Congratulations Donald Trump and Senator J.D. Vance. President and Vice President elect, of America.

[This post is also available on my Facebook timeline, username: Ojeje Igwe Okoi.]

I wish to heartily congratulate the winners of the 2024 American presidential election. Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States of America, has been re elected as the 47th president, with Senator Vance as his vice president elect. 

May I also congratulate the republican party, on its return back to the White House, and thank the Democratic party for its service since 20th of January 2021. May I use this medium to commend vice president Kamala Harris, the presidential candidate of the Democratic party, for a wonderful campaign, and service to America. 

This victory is one for all Americans, and its only purpose is to make America better for Americans, and the world, a better place for all. The success of the election is a credit to all Americans. 

I particularly wish to thank the Electoral college, all those who voted, the electoral officials, the United States Armed Forces, the CIA, my American families (the Thomas Jefferson and Rockefeller families/foundation, etc), the Republican and Democratic parties, and all Americans. 
I hope this elelction brings to an end, what I call the Nigerian factor, which was my reason for not directly participating this time around, like I used to, because I am required to. 

However, I had to  pass on, this age long responsibility of mine to the above mentioned families, Armed Forces, government organizations, and all Americans, who had worked with me in the past, for the overall interest of our dear nation, to decide on my behalf, Irrespective of the party that wins. 

My Americans decided and voted for Donald Trump, and I have accepted the choice you all made for me, and for the United States of America.

I look forward to 2028, when we all will do it together again, probably from American soil, by the grace of God, by Americans, and for Americans, without the Nigerian factor, due to my presence here in Nigeria.

American history has shown us that, one party may win the presidential election today, but may lose it in the next. And another may lose today, but may win in the next. The terms of political parties in office are transient, however the United States of America, and its citizens are eternal. 

May God bless America.
May God bless Donald Trump, the president elect, and Senator J.D. Vance his vice president elect. 
May God bless the US Armed Forces. 
May God bless all Americans. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William. 
