This post is also available on my Facebook: Ojeje Igwe Okoi.
May God forgive me for the jokes.
Some weeks ago, I noticed that the mischievous and erroneous words by the so called Reuters Arabic fact checkers, saying that my post; Happy 4th of July to all Americans, contained false informations, had been removed from the post.
It was a welcomed development, and one I expected to happen, if truly the United States of America, is a country of truth, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. And if truly they had families, government, Armed Forces, organisations, institutions, etc, that know, and have records of the true and secret history of America.
Everything written there was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And thank God that they have come to terms with it.
Even today, the US Armed Forces, have secrets that are classified from its own US citizens. How much more secrets would have been needed for success, during the wars, and struggles for independence, from the British colonial Armed Forces and government. And during the nascent stages of our national and government development, post independence, of 4th of July 1776.
I just feel that Americans deserve to know the real HISTORY of their independence and nation. These are recorded in the American history books, and read literarily, but the secret reasons can only be deduced by the maker himself, and some of those with him.
It is often said; time will tell. I believe time has told them all.
As for Mark Zuckerberg,I don't know if it came from you or anyone at Facebook. And from day one, I partly believed it was probably a big joke. However, if it was your own way of joining the joke and mockery about a girl sending me out of my bedroom, because of 😁😄😃😀. Then I have this to say to you. How dare you mock me, when your wife Mrs. Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg is still alive. Do you think she has forgotten her own experiences with you? You Mr. Facebook small boy. I guess she married you because of love, and with the hope that her small boy will one day turn into a big man. But taking a careful look at you, I am still seeing her small boy of yesterday 😁😄😃😀, still being her small boy today.
All men are guilty, including the so called Reuters Arabic fact checkers. From my Nigerian experiences, only my fellow comrades mock me. They claim they were five and above from the wedding day, when they were one and below. Therefore if it was yours, you have been noted as a fellow comrade. Hopefully, I shall meet you, your wife and family, when I come over to America. Facebook provided me a great platform to reach out to the world, despite the situations around me here in Nigeria.
Dear Mrs. Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg, please forgive and forget the past, the future will be greater. 😀 Don't tell your story to Americans, US Armed Forces, CIA, Police, etc. 😄😀
May God bless Facebook, its employees, Mark Zuckerberg, and Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg.
May the truth, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom always prevail during all matters concerning the United States of America.
May God forgive us for the jokes. Amen.
Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.