May God forgive me, and us all, Amen.
Before I continue, my initial rule which says that only the married are allowed to do romantic disgrace to their spouses, still stands. Therefore, the unmarried ones like my humble self, and Reverend fathers, and sisters, are not allowed, because we are not married. However, other religious leaders who are married are allowed. For now, I can only write, until I get married. 
I know that, I am missing a lot by not being married now. I can't wait to get married, and enjoy and endure, all that married couples do. Anything delaying the proceeds from coming to me, and movement to the desired nation, should be removed, and dealt with on a global scale.

I think that I have to be awake before getting married. Because my wife needs to know the real man she will walk down the aisle/altar with, to get wedded, and live with. And she and my kids shouldn't see the devil as their father in law, or grand father, which could have happened during my slumber/rest.

Sequel to my 2013/2014 joke, titled; Police is your friend. Wherein I shared an experience I once had with a girl, who heard I was very good in bed, and travelled hundreds of kilometres to have a taste. Unfortunately, that night turned out a disaster for her, contrary to her expectations. It was all over before I could count from one to four 😁. And the next morning, she sent me out of my own room. Can you imagine? It was like a shooting range, or battlefield, where you shoot immediately you see your target, or enemy. 😁😀😄😃. I was a very sharp shooter that night, and she was upset. Was it my fault? 😁😀😄😃

Somehow, that joke was widely spread, and wherever I go, and most things I do, it is used to mock me jokingly. But I am never angry, because I know that there is no married man, or woman, who hasn't had that experience. So I always consider them my comrades, lying to cover their own experiences. With the common saying, do you think I am like you? That a girl sent out of his room?

The sales boy, is one of such jokes. A few years ago, I was living in a neighborhood in Abuja, Nigeria. And of course the joke got to the neighborhood. In the neighborhood, there was a store which I often patronised. The owner was a pregnant woman, and her husband in his own joke, was saying that he wasn't responsible for his wife's pregnancy. Because he is so good, he doesn't even come.😀

A few months later she delivered safely, and behold the baby was a carbon copy of the man, who had been lying that he was not responsible for the pregnancy of his wife, because he was so good, he doesn't come. His lies were exposed by his baby. And as usual, I knew one more of my comrades 😁. 
Well, by the time I left the neighborhood a few months later, he was the sales boy, in his wife's store. Being his punishment, and sentence from his wife, for his romantic boasts and lies.

There are so many husbands and wives, out there who should be sentenced, or punished like the sales boy. Because some wives too can boast and lie. They all are my comrades in shooting. He that is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone.

This joke often comes to play in most things I get involved with, especially the things you read here. Everybody wants to claim they are the best, and not like me, and they have never had such experiences, which we all know to be a lie. Every man or woman, have their own stories to tell.

Talking about sending out, I am thinking about traveling to America. A country, I drafted it's Declaration of Independence, as Thomas Jefferson, who at the time, on the 4th of July 1776 (4/7/1776), also had his unofficial and everlasting title, of the King of England, he was from Virginia, and governor of the state of Virginia, on whose land/state, we have the Pentagon, which is the headquarters of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, and the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A), and who later became the 3rd President of the United States of America, etc, and who died on the 4th of July, the date of American independence.

13 years later, I was born again into the United States of America, as John Davison Rockefeller Snr. He became the founder of Standard oil, and some other businesses, and became the first American billionaire. He died in 1937, two years before the second world war. Those who know, know that he took the American and allied Forces, and their Commander, late Field Marshall/President, Dwight D Eisenhower, to the Normandy landing in France, and gave them victory, and way into the liberation of Europe, and the second world war at large. I checked and noticed that, the Normandy landing, was carried out with 672 military ships, and I was born in Nigeria on 30/8/1976.

The Nigerian girl can be forgiven, because I wasn't awake at the time it happened in 2002. But for the future American ladies or lady, anyone of them who dares try it will be arrested by the United States Armed Forces, CIA, Police, etc. They will tell me and us, if they were the ones who fought for the independence of the United States of America, granted it, and created the nation and government of the United States of America. Those who may try it, should be arrested, conscripted into the Armed Forces, and sent to the war front. Lol! When they get there, then they will know what it takes to win wars of independence, world wars, etc.😃. Also Imagine me coming home to America, and visiting the Rockefeller center, and a lady/ladies there dares sending me out of my room, she will tell me/us (my descendants), if she/they was/were the one/ones that built the Center.😃

I also Imagine how the Emperor of Japan, His Royal Majesty Emperor Naruhito, and Emperor Emeritus Akihito, will feel if a Japanese lady should send me out of my room in Japan. When I am their Father, and founder of Japan. This also applies to all my descendants in the Great 8 nations, because we live in a global village. 

All the sales boys out there, in the government, military, police, politicians, political parties, masses, true family and friends, if such still exist in Nigeria, and masses, stop lying and boasting, and do just what I want, or order you to do. Because your lies may be exposed. However, may God forgive you, and may your wives and husbands, be merciful, and lenient in their punishments and sentences. 

The new marriage rule, which states that, he or she who eats to satisfaction in the room, should not have food in the kitchen, still remains. Because I know, I am going to be the owner of all the food in my kitchen, when I get married. Lol! My future wife should take note 😁.  I know some married people will not like this rule, however, in every home, and among all couples, I know I will have one friend, among the husband and wife. Because both can not lose the same time.

May God bless us all.
May God bless my future wife, &: children.
May God make food abundant for us 
May my wife have a spirit of tolerance, and forgiveness for shooting.😄😃😁😀

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
