This letter to the Inspector General of Police, Usman Alkali Baba, which I published on my blog, and Facebook, is primarily for the records of the police force, and the Inspector General of Police, and the entire officers and men of the force. Other relevant Arms of government will receive theirs, as soon as I get a new address, by relocating from my present place of residence, which is a den of mad men and women, criminals, liars, fraudsters, gold diggers, and enemies. Let he or she, who truly cares, invest in this relocation, and I assure you, that I will repay the kindness, in good measure, pressed down, and shaking over. I am the one, on whom this nation, and government was built on, because I am the August Visitor. The reason for the creation of Nigeria, and it is the same with so many other nations of the world. 

The secondary reason is to show that all you read in my blog, and Facebook timeline, are true. However, these are not known, and can never be known to the common man and woman, and over 99.9999 percent of Nigerians, including my so called Nigerian families. Because all these, came from from above, and from overseas. 

The tertiary reason is to comfort all my true family, friends, and loved ones, who have been worried and wondering what has been wrong with me, and why I have been a shadow of my ingenious, and lover of prosperity myself. This is to show you all, that I took it to another level, on a global scale, while keeping a low profile, enduring hardships, wicked envy, and unfortunate attacks from rats, thieves, enemies, gold diggers, envious folks, which I considered occupational hazards.(but from now on, some must die, if they persist, now that I have submitted a record, and I am going to submit to the other Arms of government). My friends, I can even become president of the United States of America, and other related nations, I can have a global chain of businesses, keep contacts with the greatest humans in the world, who know me, know my global wealth, and governments, etc, marry the prettiest ladies in the world, such as miss America, miss USA, miss world, miss universe, daughters of Presidents, Military Generals, officers, and men, and other great personalities, (for those ladies who have received my messages/jokes, and those who may have heard my joke; do you all solemnly swear?😀😄😁😃, It will soon be time for action), and of course I will have my foreign descendants, and Armed Forces always by my side. My dear true friends and family, who I can barely count with my fingers, I created all these, during the period you all were busy wondering what went wrong with me. Coupled with the unending tonnes of lies, ignorant, and negative reports, slander, etc, from the camps of my enemies, probably even in the local and foreign media. All these works and prospects, are worth fortunes in Nigeria, and overseas. I can be the unofficial richest man in the world, considering what I have created, and own some in proxy. This is one of the reasons, I have been in Abuja, the federal capital territory, minding and taking care of my business. From Lagos, I was controlling the federal capital territory, and from Abuja, I expanded my coasts/frontiers beyond Nigeria. And this is one reason that I have never hoped on anyone for my future success, despite the hardships I decided to endure, because no one could understand what I was working on. For this reason, I have become distant from my old friends, because they are mostly useless in this part of my life. It comes from above, overseas, and only those who have the knowledge, are useful. Shame on all those fools, and mad ones out there, who believe that it's my friends such as the sons of the former President, that are responsible for these accomplishments I write about. Can a goat, be responsible for the killing of a hyena by a lion? Can lower powers be responsible for the victories of higher powers? And if they were the ones, why don't I associate with them? You all should learn to see the greatness in me, which I have used in creating something out of nothing, since childhood, and stop your jealous rage, and slanders. All those Nigerian gold diggers, and thieves, who have been planning how to gold dig, and take possession of what belongs to me because you all foolishly believed that I wasn't going to get married, listen to me, you are disgusting evil fools. I will get married, have children. My wife and children, together'with my past descendants, are the ones to continue having control over the world, and not you disgusting Nigerian gold diggers, among family, friends, and school mates.

Every organization, groups, etc, have their secrets, Nigeria as a government also have theirs. A man who acquires a piece of land, is the owner of the land. And the man who after acquiring the land, forms a nation, and government is the owner, and head, of the nation, and government. This is what I have been referring to as ownership. When I started investing in this land called Nigeria, it wasn't yet a nation. These were done long time ago, when this present generation of Nigerians were not yet born, in their present lives. However, the records have been passed on from the past, to the present, and all that is done, or created must have the symbol, or sign of its foundation, as the head. So that they can be connected, protected, and developed, by the larger group of nations around the world, which are united by the August Visitor, as their father, and foundation. 

The Nigerians who can understand the above, and dynamics of power of the Nigerian presidency, and the foreign powers, are those who have headed the Nigerian government, either as Presidents, or as Military Heads of State. From my count, we have had only thirteen of them since independence in 1960, and nine since I was born in 1976. These are the ones who can understand better, and those who know me better. In a nation of over hundred million, only thirteen, and their related partners in the Armed Forces, few religious, etc, can understand the mysteries of power. These are the ones that should always be with me, and around me. However, they should make it happen. There is so much ignorance about power out there, becareful. Since 1976, power has been with me, even though I didn't know about it, for much of the time, because of my rest/slumber, and some sections of the country were probably used to cover me. I also wish to have all homosexuals kept away from me, because of the smear of my reputation by an homosexual, whom I didn't even know was an homosexual. And for reasons of gold digging, evil plans, slander, search for gay respect,  parasiting, etc, he lied that we were gay partners. He must due for this global lies, and slander. His name is animal osu charles erijo. 

