My case against the wrong, suspicious, and so called Arabic fact checkers, who said that my post, Happy 4th of July to all Americans, contains false informations. What do Arabs know or like about America.

I am surprised that my post on Facebook, titled Happy 4th of July to all Americans. Was said to contain some false informations, by some certain Arabic reuters fact checkers. I wish to state categorically clear, that this claim by the said fact checkers was a canard. What do Arabs know or like about America? That they should be used as fact checkers. This whole thing looks like a scam to me, and an unfortunate deliberate blight to me, and my Facebook page. And whatever sources they may have consulted could never have given them a satisfactory understanding or knowledge, with which they could have made a just conclusion, to ascertain, whether the information was true or false. Because the informations are far beyond the ordinary human realm of life, power, secrets, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. These higher levels are what are used for such works, and purposes stated in the post. It is on these that the United States of America was founded, amongst other things. And that's is why it is the great nation it is today. These are wonders done centuries ago, and concealed even from some of the participants of that era, and when none of the fact checkers were neither born, nor their organisations and probably sources were created. Moreover, these were all done by Heavenly powers, and whatever is concealed in Heaven, can never be revealed on earth, or by anyone, unless it's permitted from Heaven. Remember also that, it is not all events, that have their true reasons made public, by those involved.  

Dear Americans and all my readers, be informed that there's no way anyone can fully understand this post and other related posts of mine, without my explanations, or contributions to elucidate to them, the best way my slumber/rest mode can allow. In other to help clear their doubts. No other way can give any useful, just or fair results. In life, we all have our different areas of knowledge or specialty. Even the best expert or professor in one field, is usually a novice in another. Can a geologist fully understand neurosurgery without taking lessons or lectures, and practice in neurosurgery? Can a kindergarten kid, understand rocket science? Can anyone who isn't an Heavenly being understand Heavenly things and secrets?
Now let's come back to the American independence, can anyone who was not an Heavenly being, or their agents on earth, understand what the Heavenly powers did back then? Even at that, each understood according to what role they handled. Yet the whole plan and execution had it's pyramid or hierarchy of power, and a coordinator. America is God's own country. And in God we trust, is written at the back of the dollar notes.

Before I go on to my book of numbers, to show the fact checkers, all Americans, and the whole world, that I was Thomas Jefferson and John Davison Rockefeller Snr, let me explain a mystery from the G8 nations, which I mentioned in the post. The world and nations in it, were created by a creator calked God, and the nations created were part of a grand plan from the beginning. The G8 nations, arranged chronologically from the oldest to the youngest, we have Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, and America. If you take the first letters of each nation and arrange them, you will have, J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A. 
My dear Americans, readers, and the world, can you all see Jefferson, and John Rockefeller from J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A?. Yet America was the youngest of them all, separated by thousands of years from Japan, still at the end, Jefferson and John Rockefeller, can be seen, in J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A. Even the abbreviations of my name C.I.O.W. can be seen therein. 
These are mysteries that are not taught in schools, etc. Yet they are true, and secrets known only to the few who know about it. Now you my readers are also getting to know about it today. 

The contents of my post Happy 4th of July to all Americans, are all simple and easy to verify, by just browsing any of the search engines, e.g google. The only content that any one might want to find difficult to believe, is the one where I said that, I was Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr. 
Now if anyone says it is false, let that person produce evidence that he or she is right. 

Because it is a simple matter of Heavenly reincarnations. It is in the Bible, that John the Baptist, was the prophet Elijah, who was to come/reincarnate, Matthew chapter 11: verses 14 and 15. The ignorance of the fact checkers should not be my waterloo. 

Now, let me show you all using what I call the book of numbers. Like I did in my post titled;  message and research about the Rothschild family. Wherin I used the numbers to correlate what I called Germany one and America one, OTTO 1 of Germany, the Holy Roman Emperor, and THOMAS Jefferson. And Germany two and American two, Izaak Elchanan Bacharach ROTHSCHILD, and John Davison ROCKEFELLER Snr. You can find them on this timeline and my blog,

I wanted to wait until I get to the United States of America, before writing about this particular set of book of numbers, however this situation has prompted me to. Read and enjoy, and marvel at the hidden mysteries.
Book of numbers for Thomas Jefferson, John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and my humble self, Ojeje Igwe William Chibuzor.  (C.I.O.W.).

