but very true. I was their commander, and probably the most respected, and envied student in school, but it ends there until the next holidays, for reasons you can't understand. Even Dele who was my senior in FGC Ph, and your friend in the university, can testify to this fact. And the envious cockroach  osu charles erijo, who came to Lagos and deceived some of you without my knowledge, is the evidence of my greatness, and the resultant envy. I urge you and some of my mass servers to grow up. I have never had time for rubbish, even when I was the President of the mass servers. My moves made you President Muhammadu Buhari, which you can never be in a position to reciprocate, and yet you are  still brooding over childhood jealousy, foolish thinking, and wrong assumptions. The last time we met and talked, will definitely be the last time, I will ever grant you such accord. All Lagos school mates are included here as attachments. Obi a.k.a, Peter Obi, I remember looking for you in 2010, to help out with your second term as governor. That was clearly a sign of goodwill, which I have never received in return. I told you something about 2023 presidential election, and you did what you had planned out. Bode Aiyesan, is a terrible arakan barracks disgrace, I am so disappointed with him. Bode's life is something I can't be seen around with, but he feels he is something too important to me, when he is a rift raft to me.  And he clearly had some hidden issues from our days in the barracks. Some people grow, but their brains, and old useless habits, and lifestyles remains the same. 

Aduma/Mkpani/Umuezeala Owerre;

There is nothing in and from Aduma, Mkpani, and my maternal village that's responsible for what I am, who I am, my authority, powers, nations, government, organizations, and heritages. Therefore nothing in and from these communities should interfere with them, and contend with my power and authority. I hereby warn everyone from the communities to mind their family, and personal businesses. Whoever needs my support in such matters should contact me personally. I don't care whether it's the Chiefs/Obols, or so called elders, friends, etc, don't mess with my affairs, because you all didn't create them for me, and with me. The situation where some people, including enemies, will want to interfere with my government matters, or contend authority with me, claiming that they are elders, Chiefs, and community people is unacceptable. Is Aduma, Mkpani, the owners? I will kill and destroy anyone who goes beyond his or her boundaries. This also goes out to the politicians from the communities, don't ever try to bring me down in order to rise up. Because no one can rise above the owner, and creator. Its no competition, even though Nigeria is a very very small arm of my world, and  nothong too special. This is a warning to some politicians, your ignorance, and pride, will only end in disgrace, and regrets. Because you and your family, can never understand the Nigerian, and foreign components of the Nigerian state. I can help anyone rise, and God willing the communities will be transformed by the government in the nearest future. However to save my future, I have to urge you all to stay away from my government activities, and from meddling Inthe name of village, Chiefs, elders, youths, etc  The reasons for these villages is to show that, I was there during the crossing of the red sea, and at the cross, (remember that Aduma/Mkpani, are in Yakurr local government area, of Cross River state), and that I was Emperor Iwarebiko Hime, a,k.a, Jimmu 1 of Japan,, (remember that Umuezeala Owerre is in Ehime Mbano local government area, of Imo state), among other reasons. I warn you all Obols, Chiefs, so called elders, so called age grade, friends,  politicians like the one contesting for senate, and his family, etc.
Curse also be the entire family of late Eno Oden, from lebolkom, in Aduma, especially his first son, eteng eno oden, a k.a. osu charles erijo, my enemy, gold digger, imbecile, cockroach, liar, homosexual, and his own family. And nelson Omori ubana, if he is cockroach ebibio spiff. 

I came, I saw, and I conquered. I got a genuine admission into the department of geology, faculty of sciences, in the university of Port Harcourt in 1997, during the 1996/1997 academic session. And graduated at the end of the 1999/2000 academic session, in January 2001.with a second class lower degree. Find on my Facebook timeline, copies of all my academic certificates, and documents, including all my prerequisites entry documents, results, clearance documents, and certificates, for confirmation, and proof. I was never a member of any campus cult, and I have never been. The canards linking me to some are just the works of enemies, gold diggers, and idiots. At this stage of my life, what I do, doesn't really need Nigerian confraternities to determine the outcomes. Just like my days in the university, I was a friend to all, today I still urge all to keep their secret cult membership in their pockets. I don't know all those who are called the "u" network, for this reason, I curse them out of my life, for posterity sake. I don't meddle in the lives of my university friends, and coursemates, and relatives, such as Professor D.I. Anyanwu, why are they doing what will affect me negatively, and only make me lose respect for them? Cursed be eiye cult, and black axe cult, and those who have been linking me to them. Professor D.I.Anyanwu, all your years of your insane eiye madness, and linking all my life actions to eiye, because of the useless gold digging, cockroach and maggot, son of your fellow lecturer cockroach kimse okoko, what were they for? Are you so foolish that such idiots can just deceive you for years? Or are you the one behind it? What did I do to you? Do I interfere in your children's life? You must be a mad man, and I curse you out of my life. Kenebi okoko must die! Cursed be his parents who gave birth to such a disgusting parasitic, and gold digging cockmag. The low level piece of shit, wasn't even fit to have been around me back then in school. 

Nigerian secret societies, cults, etc: 

Since I was born, I have neither been a member of any secret society or cult, nor do I desire the accession of any of them. I have heard of some Ogboni members trying somethings to link me to them, those members be warned. I don't need it. The strongest powers of Ogboni are beneath me. Freemasons, and others, I existed before you all. That's why some of your agents you consult can't see me, and what I do. Which adds up to the mess going on. I once heard a story of a very highly placed Nigerian, saying "even my highest Harekrushna couldn't see him for the APC".Can you see some of the problems I am talking about? The truth is doubted by lesser powers, who can't see what is done by higher powers like Heaven. Whether the Nigerian, and foreign ones, if I enter your shrines, temples, some repairs will be needed after I leave, because some spiritual damages will take place. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