My works and wonders, are not understood, and appreciated in Nigeria, and this part of the world. Because the powers at works in them, are beyond what is known, and used here. For this reason, I must relocate to where they are known, and appreciated. And all I do, are a product of my own thinking, research, backed by Heaven, and not the product of anyone in Nigeria. The powers at work and used in Nigeria, are far below what I represent on a global scale. They are only understood, and appreciated by the greatest, most powerful humans, wealthiest, most spiritualy inclined with wisdom, etc, in the world. Even those in Nigeria, use the foreign to do their works for me. They should be the ones around me in the future. Nigerian powers are minimal in my works, because above, and overseas, work together with their Nigerian partners on ground. All Nigerian societies, confraternities, cults, are beneath the powers at work in the works I do. Therefore, I am not a member of anyone of them, and will never be, until I leave the country. And no one can be my superior, or elder. And my unchangeable physical human body, which is different from those of everyone else is the proof. 99% of those I have known as family and friends, are fools to me, on the following grounds. They don't ask or confirm anything from me, and they are not like me, and not up to my level of existence, to understand my actions, and reasons for them, yet they just go on believing everything they hear about me, and take decisions. I have been most unlucky in this regards. Most are like brainless human beings, or plain animals to me. Sometimes, when I hear some of the things they say, plan think, assume, etc, about me, I feel like I one who had lived with animals. One reason, I avoid most of them. 

Since 2006, my plans, thoughts, and ambitions, have been beyond the scope and coasts of Nigeria. Every other thing since then, has been towards knowledge of the reawakening process, which I needed to succeed, because without them, I can't have the needed success. Who will know that he or she, has authority, and power, with the Presidency of the United States of America, and still worry himself or herself only with Nigerian matters, friends, contacts, etc? Only fools among my Nigerian contacts, have been feeling too important either as family or friends, because the future doesn't exist with them. Only true friendship, has a place in the future that I have been working on. 

No one I have ever known, knows all these secrets, not even my so called disowned father, late mother, etc. It's far beyond the scope of Nigeria, and Nigerian life. So many have been misled by those they believe know me. 

Let it be noted that, I wasn't born with the knowledge of these secrets, the reawakening process started in 2005/2006, and I remain grateful to God Almighty, and the Heavenly beings, former President of America, George Bush Jnr, Barack Obama, and his successors, who kept up the spirit, (I am still observing President Joe Biden), former President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, and other former Presidents and Military Heads of State of Nigeria, etc, Vatican, Russia, and the entire G8 nations, etc.

I have always being the secret of every Presidential victory in Nigeria, since 2006/2007, till date, including the Presidential change of guard in 2010. Until 2027, I have nothing doing in Nigeria, outside the finishing touches needed for the 2023, Presidential elections. And for the accumulated rewards due to me, as royalty, and for services rendered, to nation, and political parties. From wherever, I may be by the grace of God,  2027 will be taken care of. Kill anyone, or group of persons who lie that I have given them power, or chosen them to run Nigeria and the world for me. This responsibility, is reserved only for my foreign descendants, nations, my wife to be, and our soon coming children. 

No one in Nigeria, has ever been greater or higher than me in Nigeria. Because I was born, as the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces, President, Emperor, King, Czar/Tsar. On the religious ground, one from above, is greater than all on earth. And the basis for my powers and authorities, are God, Heaven, Global funds spanning thousand of years, across all continents, nuclear and other bombs, and other sophisticated military soft and hardwares, global organizations, nations, education, research, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, etc. 

Those who don't know the above, are a risk to my life, and reputation. And I don't wish to be friends, or family with such people any longer. Because even the useless and worthless enemies, can have their ways, with them around me. And their ignorance breeds envy, when they hear my stories. 

No one in Nigeria, can impress me with money, and power. Because I am the highest at these levels. Just be nice, kind, and you will be blessed, and rewarded in due course. All Nigerian Presidents, and past Military Heads of State of Nigeria, including the incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari (G.C.F.R.), all Military Generals, and their equivalent in the Police, and other security agencies, are all my subordinates. Nigerians, can you all see why between 2017, and 2019, when I was angry with President Muhammadu Buhari, before returning him back to power, on election day, and was writing some unfavorable things about him, he never responded negatively, neither did he prevent my entrance into the Presidential Villa, the Armed Forces Headquarters, Police Headquarters, APC Headquarters, etc? He is not a fool to do such a thing. It's a national secret known to his level of office. These are the type, and level of persons I need to have around me, or live around me, to have a better, risk free, and peaceful life. And not with the ignorant, whose ignorance is a risk to my life, and theirs too. Because of the wrong notions they have about money, and power. E.g, some will argue that, someone who does the type of things I write about, can't have the financial problems I have, or mingle with some persons I mingle with, or be left unattended to, etc.

The questions I have are; what do they know about the true nature of money and power at such levels? What is wrong with humility? Why do the so called powerful and super rich presidents, former Military Heads of State, Generals, etc, always where I am in their other human forms? Do great persons like them guard useless ones? And why do they accept my decisions concerning elections and other national issues? And finally, why are they my subordinates?  

The Nigerian Army, Navy AirForce, Police, and other security, and intelligence agencies, make my enemies, your enemies too. Deal ruthlessly with any one of them I report to you, or the ones you find out by yourselves. 
This is also binding on APC because I am responsible for your victories, as my national responsibilities requires of me. PDP beware and desist from enemy moves against me, it will only hurt yourselves. I was responsible for the 16 years of PDP government, before I started with APC. Most of you are useless, most of your moves are ruining Nigeria, and can never bring victory without me. Stop being foolish, and uselessly myopic. 

As the unofficial Commander In Chief, and President, no Nigerian Landlord has the right to harass, or threaten, and evict a tenant who paid his or her annual rent, (and probably payed far more than the usual because of lies), for owing four months rent without having issued such a tenant, a six months quit notice. Any such act means, abuse of the rights of my Nigerian citizens, and must be dealt with. And my Nigerian citizens, the landlord is also guaranteed by the government not to exceed a loss of revenue beyond the six months period of grace. Be wise land lords and tenants. Uneducated people shouldn't be property managers. I am writing this because I am a victim, and I am pissed off, I feel like ..........  

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
