I greet you Japan, China, Italy, France, England, Russia, Germany, America, (J.C.I.F.E.R.G.A) / G8, United Nations, Israel, etc. Peace, and best wishes from me. Even A trillion dollars from each of your Nations isn't a bad solution.

Now I want you all to look at the picture and have a look at what I have been talking about in part 1 and part 2. In my paternal and maternal families, you have the Queen of England, Elizabeth ll, Presidents Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, etc. Out there in the world, and in their other spiritual lives, they are great and educated people, however here in this village, where I am from with my physical life/existence, they are illiterates, and poverty stricken, like the picture shows. When I graduated from the university about 22 years ago, none of their kids were in any higher institution, and even today some of theirs haven't, and might never be graduates. Only one of the ladies in the picture, and one of their brothers son, had graduated from a university. Here they want their illiteracy to have dominion over me, because they are illiterates. Over my dead body, I will rather disown them, or even kill them all if need be. My reason, one of them is a professor somewhere else in Nigeria, do they allow illiteracy to rule or dominate where they are educated? Do they even allow illiterates around them? The answer is an emphatic no. Why then do they want it here, where they are illiterates. This is wickedness, envy of my parents especially my late mother. Their illiteracy can't even allow them realise that they don't have any power or authority, they are just common beneficiaries of my presence in the family. Even their parents are my servants, they can never understand who I am, or what it means to be the August Visitor. They are just enemies, thieves, and scramblers for my government resources, and power, some of them must commit suicide, or be killed by the world, or the spirit of their own father who they erroneously believe is the source of power, while others believe it is Bassey Okoi, without knowing they are servants, hence they are also my servants.

Let's take a look at the photo, the second lady by the right, next to Bassey Okoi her brother, is reported to be one of the major ones opposing the release of my successful APC victory. I have called her to confirm from her, and she denied it. My argument; before my APC victory, I had met her only on two occasions, and I knew next to nothing about her. I had no business with her prior to that period of my struggles, I didn't get her involved, and all the risks, time and resources, I expended, she wasn't part of as far as I was concerned.

The major source of victory was from my American government, through President Barack Obama, etc., Barack is also a member of this paternal family, and I phoned him on my way to the American Embassy in Abuja, on 30th of may 2013, some two years before the victory. Barack Obama, executed it with the AUTHORITY OF MY AMERICAN PRESIDENCY & GOVERNMENT,  and not just his own power, or will. What then is her business with what belongs to me? With what I laboured for even to the point of risking my life? What is her business with what is neither hers, nor her husband's, nor her father's, nor her brother's, nor sisters, nor children? The answer is just wickedness to ruin my financial progress, to steal, and gold dig from my global heritage, using the enemy Nigerian family. This scenerio is the summary of all that this part and the previous ones, are all about.

I don't need to be told, that after the victory, they would have been deceiving, opposing, fighting against, lobbying, cajoling, lying, etc.,to Barack Obama, Muhammadu Buhari, etc., against giving or releasing the rewards of my success, gotten using the authority of my governments, and organizations, at my expense, and risks. All I worked  on for years, she wants to waste away, and take it for herself in her other spiritual lives, and she wants the family to support her. If it's true she and her family will regret it. Her name is Nerisa Igwaa Egba, or something like that, a teacher working in Ugep, Yakurr LGA, Cross River State. This is the height of wickedness and, stealing, envy, and gold digging. I Labour, someone else wants the rewards, because they are family, and in their animal thinking, they are elders of the family. No they're not, they are elder servants, slaves, and enemies of the August Visitor. I am working on 2023 Presidential election presently, and I am sure one of them will be foolishly thinking of collecting it, cursed be them all, may Heaven and the whole world wipe them out of existence. She is not the first, the Ali's (my late mother's younger brother is nick named Alibaba), the mamangida/Babangida who claims she is the mother of a girl she calls my daughter, but gave her to another man, and she is bearing the man's surname, I cursed her in my anger, the children of Bassey Okoi are also included, the Queen of England, and all the brothers of Bassey Okoi, even the brothers and sister of my late mother are also involved, not forgetting my so called siblings and children of Bassey Okoi. These demons and enemies of the August Visitor, can't stand to see me enjoy the fruits of my labours, gotten with my authority, because they are employees with  previledges in my governments, and organizations. THIS MUST END. Deaths should be part of the plans. They get privileges for being part of the unfortunate Nigerian family, yet they return evil for Favors done them.

The Armed Forces of the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency, the US secret service, the FBI, the Republican and Democratic parties, my descendants of Thomas Jefferson, and the Rockefeller family, and indeed all Americans, take this Nigerian family out of line, they should not occupy my Oval office. Joe I suspect, contested to broaden his borders at their usual Nigerian attacks, since I have been deciding American Presidential elections recently. Using the same style, Ojeje the brilliant goal getter, plans and carries out succeses, then their jealousy comes in to ruin the rewards. Oh! Jealousy what a shame. However, I sincerely hope that, I might be wrong on this one,, because this is American Presidency, the Oval office, and not Nigeria, or the useless Nigerian family. I hereby sign a death sentence in advance, if for my support to get him the victory into the White House, is repaid with evil, because of their envy, and evil hearts. God bless America, God bless my Oval office, God bless me.

