Replace Mary Beth Leonard, the present American ambassador to Nigeria.

 Replace Mary Beth Leonard, the present Nigerian ambassador to Nigeria. 

It's time for me to return back home to my United States of America. I have had enough of Nigeria, and I have seen for myself the problems, and solutions we need to put in place in Nigeria, and the entire African continent, in order to make it a better continent, and the world a better place for all of humanity.

Replace Mary Beth Leonard, the present American Ambassador to Nigeria, because I am suspicious of her. This is due to the Nigerian enemy links, and thieves, trying to destroy, steal, defraud, and lie their way into encroaching into my sacred powers, authorities, governments, organizations, heritages, etc, including our dear America. This disgusting madness, envy, fraud, and foolishness, in Nigeria where I have been since 30th of August 1976, is done by those I know in Nigeria as family, relatives, friends, school mates, etc. In the case of Mary Beth Leonard, I am worried because she is most likely connected to the imbecile, thief, fraudster, liar, and enemy of my progress, called Sonny Leonard Chukwu. Who is presently my neighbor, in the premises I am living 10, Wamako close, off Tugo/Nepa road, off Gado Nasko way, phase 4, Kubwa, Abuja. Two houses away after the four square gospel church. (I will soon move out). Let it be noted that, I first knew the mad fool, liar, and thief, when I was looking for a house in 2021, and I paid my rent through a bank transfer, which can be proven. But among his many lies which he uses for fraud, deceit, encroachment into my sphere of domain, nations, and heritages, which I and my ancient families, created thousands and centuries ago, includes, the following lies; that I am living with him, that I didn't pay rent for the apartment, that I chose him as a relative Okechukwu Chukwunonye, in January 2021, to take control of the world, Nigeria, and conduct the Nigerian 2023 Presidential elections for me, etc. These are all lies, meant only to be used for their evil plans. This is against me, and our dear United States of America, my G8 nations, the United Nations, Nigeria, my foreign descendants who are the true heirs, and owners of what they worked, and created with me, to the degree of their human abilities. 

This enemy, thief, fraudster, liar, etc, must be destroyed, and sent out of my world. The American government doesn't need such a group of people, in the American Embassy in Nigeria, at this time, when I am ready to return home to our/my dear America. Because, their insanity, envy, gold diggers mindset, and hearts set to steal and destroy me if they can, may lead to a lot of problems. My enemies are also enemies of America. 

Just yesterday 31st of March 2023, I read that a new ambassador was nominated in July of 2022, by President Joe Biden of America, to replace her. The relevance of this news to me, was the fact that it was in the same month of July 2022, that some officials of Abuja electricity distribution company (AEDC), Nigeria, came to the premises where we both reside, and disconnected my power supply due to his inability to produce an electricity account with the company for me the new tenant to pay my electric bills, seven months after collecting a passport photograph, and copy of my national identity card, for the said purpose. My discussions with the officias of AEDC, led to the discovery that the passport photograph, and identity card, wasn't used for the purpose for which he collected them. And upto this point he is yet to produce them. And for requesting for the items from him, he said, he will deal with me, if I ask him for them, and it even resulted in a mini fight started by him. What a fool! A mad baby thinker, a cockroach, shit, maggot, and urine. 

His comments about dealing with me, his refusal to return them to me, and the fight are all a disgrace to America, G8 nations, Nigeria, and our Armed Forces, Police, governments, and citizens.

He must pay the price for it. I love being gentle, especially in the midst of poor and low level people like him, but this fool, liar, thief, fraudster, and gold digger, has gone too far, with his foolish thoughts. If not checked and destroyed today, tomorrow he might want to say that, I gave him our/my American government, Nigeria, and resources, heritages. Curse be his Okechukwu Chukwunonye life, and his sonny Leonard Chukwu life, his wives, and children, his father, mother, brothers, sisters, and his partners. The only thing I can give him is destruction, since he wants to take all that I, and my descendants created, and own, and make me poor, and subject to him, and his useless, illiterate, disgusting goats of a family, for liking them, and taking a ride in his cab for a 45 minutes drive. More details can be found in the posts titled; "this is the thief who doesn't want to return my passport photograph, and national identity card" part 1, and part 2.

A stitch in time saves nine. Since, some major American issues must be connected to me, because I am America, and America is me. It's better I return to America. And I am coming alone, except if the results of a DNA test proves that a certain girl Ogechi, is my daughter. Therefore, regards should not be given to anyone in Nigeria, as my family, friends, school mates, neighbors, etc, because most of them are just terrible, and I don't need their mix up in my future American life. 

I need to get married to a beautiful and educated girl, in my/our United States of America, raise our children and by the grace of God, I will be their baby sitter and nanny, because, I believe that I have done enough, to have time to attend to my own new children, and the grown up ones in America, and the other G8 nations. Because we are one big family forever. I don't want to get married in Nigeria, or to a Nigerian, because I want to go back home. And when I come home, the US Armed Forces, government, CIA, KKk (if it still exist), keep racism away from me, and my next American wife and family, and at bay, because I am now in a black skin. I am the White, in the phrase White race. 

I have taken into consideration, the fact that the world's population is a somewhat a spiritual mix up of whites and blacks, and all have a home, or life in Africa, therefore it's imperative to make life as comfortable as possible for everyone, wherever they find themselves.

I am the only man with an unchangeable physical human body, in the world, which means I remain and live in one place at a time. Unlike the present multiple existence in more than one place. This unique, and special nature of mine, is what the Seal of the President of the United States of America, refers to as "E PLURIBUS UNUM". Moreover, I believe the African continent has paid it's dues.

I am America, and America is me. I was Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the American declaration of independence, the third President of America, and the first President to rule America from the White House, after it's completion for his whole eight years tenure. I was also John Davison Rockefeller Snr, the American oil tycoon, business man, and first billionaire, who founded standard oil. As Rockefeller, I had a very secretive, and highly classified role, in the victory of American, and allied forces, in the second world war. This is a testament reflected in executive order 10860, made and signed into law on the 5th of February 1960, (effective since 4th of July 1960, the year of Nigeria's independence) by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the late five star General/Field Marshal, and Commander of the American, and allied forces to the second world war. Also, I founded some nations, especially oil rich ones, such as Nigeria, and others in different continents of the world. Remember that as John Davison Rockefeller Snr, I had control of about 90% of the American oil market, these extended my global market share, with huge benefits, and returns to America.

Let all Americans, and the nations of the world who are beneficiaries of the American Armed Forces, remember that as Thomas Jefferson, I was from the state of Virginia, and today, the Pentagon which is the headquarters of the US Armed Forces, and the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), are located in the state of Virginia. One more thing, America is the number one nation in space, and travels to extra terrestrial bodies such as the moon. And the first American to walk on the moon, was Neil Armstrong. Remember also that, the compressed version of the Presidential, and national, Seals, Standards, and Coats of Arms, of the G8 nations, Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America, (J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A), and the coat of Arms of Nigeria can be seen in the top of my right Arm/shoulder.

Lies can reign for a while, but the truth eventually takes it's place, and exposes the wickedness, fraud, deceit, evils, etc of the lies, and the liars. A goat can never have what belongs to a lion. Because a goat can never gather what a lion gathers. No man should desire to subject others to his whms and caprices, where they they don't have the rights to, and for what is not theirs. I have heard that he they go about demanding others under my authority to do what they want, based on the lie, and fraud that I sent him to do certain things. These are lies, and those he and his partners have done this evils to, are now free to destroy them.



Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
