Also available on my Facebook: 
Ojeje Igwe Okoi.

This post is in response to the so called false  Arabic Reuters fact checkers.
These so called Facebook Reuters arabic independent fact checkers are false, and wrong. And should be sued to court. 

Those who know what America is, know that there was no false information in the post. E.g, the Oval office/ White House, Pentagon, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, my American Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller Snr families, etc. Therefore, I am taking this with a pinch of salt. Because I know for sure, that I have those who know the truth, e.g, my US presidents, US Army, my US Navy, my US Air Force, my C.I.A, US government, my US families, Angels, etc, all on my side. What's Facebook or Arabic independent fact checkers? On this matter. 

Even though I suspect that it may be a joke, let me first state my case with more true, ancient, and secret knowledge, about America. And how those who know what the United States of America is, Identify me even here in Nigeria/Africa. 

On the comedy side, if It is truly a joke, I am sure that, they will all go to jail, because all men are guilty. All are my comrades in the sad experience, including who I call Facebook small boy. May God forgive me for the joke. 

These set of numbers are the nexus/connecting points to Thomas Jefferson, John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and my humble self Ojeje William Okoi (C.I.O.W).
These are far beyond the deciphering of ordinary men and women. Unless they are showed and made to know, by this method I am using, etc. 

These numbers which I refer to as my book of numbers, are heavenly and ancient wisdom, and way of keeping, and passing on this secret information about the history of the United States of America, to generations of Americans.

These are true, and not false. If I were living in America, I could have sued all those illiterates of American history, who are ignorant of the secret powers behind American independence, history, and what America truly is, for libel. And yet from their ignorance, say that these wholesome truths, contained in my post; Happy 4th of July to all Americans, contains false informations. 

I challenge them to a public debate, and challenge them to mention the false informations in the post. 

Everything in the post can be verified from websites, and search engines like Google. Including all the dates of births, dates of deaths, year of independence, used for the book of numbers, which is the way to prove the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson, as John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and as Ojeje William Okoi. (C.I.O.W.). Reincarnation is stated in the Bible, Mathew chapter 11: verses 14 -15. ( And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. Let anyone with ears listen! ) Referring to John the Baptist.
And for the said atheist life of Thomas Jefferson. It's written in Proverbs chapter 25, verse 2, it is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of Kings is to search things out. 

A so called Reuters arabic, being the independent fact checkers points to nothing, but a big joke. What does Reuters and arabs know, or like about America? And what business do I have with Arabs and Islam? unless for the presence of the religion here in the nation Nigeria, whose creation is also linked to me, and has me the authority of every arm of government, and its Armed Forces. And is also under my authority. 

Now let's do some mathematics, and look at the book of numbers, that the results creates. Read, enjoy, and marvel, at the American and Heavenly wonders.

1.) Rockefeller's year of birth - Jefferson's year of death.
1839-1826= 13

2.) Rockefeller's year of death - Jefferson's year of death.  

3.) Rockefeller's year of birth - Jefferson's year of birth.

4.) My year of birth - Rockefeller's year of death.

5.) My year of birth - Rockefeller's year of birth.

6.) My year of birth - Jefferson's year of birth.

7.) My year of birth - Jefferson's year of death.

8.) Thomas Jefferson's year of death - American year of independence.
1826-1776= 50.

Can you all see that the first six answers have the number 3, and numbers related to 3, (111 and 96, are multiples of 3).

The last two have answers 50 and 150, which relates to 50, the number of states in the United States of America.

New addition to the ones in the post;  my case against the wrong, suspicious, and so called arabic fact checkers, who said that my post, Happy 4th of July to all Americans. Contains false informations, without any evidence.  Read, enjoy, and marvel.

These set of numbers are the United States of America's way of identifying me, here in Nigeria/Africa.
Now let me extrapolate this to Facebook. Wherever Mark Zuckerberg goes to, or within the premises of Facebook, the employees of Facebook, will identify, or introduce him, to others as their boss, and founder of Facebook. 

9.) U96/5565232.
My matriculation number, at university of Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria. U96/5565232. Can be deduced from the book of numbers. 

Matriculation number: U96/5565 232 .

U96, is the academic year of admission.

5565, is the departmental code of geology. See 50 and 150, (55) in the answers 7 and 8, above. 

232, is the undergraduate number. The numbering started from 200 or 201. I was candidate 32.

Now let's look at the book of numbers. And see them there. 

From the results of Rockefeller's year of birth minus Jefferson's year of birth we have;
1839 - 1743 = 96. 

Divide 96 by 3= 32. 

These are secret numbers connecting Thomas Jefferson, John Davison Rockefeller Snr, and my humble self, Ojeje William Okoi, (C.I.O.W.).

10.) Fgcs/p/4372 
My admission number at Federal government college, Sokoto, Nigeria, was: Fgcs/P/4372.
I was admitted, and attended the secondary school in 1990. Google the date of birth, of Thomas Jefferson (13/4/1743), and compare them with 4372. 

11.) 4716.
My admission number at Federal government college, Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria, was 4716.

I was admitted, and attended the secondary school, from 1991 to 1995.
Google the date of independence of the United States of America, (4/7/1776), and compare it with the admission number, 4716.

You can call them Maths, genius, or magic, however, I just call them, my book of numbers. 

The birthmark on my right shoulder/top right arm, shows the V shape, and a closer look, reveals the number 3 facing down.
Remember also that in Roman numerals, V is equal to 5. And in the state of Virginia, we have the Pentagon, a fort with 5 bastions, which is the headquarters of the United States Armed Forces/Defence. The Central Intelligence Agency, is also located in Virginia. 

Can you also see why I can decide the outcomes of American presidential elections even from here in Nigeria/Africa? Working with the relevant US government agencies, organisations, etc. If you don't know these true secrets of America, then how can you judge my post, and be in a position to call false, my informations in my post relating to the United States of America. Am I supposed to pay the price for their ignorance of the truth? Can a kindergarten kid, rightly judge a rocket scientist? Remember that these are not taught in schools. There are so many others, but for want of time, and space, I will love to stop here.  

There's a purpose for being in Nigeria. Let it be noted by all, and sundry, that in Nigeria, I don't have any superior, I am neither under the authority of any person, nor organisations, nor am I, a member of any secret society, or confraternity. I am a Christian (Catholic), with a BSc degree in geology, not married, or engaged to any lady in Nigeria, and not gay. 

Sometimes, I feel like a man who has spent his whole life in Nigeria with pets, like dogs, cats, etc. We get on with life, loving and taking care of eachother, without properly understanding eachother, because of the problems of communication. Which is due to my pristine human life, and unchangeable physical human body, which they can't also understand. And have never seen before. I am stating this here because, some of them here in Nigeria, are also in America, base on spiritual existence. That's a point for concern, that must be taken into consideration, by the Oval office/White House, US Armed Forces, C.I.A., etc, because some of your agents here in Nigeria, suffer from the same problem, and can send wrong reports back home, based on lack of understanding of a life, and being, that they have never seen before. There must be multiple means of verifying any said information from me, or about me. And a direct line of communication created, when I come over to the U.S.A.

Once upon a time I was in Asia, Europe, the United States of America, etc, now I am in Nigeria/Africa, for a purpose. Can anyone guess why? It is a matter for another day. 

May God bless the United States of America. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
