Some words of wisdom.

Those who ask questions in other to verify, and confirm, seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. They make truth prosper over lies. And send deceivers and fraudsters away shamefully. They set the innocent free, and cause no one to suffer wrongly.

Those who don't ask questions to verify and confirm, but would rather assume, or believe a one sided story, are the opposite of those in the above paragraph. In addition, they make the world a terrible place, and are perennially wrong in what they do, their decisions, and actions. It's far better to verify than to assume, or guess. It's far better to be sure, than to say, "I thought it was like this, or like that". In Nigeria, we say "I think say", dear Nigerians try as much as possible to avoid "I think say", by verifying whatever you need, to take a decision on, especially those concerning others. And always remember that everyone can tell a lie, even a father, mother, brothers, sisters, relatives, children, husbands, wives, friends, school mates, neighbors, colleagues, business partners, political contacts, religious brethren, etc. Some might not be lying intentionally, they might just be passing on a lie, they had believed, or fraud, or deceit, they had fallen victims, without knowing it.

Never desire what is not yours, and never seek to take the rewards of anothers sweat.

Keep envy far away from your heart, body, and soul. Because, it has made many destroy themselves, and others. Rather, look inside of you, and identify your own God given potentials, which lies there, and can lead you where God wants you. All humans can never excel in the same things in life. E.g, some have to be geologist, doctors, engineers, lawyers, business managers, athletes, musicians, actors, actresses, etc

Always be contented with what you have everyday. Because you can always add more tomorrow. Never weary yourself out because of what others have.

Never tell a lie about someone who is still alive, in other to achieve something in life. Because nothing is hidden under the sun.

Always mind your businesses no matter where you are. Because many enemies are lurking around just looking for an opportunity to wreck havoc. Seldomly enter the houses of your neighbors, learn to give them space, and give yourself self respect.

Never trust all smiling faces, because even a demon can use it to cover up their evil intentions. 

Never believe, or trust those always around anyone, as being their true friends, family, relatives, partners, neighbors, school mates, etc. E.g, I am constantly surrounded by fake people, friends, gold diggers, even today in my present place of residence, there exist a thief, enemy, liar, gold digger, fraudster, who has used my passport photograph, and national identity card for fraudulent and evil purposes, and it seems he can't return it back because he has used it already. (See the post the thief with my passport photograph and national identity card). Time will tell. He goes about behaving like we are friends, or we have something in common. When the truth is that, I only knew him when I was looking for a house in 2021, and we have nothing in common. Never trust anyone around anyone, because enemies are sometimes closer than true friends. Armed forces, Police, intelligence agents, parties, etc, beware. There must be severe reactions, to serve as a deterrent to others.

The truth is always better than a lie.

Ownership has no equality, with followership, relationship, and workmanship.

We all are super stars in our own rights, let's celebrate ourselves in our own ways. And worry less about the ones who have bigger, and better.

Honesty should be valuable. Dishonesty should be trashed.

A lost trust, is difficult to find. Try to be trust worthy. 

Believe in God at all times, because there is no greater Power than His, and no greater miracles outside God's. 

In societies, communities, families, etc, where everyone minds their businesses, there are less problems. Most of the problems in societies, are due to not minding our businesses. My life is a typical example. Most people I know, are either trying to get involved, control, own, steal, know, etc, what is not their businesses.

Respect is not always love.

Love your bread, even if it is small.

If you tell a lie, confess and own up. If not, you will require a thousand more lies to cover up a single lie.

Just a few words from me.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William. 
