Inauguration of President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance.

Inauguration of President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance.

Congratulations to Donald Trump, the newly inaugurated 47th President of the United States of America, and J.D Vance, his Vice President on their successful inauguration.

I wish them a very successful term in office. May they make America, and the lives of Americans better. And may the policies of their government, be consistent with the good human values, which the United States of America has been known for since its independence.

May it never happen again, that a president, and vice president will degrade the sanctity of the White House by fighting for gay rights, while in office. Please don't worry about their votes, God will provide votes, if they don't care about the moral sanctity, and human dignity which our great White House, should uphold and portray to Americans, and the world at large.

The integrity of the White house established by our founding fathers, should be one which shows right morals, and standards, which adds dignity to sane human life, and sets example for all Americans, and the world.

If those who do this sad menace, are allowed to get presidential victory, then the America that our founding fathers hard fought for, will be losing the moral standards, and human dignity, which guarantees sane human rights.

Things such as gay rights, should be agitated for on the streets, clubs, pubs, etc, but never from our great White House, or churches.

If we encourage this to continue, then it's like encouraging the White House to be used as a base, to fight for rights that degrade true human life, such as, killers rights, armed robbers rights, rapist rights, these and gay rights are not true human rights, and must not be agitated for, from our darling White House, and by our President and Vice President.

And on a lighter note, because it's a day of celebration. Looking carefully at President Donald Trump, he looks like a two time president small boy, to his two wives, first lady Mrs. Melanie Trump, and late Mrs. IvanaTrump. They probably sent him out of his room back in the days. 😃 Congratulations once again.

May God bless President Donald Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance.
May God bless the Republican and Democratic parties.
May God bless the US Armed Forces, CIA, Police, and the electoral college.
May God bless America and all Americans.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
