Research and message from me, Izaak Elchanan Bacharach Rothschild. 

Lord Jacob Rothschild, and the entire Rothschild family, I greet you all. 

I have a great news for you all. 
May peace, love, blessings, prosperity, divine health, long life, and protection, be with you all. 
This is to inform you that I just carried out a research of the Rothschild family, and I am glad to inform you that, I was, your ancestor, Izaak Elchanan Bacharach Rothschild. I am the August Visitor. This simply means one from above, who comes down to earth, for some purposes. This means that, you are descendants of one from above. Just like my other families and descendants, of my Great 8 nations. Arranged  below chronologically, starting from the oldest to the youngest. 

1. Emperor Jimmu 1, of Japan, who was the founder, and first Emperor of Japan, and my Imperial Royal family of Japan, which is now headed by Emperor, Naruhito, and Emperor Emeritus Akihito. 
2. My Zheng Ying family of China. I was the founder and first Emperor of China. However, I don't know if the family blood line can still be traced. 
3. My Julius Caesar family, of the ancient Roman Empire, and of present day Italy. 
4. My King Clovis 1, family of France. I was the founder and first King Of France. 
5. My King Offa 1, family of England. 
6. My Prince Riruk 1, of Russia family. I was founder and first Czar/Tsar, of Russia. 
7. My Otto 1, the great of Germany. The Holy Roman Emperor. After my life, as Otto 1, the great Holy Roman emperor. I refer to this as my Germany 1 life. I came back again to Germany, as your ancestor, Izaak Elchanan Bacharach Rothschild, and the Rothschild family, and dynasty, was built on the foundation of Otto 1, the great. I refer to my Izaak Elchanan Rothschild's life, as my German 2 life. My book of numbers perfectly confirms this. 
8. My Thomas Jefferson, and my John Davison Rockefeller Snr, families, of United States of America. I refer to the Thomas Jefferson life, as American life 1, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr, as American life 2. Moreso, deep inside of me, I feel that, I had been a native American red Indian King, before my Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller lives. 

The Book of Numbers.

Now let's look at the numbers, associated with their dates of births, deaths, years lived, years on throne or in power, and a few others. From these numbers, a code can be used to put the pieces together. There's a code, which I started with, and this is; 17: 16-34. This was taken from the Bible, in the book of Acts of the Apostles, chapter 17, verses 16 to 34. Wherein, Paul used the statue in Athens, Greece, dedicated to the unknown God, to preach to the Athenians. This can be explained further, when we meet. 

Now let's look at the numbers, and a few other things, and see how they perfectly fall in line, in a timescale, or chronological order. This unique creation of my research, is the foundation for this work, and confirmation of Izaak Elchanan Bacharach Rothschild, and all the others in the research work, of my past lives.

1. Emperor Jimmu 1, of Japan. Born in 711 or 721 BC, and died, 585 BC. Lived for 126 or 136 years, ruled from about 660 to 585 BC (75 years).

2. Emperor Zheng Ying, of China. Born 18/2/259 BC, and died, 210 BC. Lived for 49 years. Ruled from 221 to 12'7/210 BC (11 years). 

3. Julius Caesar of Rome/Italy. Born, 12/6/100 BC, and died, 15'/3/44 BC. Lived for 56 years. Ruled from 46 to 44 BC, (2 ) years. 

4. King Clovis 1 of France. Born 466 AD, and died 27/11/511. Lived for 45 years. Ruled from 481 to 511 AD, (30) years.

5. King Offa 1 of England. Reigned as King from 757 to 796. Ruled, for 39 years. Died in 796 AD,  no record of date of birth. 

6. Czar/Tsar Riruk 1 of Russia/ Prince Riruk of Novgorod. Reigned from 862 to 879. Reigned for 17 years. Died in 862 AD. No record of date of birth.

7. Germany 1.
Otto 1 the great of Germany, the Holy Roman Emperor. Born, 23/11/912. Died, 7/5/973. Lived for 61 years. He ruled German King from 936 AD, and as Holy Roman Emperor from 962 to 973, when he died. Ruled for 37 years cumulatively, as the German King, and the Holy Roman Emperor (936-973).

Germany 2.
Izaak Elchanan Bacharach Rothschild. Born, 1528, died, 13/4/1588. Lived for 60 years. Started the Rothschild, in 1567, at the age of 39 years. He is the first person said to have used the name Rothschild. Rothschild, means; at the red shield.

8. United States of America 1.
Thomas Jefferson. Born, 13/4/1743, died 4/7/1826. Lived for 83 years. Ruled USA, from 4/3/1801, to 4/3/1809 (8) years. 3rd President of America. 

United States of America 2.
John Davison Rockefeller Snr. Born, 8/7/1839, died 23/5/1937. Lived for 98 years. Started Standard oil, in 1870, at the age of 31.

A little Mathematics with the numbers.

Germany 1 and Germany 2.
The mathematical difference between, their years of birth. 
Izaak Elchanan Rothschild. 1528 AD.

Otto 1 the great, Holy Roman Emperor, 912 AD.

1528 - 912 = 616.

Mathematical difference between their years of death. 
Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, 1588 AD.
Otto 1, the great, Holy Roman Emperor, 973 AD. 

1588 - 973 = 615.

Remember, German 1, and German 2, lived, 61, and 60 years respectively. Note also, that the difference between, 61 and 60 is equal to one. Likewise, the difference between 616, and 615, is equal to one. And during the second World War,  Germany was split into 2 countries, by America and Russia. 
Call it maths, or magic, or genius. I just call it, my book of Numbers.

Now let's extrapolate it to the United States of America. 
The mathematical difference between the years of birth, of America 2 and America 1.
John Davison Rockefeller Snr. 1839.
Thomas Jefferson, 1743.