Let's do some mathematics, and look at the numbers of the results. 

Rockefeller's year of birth - Jefferson's year of death.
Rockefeller's year of death - Jefferson's year of death.  
Rockefeller's year of birth - Jefferson's year of birth.
My year of birth - Rockefeller's year of death.
My year of birth - Rockefeller's year of birth.
My year of birth - Jefferson's year of birth.
My year of birth - Jefferson's year of death.
Thomas Jefferson's year of death - American year of independence.
1826-1776= 50.

Can you all see that the first six answers have the number 3, and numbers related to 3, (111 and 96, are multiples of 3).
The last two have answers 50 and 150, which relates to 50, the number of states in the United States of America.

The birthmark on my right shoulder/top right arm, shows the V shape, and a closer look, reveals the number 3 facing down. Remember also that in Roman numerals, V is equal to 5. And in the state of Virginia we have the Pentagon, a fort with 5 bastions, which is the headquarters of the United States Armed Forces/Defence. Do you also know why I can decide the outcomes of American presidential elections even from here in Nigeria? If you can't know these, then you can never be in a position to call false, my information in my post relating to the United States of America. There are so many others, but for want of time and space, I will stop here.  

With these facts which were concealed from the earlier post, I wish to show all Americans, the secret truths about its history, which were concealed, and not known. This is for your perusal. Because knowledge is power, and ignorance causes doubts. 

I quoted proverbs chapter 25 verse 2, which says, it is for the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of Kings is to search things out. Because Thomas Jefferson was said to be an atheist. A word is enough for the wise. E.g, no matter how I choose to live my life, after death I return back home. Some lives and missions are like a school or test for some of my own. 

I hereby wish to rest my case. By categorically stating that, the so called Arabic fact checkers, did not consult all necessary means, sources, knowledge, persons including me, before arriving at their decision. Which was obviously wrong, harsh, and misleading to Americans. What do Arabs know or like about America? That their checks should be used, for an American post. I hereby offer them this pieces of secret truths without which all decisions they make will be wrong. Somethings are best done in secret, without suspicion in other to have the desired results. And it's often said that there's a time for everything under the sun. A time to conceal, and a time to make known. I remember a lecturer telling a story of why doctorate degrees (PhDs) do not have first, second or third classes. He said a certain PhD student,  made a discovery that was very true and correct. But because his supervising lecturer, neither knew, nor understood it at that period in time, he gave him a 3rd class. However, many years later, the PhD student discovery, was found to be true. He was only years ahead of his lecturer, and in this case fact checkers. I think it was the scientist who discovered the aromic nucleus or something like that, which is still a valid law of science today. But the fact still remains that, the correct and brilliant PhD student was given a 3rd class, by an ignorant and wrong lecturer/fact checkers. 

I believe that all Americans deserve to know these additional secrets of their independence, history, nation and government, in addition to what they have been taught in schools, by the great history teachers.  

The US Presidency/executive, White House, Armed Forces (Pentagon), Central Intelligence agency, Federal bureau of investigation, Police, the legislative and judicial arms of government, and all Americans, I know that this mysteries are known to some of the above organizations, and institutions. Let's keep it close to our hearts, and pass it on to future generations, and those who are where these knowledge, and informations are used as the standards of service, for the overall interest of the nation and citizens. The citizens and other fact checkers may not have these secret knowledge, and may never have a way to verify these truths, therefore you owe it to the American citizens, to uphold these secrets of our national strength. You are to look into this matter, to find out it truly came from Facebook, or someone is trying to be funny. How can reuters Arabic be the independent fact checkers? What do Arabs know or like about the United States of America. This is a blight to me. It's unfair to condemn anyone who is truthful, with ignorance and lies. All I wrote in the post are true mysteries, far above their levels of existence and knowledge. Let them state what they feel is false and let us see if they are right or wrong. My presence in Nigeria/Africa and the colour of my present skin, doesn't take away my powers and wealth, operating in the United States of America and the whole world.

The US Armed Forces/Pentagon, White House, CIA, and my American families, pay close attention to the US embassy in Nigeria. I don't want any unnecessary issues there. 

I don't deal in lies, and I hate liars. 

May God bless the United States of America.
May God bless the President and Vice President of America. 
May God bless the United States Armed Forces, C.I.A., F.B.I, etc.
May God bless all Americans.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
