Good day to all citizens of the United States of America. As we get closer to the 5th of November 2024, I wish to make known, the following points concerning the presidential election billed to hold on that day. 

Firstly, the two Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, both had their first tenure in office as Vice President, and President respectively, as a direct consequence of my age long responsibility to the United States of America. Including, president Joe Biden, and Barack Obama. Therefore, I wish them the best of luck during the forth coming election. 

The mysteries of the greatness and military might of our great country America, and its sister nations, is and are highly aided, and guided by some supernatural powers and forces. And those who know these secrets, and knowledge, have always relied on God, and these supernatural powers and forces, to help bring to life, the collective will and aspirations of the citizens, and nation.

I know that in the course of American history, I had done these duties to nation, as Thomas Jefferson, and John Davison Rockefeller snr, and during my recent life. However, I wish to state categorically clear, that for the forth coming 2024 presidential election, I wish to pass on this duty of mine, wholely to my American families, the United States Armed Forces, the Central Intelligence Agency, the electoral college, and our dear citizens.

My reasons for the above position, is due to the need to completely disassociate my Nigerian life, family, friends, etc, from who becomes president of the United States of America, and my other nations. Because for some reasons, this is fast becoming an avenue from where foolishness, madness, illitrate way of thinking, ignorance, fraud, lies, envy, slander, homosexuality, etc, are unleashed on America, etc, and on my reputation. Some due to evil intents, and some to innocent ignorance. Other reasons can be found in my posts, Warning to the great 8 (G8) nations and the rest of the world, part 1 and 2, and other relevant posts. Posted here, and on my Facebook: Ojeje Igwe Okoi. 

All over the world, some key decisions are taken where the owner/owners, and leader/leaders, is or are. However for me to make a choice, I must have choices to choose from. Sadly, due to this Nigerian factor, former president Donald Trump, and vice president Kamala Harris/Joe Biden, are products of the Nigerian factor, and I cannot choose any of them. Therefore, I pass the decision on to Americans to take on my behalf. 

Based on the aforesaid, all my actions of the 5th of November 2024, shall not be used for the outcome of presidential election. This doesn't mean that they are not qualified, because they have shown what they are capable of, and they have proven themselves worthy. Even though both of them have ruined my reputation to some degree with lies, while serving America from the offices they got because of me, one of them has to win, since they are their parties flag bearers. The democratic party did some good work by getting president Joe Biden, out for Kamala Harris, whom he obviously misled, from here in Nigeria. Yet like Biden and Trump, they are products of the Nigerian factor, who have ruined my reputation in some ways. 

I wish all Americans, the good will to make the choices they feel is better for them. The United States of America, is a nation on auto pilot, and God Almighty is the Captain of the plane.

May God bless the United States of America.
May God bless both Presidential candidates. 
May God bless all Americans.
May God bless the electoral college.
May God bless both political parties.
May God bless all my American family members.
May God bless the American Armed Forces and C.I.A.

We all, will decide together, when I relocate out of Nigeria, to the United States of America.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William (C.I.O.W).