1839 - 1743 = 96.

The mathematical difference between the years of death of America 2, and America 1.
John Davison Rockefeller Snr, 1937.
Thomas Jefferson,1826.

1937 - 1826 = 111.

Recall that John Rockefeller started his Standard oil, at the age of 31, and Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, was said to have started using the name Rothschild, in 1567, at the age of 39. Both can easily be deduced from the answers, 111, and 96.
There are other maths and numbers, that are not included in this post/publication.

Points to note between Germany 1, and United States of America 1.

Germany 1, was Otto 1. And America 1, was Thomas. Note the similarity in the names,  Otto, and Thomas.

Germany 2, was Rothschild, and America 2, was Rockefeller. Note the similarity in the names, Rothschild, and Rockefeller. 

Call it maths, genius, magic, or whatever you wish, I just call it my book of numbers, and my ancient codes, which I am just using in decoding, to unlock my past, to identify my authorities, powers, and that which is mine. 

All these helps to give understanding to the things that happen in this world, and Nigeria, because of me. Which have made Nigeria, and life in Nigeria, a child's play to me.

In Nigeria, I was born on the 30th of August 1976. 30/8/1976. The 3rd son, and 4th child, in a family with 7 children. Remember the code: Acts of Apostles, 17: 16 - 34. Look at the numbers. Let it be noted that all members of this Nigerian family, are beneath what I am. Including so called, parents, and their families, and relatives.

I will love to inform you my dear Rothschild family. That my research, and book of numbers, didnt confirm me being Mayer Armschel Rothschild. During the days of Mayer Armschel Rothschild, I was living as Thomas Jefferson, here referred to as, America 1 life. The important point to note, about my Thomas Jefferson life, was the fact that, during those days of the American wars,  and struggles for independence, I also had my title, of the King Of England, who were the colonial or occupying government. I still possess that title, of King Of England, and other G8 nations, even today, in Nigeria, where I reside. 
Therefore, my drafting of the American declaration of independence, was my royal move, declaring the United States of America, an independent nation. 

You are descendants of royalty, and one from above. Let it be noted here that, the Rothschild family, was a product, built on the foundations of the Otto 1, the great, the Holy Roman Emperor, and others of my G8 nations. Moreso, Mayer Armschel Rothschild, expanded his business empire into, England, Paris, Naples, Viena, from Frankfurt, it's base. All these cities are part of the G8 nations, to the exception of Viena. Which history, I am yet to carry out a research on, to ascertain if I had a part in it. 

Now as Jews, and Israelites, remember that God told Abraham your ancestor, in the book of Genesis, chapter 12, verse 3; I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. 

I will also send you a picture, showing a birth mark on the top of my right arm/right shoulder, which is the compressed version of the national, and presidential, Seals, Standards, and Coat of Arms, of the G8 nations, and Nigeria, where I presently reside. A closer look at it, will show what looks like the diVision of the Red sea. I am going to add the Rothschild family Coat of Arms to it, since I have done the Rothschild research, and it was confirmed by my book of numbers.

We can share my research together, and do the remaining together. May I mention it here, that I saw the name, Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, on the Facebook page of Lord Jacob Rothschild, which I used for this research. Because, my first research was on Mayer Armschel Rothschild, which my book of numbers couldn't confirm. I remain grateful to Lord Jacob Rothschild, for what seems like a research material.

My children, it's time for me to leave Nigeria. For other purposes and life, overseas. I have been in a slumber or rest, unaware of these things I just wrote to you all, for most part of my Nigerian life. 

Before we proceed, be informed that I am different from all human beings on earth today. In these days of what I call spiritual lives/bodies, I have a physical unchangeable human body. Which is sign of the difference. I can best state the probable reason for this from the Bible, in first Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 46. It states: But it is not the spiritual that is first, but the physical, and then the spiritual. This shows that, I have existed before all creatures on earth. 

Another major problem I have is with communication. I only understand communication in spoken or writen form, as for us in English language. I don't understand secret communication methods, signs, communication without using words, communication during sleep, etc. Communication must be in English words, with the true meaning. Like it is used in schools. I know I went to schools, and I understood my teachers and lecturers.

My telephone numbers are: 
Blog: (I have been having problems logging in to it, after my last post).

Facebook: Ojeje Igwe Okoi. 

I presently don't have a house in Nigeria, I moved out of my last accommodation in Abuja,  the federal capital territory, on the 26th of May 2023. Because my rent was due, and I decided not to renew, because my neighbors were fraudulent people, who were using my presence in the premises for deceit, and fraud.

Thereafter, I traveled out of Abuja to rest, and for a few other things. My last address was, 10, Wamako street, off Tugo or Nepa road, off Gado Nasko way, phase 4, Kubwa, Abuja. 

I also decided to carry out this research, during this period. I hope you reach out to me, as soon as possible. I will communicate my address to you, as soon as I get a new one. I believe you can find me in Nigeria, using your foreign and Nigerian contacts. I am usually in government offices, Armed Forces, police, political parties headquarters, APC, etc,  and Roman Catholic churches, etc, in Abuja. 

I am Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William. My surname is Okoi. It used to be Bassey, until 2013, when I changed it to Okoi.
I don't belong to any cult, confraternity, and secret society, here in Nigeria. And I consider no one my boss, superior, or elder. I am not yet married, I am not gay, and the word friend, is a treacherous one, which I use with care. Therefore, receive no one from Nigeria, as my family, friend, school mate, or in whatever manner, or capacity, that they may decide to use. Past experiences have shown enemies, and fraudsters, trying to take advantage. Those worthy, I will take care of.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
