Outside your spouses and children, surround yourselves, and work only with wise, and honest folks, who have a sense of greatness in them. Never be too keen having your extended family, friends, school mates, around if they lack the above, because they will be deceived, and used by enemies. Never seek to have control, nor covet power, or money, in what is neither yours, nor your creation. I only get involved in what belongs to me, and what I have created. What belongs to family, friends, school mates, etc, I never seek power, control, or money there. I mind my business, I don't know why those I know, don't have the wisdom, self control, and discipline, for the above. And I wonder how many will have to suffer consequences for their acts.
Like I have said before, the nation Nigeria, the government, presidency, military, etc, belongs to me, as the August Visitor. Those I have known in Nigeria, family, friends, school mates, etc, (base on multiple existence) are the core of the government, and enjoy huge privileges therein. Yet, none of them have equal rights with me. E.g, the present President of Nigeria, is also my fellow mass server, and friend in arakan barracks, apapa, Lagos, called Edwin. However, I wish to dwell on my Fgc Port Harcourt 95, and Fgc Sokoto 95 set mates.
Let it be noted that, I will neither like, nor love any one in Nigeria, outside the lady/wife I will wed in a church, and our children. Liking or loving, has become an instrument used by enemies, and for fraud. 
The privileges given to them because of me has been greatly abused, and attempts are made to take Nigerians, and I, for a ride. And herein lies the great display of foolishness, low level, gold digging, criminal, and envy induced thinking. Some of these idiots, given the privileges to serve in my government, and Nigerians, are seeking to have more power, control, and money, than me, and Nigerians. They also want to be more important than me, in my own government. Some even want to take decisions favourable to them, and contrary to mine, this is foolishness, wickedness, and abuse of privileges. That's why I have to disgrace some, and others will take more severe consequences. They neither care about me, nor Nigeria, and most are bad school mates. And all those involved are useless idiots to me, I neither need them, not their families in my life. I always mind my own business, through thick and thin, I don't interfere in their own businesses.
Like the saying, show me your friend, and I will  tell you who you are. When the low level, foolish, gold diggers, of FGC Port Harcourt 95, went to my FGC Sokoto 95 set, without my knowledge, my Sokoto mates, saw how useless, desperate, beggarly, and stupid they are, and started telling what their great super star Ojeje,mig might have become. Homosexuals, gold diggers, blood money/money rituals, servile and timid, idiots, etc, some became more adventurous, trying nonsense, which they normally won't dare with me, because I can never give them the room to. And they have wrongly believed the lies, told them by these disgusting Port Harcourt idiots, so they can be welcomed and assisted. For example, before the just concluded 2022, APC Presidential primaries, I wanted the party to produce a Southern Christian Presidential candidate, to replace the incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, which was supposed to be done automatically, because I was the source of the party's victory/APC coup plotter, August Visitor, and unofficial CinC. But a purported plan for a northern consensus presidential candidate came up, which was a big surprise to me. Well, I did what I had to do in the morning of the day voting was to take place, to bring it down to the South, in the person of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, for some reasons. This northern consensus candidate, was partly a product of some foolish, and useless school mates of mine, who felt I like them, and hence they can take me for a ride, and for fraud. May lightning strike them dead. One of them is a certain Shafatu Sheik (nee Suleiman), who was my class mate in FGC Sokoto. This is a girl, whose father is said to be an Egyptian, and we never had a single conversation, for the one year I was there, apart from the day, a senior student took her chair, and I collected it, and gave it back to her, even at that, no conversation followed. We lost contact since 1990, and I found her on Facebook in 2015, after my successful APC Presidential victory/ overthrow,/coup. We kept in touch until 2018/2019, when I severed ties with her again. I have never visited her, and her family, I don't know what she does for a living, etc, and lo and behold, I discovered that she has been meddling in my life activities, together with the likes of cockroaches, ebibio spiff, mad osu charles erijo, maggot kenebi okoko, Mohammed Etsu, Ikechukwu Odu, Nero Scott, etc., all known gold diggers, parasites, liars, and enemies of mine from the Fgc Port Harcourt 95 set, and of course with some from the Fgc Sokoto 95 set, whom I don't know for now. 
