From me the August Visitor, to everyone out there, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

The August Visitor is the past, the present, and the future.

Americans can you see the statue of Liberty on my right shoulder/right arm? Just like the Presidential and Armed Forces Seals, Emblems, Coat of Arms, Standards, badges, of the G8 nations, Israel, United Nations, etc,

Remember that in 1785, Thomas Jefferson was appointed America's minister to France. Prior to his days as Thomas Jefferson, he had been King Clovis 1 of France, the founder and first King of France. 😀

All these may look like ancient tales. I don't like talking about money connected to all these. However here are two examples. I once watched some movies, national treasure part 1, and part 2, and I could connect with the movies  And the current global crypto currencies taking the world by storm, and creating lots of millionaires and billionaires.

 The  bitcoin was invented about 2009 or thereabouts. For those who know me, I have a degree in geology, and I resigned my employment with First bank of Nigeria Plc, on 20th of January 2006. And after that I tried trading some of my stocks before the 2008 global economic meltdown crashed prices, and I had to pull out.

To cut a long story short,  crypto currencies are mined, and geologist do mining. And banks deal with currencies.

For Nigerians, around 2008 I was called by a man who was a geologist who had a lot of rocks and mineral samples (mined and field samples) and we did some works together, from 2008 to 2009 when bitcoin was launched. However I wasn't aware. They were two, the other wasn't a geologist.

In geology,  the law of Unitarianism says, the present is the key to the past.

Despite being crypto currencies, I only have about a dollar worth of it. 😄😃😀😄😃😀😁😄😃😀
However we have to be careful, that it doesn't affect the strength of the US dollar.

Happy year 48 to me and my descendants in Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, United States of America, Israel, etc. .

My Rockefeller foundation, if I left some things to do before leaving you officially in 1937, they must be followed to the letter. If 48 is the year, make it a miracle one. And if not, send me those to help carry the Cross. 😀

I think I should over ride this one,

Happy year 2025 to me and everyone out there.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.

This post is also available on my Facebook page: Ojeje Igwe Okoi. 