Americans, listen to me attentively, until America ends, I will forever be part of the Presidential election system, read it in the American declaration of independence. I have been part of American growth and present success. Don't let them have Presidential tickets again. For instance, during the last 2020 Presidential election, which was between Joe Biden and Trump who are both members of the families. With my late mother for Joe, and Bassey for Trump, those who know me, know for sure that I will support mother's candidate. Please, I don't ever want to be found in this kind of situation again, having to chose between two people who seem to be two wrongs. Note; I do not hold any grudge against their American lives yet. Influence fast situations that will yield my usual life and luxury, billion dollars presidential business contacts and billion dollars business portfolios, private jets, yatchs, luxury homes, bullet proof luxury cars, and a bullet proof wife. 

Also in that village, the house next to my grandfather`s house, there once lived a soldier, who I know is General Abdulsalam Abubakar, and I guess Vladimir Putin, Russian President is also a member of that family. We all have a general paternal family, but different families. (Note I am not referring to Vladimir Putin in this post, I don't have any negative report on him). I remember going to the soldier in 2011, with all my certificates, telling him that I was a bonafide graduate. Here also, the enemies and  children of Bassey, such as rose, Okoi, Joe, etc.,  have been on a demonic and foolish mission, telling lies to tarnish my hard earned great reputation, to cover up their failures. We must put an end to this brewing problems. 

Attention: Muhammadu Buhari, you are still alive, because your victory is an attonement for late President Musa Yar' adua. You and other beneficiaries had better do the needful for me. I take on enemies, and bring successes, and financial progress your way, why are you afraid to do the same for me, or are you part of the enemies? To hell with everyone.

It's the duty of the whole world to stop this menace, of ruining a bright and promising life, because of envy, and unnecessary wickedness form cockroaches.

On the spiritual side of it, what could or can be the reason for Heaven and the devil living in one house? I had heard a certain whisper from one of them, saying una from heaven, we come from hell, (you are from heaven, we are from hell). Recently, in my visit to the Village, Bassey was telling his sisters in my presence, that only God knows why God and devil are now living together. And in this scenario the devil knows he is powerless in truth, but the mortals don't. That's why the heavenly light supercedes, and overshadows all the darkness, and evil of the devilish ones. The devil himself is a confused and useless man, in the real power equation, he is only useful at the realm of mere mortals.

This explains to me why he tells lies against me, why he believes all negative things he hears, and slanders my name, why he accepted all that caused my financial stagnation during my slumber, such as homosexuality, mad animal osu charles erijo, eiye confraternity, black axe, not being a graduate, watching his children, and his siblings ruin my life at will, in matters that they can, devaluing my worth, etc.

Let us all remember that in the gospel of Matthew and Luke chapter 4, the temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil was recorded, wherein he foolishly asked Jesus to worship him, for the glory and authority of the earth, which he said had been given onto him. But our Lord Jesus Christ refused.

Later on, in the book of Revelation chapter 1 verse 5, it is written; and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first born of the dead, and ruler of the King's of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood.

Furthermor; Revelation chapter 1, verses 17- 18, reads in parts; Do not be afraid, I am the first and last, and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; I have the keys of Death and hades (hell).

The above explains the hard to believe mysteries of the power of God at work in mysterious ways. Such as the Presidential victories of Presidents Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush jnr, Prime Minister David Cameron, Chancellor Olaf Schulz, APC/Muhammadu Buhari, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Musa Yar'adua, Olusegun Obasanjo (indirectly) so many governors in Nigeria, and ministers including the present set in office, because no Buhari victory no ministers, creation of the State of Israel after the second world war, United Nations, independence of African countries, creation of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, etc. All these after the creation of the G8 nations, etc. 

Remember God has got the whole world in his hands.

The devil was foolish in his temptations, and is still foolish in his life. 

Let me add here; if the Jews had not killed Jesus Christ, how else could the prophesies of their prophets been fulfilled? And lets us remember that, they handed him over to Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler of Jerusalem to crucify, and the first church on earth was the Roman Catholic Church. Furthermore, when he died on the Cross, the curtain in the Jewish temple was turn into two. This calls to mind, the way the Kingdom of Israel was thorn into two, during the reign of King Rehoboam son of King Solomon. One part to Rehoboam, and one to Jeroboam.

The whole world's action is needed, destroy, ruin and kill them all.

The envy, wickedness, of a few on the sleeping/resting/slumbering August Visitor must be stopped and destroyed. 

Friends and former school mates consists of lots of these same evils, envy, wickedness, and foolishness. Especially from FGC Port Harcourt 95 set, too many low level thinkers, and unbelievable fools. Collectively, about 90% of all friends are not fit to be around me, or to be called friends. I just try to overlook certain issues with those not guilty, while working on the execution of the guilty, who must be punished.

I took the time out, to write all these, so that the world will have my own story, because they create a lot of lies, to justify and cover up their evil plans.

Kill them all! Destroy them all! Ruin them all!


C. I. O. W.

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
