Post election brief, stop your ignorance.

For all that you read on my blog, and Facebook timeline, the powers behind my success for these are, God Almighty, Heaven, Angels, my foreign descendants and families in the Great 8 nations, and the other ones, the nations we created and formed the governments, Armed Forces, Police, political parties, e.g, Nigeria, our nuclear and other sophisticated military weapons, our world economy, and our global
 wealth, far beyond the imaginations of you the readers.

No one I know in Nigeria, can be responsible for any of them, unless they are allowed or used by the above mentioned, or by me. Therefore, all those Nigerian fools who feel that those I know in Nigeria, are responsible for these awesome things, I feel sorry for you all, and your high level of ignorance about the government of Nigeria. Therefore, all the useless and foolish idiots I know out there, stop your ignorant schemes of wanting me to take you to those my friends, and contacts, who you foolishly believe are responsible for these things. Especially those from Port Harcourt, and other southern friends. Every organisation, and systems have their secret ways. If you know me, then who else are you looking for? 

The just concluded Nigerian Presidential election, was a clear pointer to the ignorance of even Presidential candidates. Even the ones I wrote to, didn't reach out to me in return, they were busy running after other powers, and in the ensuing confusion, I found myself confronting the purportedly planned northern consensus candidate. And I had to make some impromptul moves on the morning of the APC primaries, and move 3, was getting on a bike, to the taxi park, others include entering a taxi with a Yoruba writing, Ola inu kan, written on the windshield to Eagle square venue of the primaries, from APC headquarters, and stopping at Wuse bus stop, (West/Asiwaju), instead of berger bus stop, etc. If the ones, I had written to, or any other one had contacted me, and had terms with me, the secret system, could have delivered him. Problems of ignorance in high places, and Obi coming up with his own lies, and schemes to be the southern Christians candidate from Labour party. When I clearly told him, I wanted it from APC, and there was no way it could be him, because he was not a member of APC. Because of these, today we have a man, a fellow southerner, who I contacted via a letter, to support me/us in the making of southern Christian President, becoming the new President, even though a Muslim. 

This is to stop and prevent fraudulent deceit of the fools out there. I am aware that some imbeciles believe that it is those I live with, or those who live around me, that control the government. This is the height of ignorance, foolishness, and attempted gold digging. How can that be? Are they the owners of the government? And for this reason, some of the thieves, gold diggers, imbeciles, etc, have been scheming secretly, foolishly and madly, to be the ones around me, or behind the ones around me, and the residence I will live in. The question I have for these fools is, can you all show me one example of someone who did it? And is it right that I should create and own a government, and another control just because he lives around me, or is responsible for where I live? When even in cases of loans, I can repay with huge interests. From now henceforth, all those fools who try to meddle base on this criteria, should be killed, and treated with scorn. I remember sharing this point with a former federal minister of Nigeria, after a few observations of some people who tried. I guess some others started theirs afterwards. Death is their punishment. And most importantly, the fools who believe them, instead of confirming from me should be flogged, because not everyone around me, or family, or friends, are really genuine in their intentions.

A few years ago, I was informed that about five years ago, some people who were actually my Nigerian family, who came to visit me in Abuja, during one of the most difficult period of my life, were actually sent to deliver, eight trillion naira to me (some billions of dollars). Being proceeds for some of my services rendered. But the source was not disclosed to me, whether it was from the foreign or local ones. They came, and left after sometime, without giving me or telling me about it. However, they went back and told those who sent them that I was mad, therefore they didn't deliver it to me. I have never been mad, since I was born, what on earth, can make the August Visitor mad? What? These are the problems I face from those I know in Nigeria. Envy, wickedness, gold digging, and attempts to steal. And since I was used to their envy, and it was just a story, with no evidence, I just ignored it, because the sender, will someday realise he or she sent envy, and wickedness, to me.

The point here is how can an animal be the one to judge the mental state of a human being. How can the changeable spiritual being ever understand the unchangeable?

At this point, I wish to state that if this story which I swept under the carpet for some reasons, is true, and they returned the money back to the senders, then they should be left alone. But if for any reason whatsoever, they didn't return it, and decided to keep it, or use it for themselves, then even death will have my approval. Because it is the height of wickedness. I was living in a deplorable environment, and enduring the hardships, while waiting for the rewards of my services rendered, and then someone sees me in that situation, and still has the guts to take it for themselves, call me a mad man, to justify it. To hell!

Maybe they did, using the communication method which I often refer to as animalism. How's that my fault? Am I one of them? Since I was born, I have never seen an animal ask a human a question. That's how those who don't ask me questions to confirm are to me. This method must stop, the past administration just did 8 years of madness by not talking with me one on one. But talking to everyone Tom duck and Harry around me, on my behalf. I hope this new one will not be like them.

From the above, I am surprised by the wrong beliefs, and lies that were successfully used for evils, fraud, and destruction of my prospects by some enemies, gold diggers, and thieves.  Such as the university network (u), in, eiye confraternity, black axe confraternity, homosexuality, animal osu charles erijo being my gay wife/partner, when I have never been gay since I was born. And because of the way this younger brother to two mad immediate elder brother and sister, next in line to go mad, imbecile, gold digger, disgusting homosexual, thief, poor, irresponsible, and over envious enemy of mine, successfully deceived, most of my family, and friends in Lagos, and they believed and revered the useless cockroach, I can never respect, or like them the way used to. Cockroach ebibio spiff ruining my life, some Nigerian family and friends, kenebi okoko, Shafatu Sulaiman, a girl used for scams that I love her, and want to marry her. This is a lie from the pit of hell. An instrument for fraud, gold digging, and enemy attacks. I haven't met her for 33 years now, I don't love her, and can never marry a girl like her. Because she is divorced with 4 kids, and a Muslim. This religious line is not in line with the future that I am working on, outside Nigeria. It seems she is part of the fraud, and over desperate gold digging group of persons such as osu charles erijo, kenebi okoko, ebibio spiff, etc, all imbeciles to me, and those who know them very well. What's a lady's business with what belongs to a male friend of hers, without his knowledge, or consent. Beware of this fraud called Shafatu. I am also surprised by COVID 19, and the link to Islam, because I got former President Ebele Goodluck Jonathan out of office in 2015, for Muhammadu Buhari. When I got late President Musa Yar'adua, out for Ebele Goodluck Jonathan in 2010, was I a Muslim? And when the same Ebele Goodluck Jonathan, betrayed me, the power of Nigeria, and a Christian, the very next year in 2011, was he a Christian? My religion, and principles, can never be changed because of anyone, or anything in Nigeria, because it is one of my local nations. Even presidents are my sub ordinates, and official representatives

All Nigerians, APC is not a party of Armed robbers. If they were they could have lost power in 2019, or 2023. PDP, before APC I heard a story of prostitution, was it true? The wrong belief that APC was, or is northern, or Islamic, is a blatant lie, from the pit of hell, from ignorant fools, who don't know the real APC, and whose ignorance is dangerous to the party, and nation. Without me, there would have been no APC in 2015, was I a Muslim? Or am I a Muslim? PDP members trying to fight me or cause me problems, are fools, who don't know anything about PDP. I am not a politician, however I am the head/owner of APC and PDP. I am not a military man in the real terms of the word, however I am their unofficial Commander In Chief, I am not a politician, however I remain the unofficial President of Nigeria. All these requires certain knowledge to understand. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
