Beware of the Chukwunonye family. I never gave them power. Now I give them destruction, for their evils, lies, fraud, enemy attacks, stealing, etc

Before I take a break from political writings, I wish to write this post. 

In December 2021, I traveled to my mother's village in Imo state, to attend the iwamakwa ceremony of Kelechi Nnodim (a young boy trying to come to terms with the use of his brain, reasoning and thinking), the first son of Jeremiah Nnodim, my late mother's younger brother, because both of them had personally invited me, and Kelechi himself grew up with my family, until 2006 or thereabout before he returned back to his own family.

On the way I bought a couple of items for the kids in the family, based on my lean financial power at the time. Among the items were some gala sausage rolls. When I arrived, I came out of my room with the items to give them out, and the first person I saw a certain Chisara Chukwunonye, to share the sausage to the kids, and other items used for breakfast for all. However, I bought some other different items specially for Ogechi, who was also in attendance. Which I didn't give to Chisara.

Chisara, is the daughter of my late mother's uncle, who also came from Abuja. She and her sister Nkiru, live in katampe village, near mpape, in Abuja. Chisara has four kids, and she said her husband was late, the two sisters were living together when I first met them on the road in the neighborhood. I lived in this neighborhood from 2016 to December 2020, when I moved out, as I embarked on the journey to the village, and I haven't visited ever since. Those four years were years of pain and shame, because I have never lived in such an environment before. And she and sister were part of the pain and shame. I knew there was a line of communication between the sisters in Abuja, and the village, with a lot of lies, and negative reports. However, I ignored it, forgave, and even pretended I didn't know about it, because I didn't know them, and they didn't know me. Infact I first met Chisara in 2017, one year after I moved to katampe I, and the Nkiru, I first met in 2010 or thereabout, in the village. 

To cut a long story short, my giving Chisara Chukwunonye the gala sausage rolls to share to the kids around, was interpreted to mean something else, which has been used to steal, defraud, deceive, gold dig, parasite, take power, and try to destroy my life and progress. I believe it is on this same premise that her younger brother, Okechukwu Chukwunonye, who I took a ride with him and his family, to Owerri from the village, in his cab on their way back to Port Harcourt, where they live.

Some days after I arrived, Kelechi and Chisara, called me and told me to follow them to a certain piece of land, they wanted to buy or sell, I can't remember the exact purpose. The point here is that, in Igbo language, land is called "ala". And remember that she was the one I gave gala sausage rolls to share to the kids. I don't know exactly what their criminal, fraudulent, gold digging, enemies, and hearts of thieves, had interpreted, and used the gala, and other items, which I gave to her, as the person I saw outside, and no other reason whatsoever. As I write this, I am also wondering what, she, her sister, living in Abuja, and the partners have interpreted, and done while I was living the same neighborhood with them in katampe I, Abuja. 

For the younger brother Okechukwu Chukwunonye, who I joined on a 45 minutea drive and dropped off at Owerri, the meaning was that, I had given him the whole world, Nigeria, and all that belongs to me, and my foreign descendants, nations, Armed Forces, Police, political parties, etc, because I am the August Visitor, and the ancient being. I have seen this mad interpretation unfolding, and I am so shocked at the foolishness, mad thinking, illiteracy, envy, covetousness, wickedness, fraud and deceit of innocent, foolish, and unsuspecting Nigerians out there. This applies to the entire family, including the mother in the village.

They are the poorest, and least educated members of the family, their late father died without bui6a house. And here they are trying to take control of everything I own as the August Visitor, including Nigeria. Nigerians, this is completely unacceptable to me. 

I remember during the build up to the 2023 presidential elections, I heard Kelechi Nnodim, askin me during night sleep, 'how Una take make Una own President?' end of quote. This is a pointer to the fact that Kelechi Nnodim, has a hand in it all. Because, I make Presidents, they also wanted to take my authority, power, and right to make Presidents of Nigeria, and to overthrow APC, the party I had made victorious in 2015, and 2019. For PDP, or Labour, without knowing that, PDP, and other parties are also under my control, and the national interest at the moment, is to make APC, also north and south. This is a case of thieves, and beggars, trying to take Nigerians for a ride, because we are Nigerian relatives, and they are envious of me, and looking for a way to ruin me, and cover up their disgraceful family reputation.
I don't wish to write much, I wish to state that, everything from the Chukwunonye family members are lies, fraud, deceit, stealing, gold digging, and envious enemy attacks on my life, and financial progress. These are the kind of poor people, everyone should avoid, because they can destroy one and his children, in order to gain their wealth, and power of others.

Therefore, this is what I have decided the members of the maternal village, Imo citizens, Nigerians, and the whole world to do to them. Their late father's grave should be broken, and all his children, and wife thrown in, and burnt. Because if caring for them, means destroying me, my descendants, nations, Armed Forces, and taking us for granted, then eternal destruction is what they should get from the whole world.

Now I am worried about some changes that have taken place in Abuja, since 2017, when I first met the duo of evil, envious, fraudulent, and foolish girls Chisara, and Nkiru Chukwunonye, in Abuja. It seems from that time till date, they have been scheming to take control of my systems, because of my presence around them. Blessed are the poor, help the poor, however, the rich and wealthy should protect their children, and wealth from the evil, and criminally inclined poor. One that worries me is the one, relating to the successor of John in Abuja. John! John! John! If you know you believed them, and felt that I loved them, you better undo it. Because, we can be anything anywhere, but there, only the TRUTH, must reside and work there. 

It might interest you all to know that, I presently live in Wamako close, in Kubwa, Abuja. Remember, Iwamakwa ceremony. And the so called care taker, who I paid my rent to via bank transfer, is a certain criminal, Sonny Leonard Chukwu, who I suspect is also Okechukwu Chukwunonye, base on spiritual existence. And the fraud and deceit, he has been carrying out on the unsuspecting ones out there is unbelievable, and ruining of my own life, and progress, is his mission, together with his family. He says I have him all my powers, and chose him in the village to even produce President for Nigeria. Cursed be his whole life, and family. When I got wind of it, and suspected him, I first got him out of the way for the 2023 Presidential elections. I got my usual victory.

My rent expired on the 23rd of December 2022, and I am going to move out, because I can't live in the same premises with such idiots. However, it seems the expired rent is the new excuse that they are thinking of using. The thief, Sonny Leonard Chukwu, hasn't returned my passport photograph, and identity card, and I am yet to be served a quit notice, even though I requested for it. I am moving out, as soon as possible, probably by the end of this month. One week ago, one of the care takers, said he was going to take me to the police station, I went there myself, and inteoduced myself to them. It was funny to me, because it was like telling the police to arrest the head/(_ _ _) of the President/Presidents, the Armed Forces, their own Inspector General of Police, and their police Force 😀😄😁😃. What a dream! Things like these happens, when a super man lives with common men, who lack knowledge of such magnitude.  When I even have cases against them, which I am considering. I also heard that the mad thinking thief, gold digger, liar, and enemy, Sonny Leonard Chukwu, says that, I came there to live with him. Terrible lie from someone I first met when I was looking for a house.

Nigerians please learn how to ask questions, to verify issues. Don't just believe. I know that there's no one in Nigeria, who has ever seen someone like me before, and no one can understand my pristine life, however, we can ask me simple questions. 

Kill them all for all I care. I don't care about them,and I will never ever care. I dislike fraudsters around me. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William. 