This is what I call the abuse of the privileges of knowing me. Ordinarily, these idiots, couldn't have been in a position to think of such plans, but because they are my envious school mates, they can try to ruin my plans. Who are their parents in Nigeria, and the world? They found a way to deceive those at my Aso Rock Presidential Villa Abuja, and the national headquarters of APC, to accept the plan for them, as my friends. Shafatu aka warapatu (imbecile having convulsion seizures), and them are cockroaches, who believe I love her. Imbeciles, do I look like Romeo? The Port Harcourt 95 maggots, and idiots see her as a goddess, because she is a northerer with probably lots of money, but to me she is nothing. All the northern Presidents, past Military Heads of State, and Generals of Nigeria, are my sub ordinates for reasons that are Presidential, and Military E.g, President Muhammadu Buhari, late Musa Yar'adua, General Abdulsalam Abubakar, General Sani Abacha, General Ibrahim Babangida, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, General Murtala Mohammed, General Yakubu Gowon, even General Olusegun Obasanjo, Ebele Goodluck Jonathan, late Ernest Shonekan, etc. Even if I visit the city of Kano, where you reside, it's the families of General Sani Abacha, and General Murtala Mohammed, that will be in charge of the city. The likes of late Dantata, the former richest man in Nigeria, whose grand son, or cousin is Dangote, will say "ga Allah!", and the Emir of Kano, must show reverence throughout my stay in the city. And not low level idiots like you. Who are your parents, divorced husband, etc?
Idris Abubakar, my fellow FGC Sokoto 95 set mate, well done for supporting a southern candidate in the person of Bola Tinubu, even though he is a Muslim. That's the way to go to make Nigeria a better country. However, Bola Tinubu should give way for another Southern Christian candidate from the South, preferably from the South East/South South. Dead or alive. I guess Islam was your major consideration for the support of a Southern Muslim Bola Tinubu. Don't try it next time, let's be true Nigerians, whether it's time for Muslim or Christian President. I have made Muslim and Christian Presidents, even though I am a Christian.
Abdulmutallib Shehu Shagari, and Suleiman Shehu Shagari, my Sokoto 95 set mates, I don't have any information about your 2023 position, however I implore never to take sides against me. And know that, all those 95 Port Harcourt, that have been coming to you all, are southern cockroaches, who are enemies of mine, and your reception bolstered their confidence in their enemy, and gold digging attacks on me, and others. Their senseless envy of my Fgc Sokoto background, is the reason they came to you all without letting me know, which is to ruin me, and you all. Believing I was going to depend on you for my future success. I might even help them make it happen to show them they have been imbeciles all these years, and they will forever remain envious of me, until their deaths.
Now both sets are trying to feel more important, and more powerful, than all the other sets of both federal government colleges. May lightning strike them dead. In fact they are the most useless, because there privileges was because I was their set mate, and since they have shown that they are betrayers, they might never be useful in such capacities. The about two decades long, ties between both 95, and the lies and deceit from the Port Harcourt 95 set, which the Sokoto side believed, without confirming from me, only shows me that, those who believed are nothing but cattle, and goats. And a risk to my life, and future. Hence, farewell to Sokoto 95 set, I have moved on for the past 32 years, without wishing anyone of you any evil. Port Harcourt 95 set, those of you stopped existing since after 1995, it's also farewell as a set.
These low level, and foolish school mates of mine, have being who some politicians have been lobbying, and connecting with, to win elections in my governments. Persons who can only be servants, and slaves, in my governments. This is a great ignorance, and shame on the said politicians. Instead of me the owner, they are clouded by ignorance, and pride. As a result, those who use illegal, servants, and slaves, connections will be treated, as servants, slaves, and thieves. All politicians in Nigeria, including whoever is President, are beneath me, in the power pyramid, where I sit at the highest point. They always talk about money, listen I control more than any politician can ever have, my unconnected funds are what are mainly used for political activities, and formation of parties. Some think, I am for politicians money, no they are wrong. The politicians are the ones after my government money. I am for my own government money, that's why I can't be bought over with politicians money. I only like to have terms with them before elections, that's why I sometimes write letters to them. Unfortunately, ignorance and pride, always hinders them from seeking audience, for understanding. 
The problems of these Port Harcourt 95, and Sokoto 95, was primarily caused by the gold digging, parasitism, foolishness, envy, inferiority complex, etc, of those from Port Harcourt 95. I am sure they initiated the contact, for the above mentioned reasons. Because of their foolish, and low level life of the Port Harcourt side. They were so inferior, and so misinformed about life, that they could even kill, betray, or sacrifice, just to know my former classmates of the Sokoto stock. During my one year in Sokoto, despite my humble background, I was the leader of all the boys I was friends with, and my class. I had my charisma, which endeared so many to me. And I know, after I left the school, the girls missed my handsome face, and the way I controlled the whole boys. I was 13 in jss 1, some were 9, and 10, a very few were older, and bigger, however I held the stage. I was like a father to them, and because some of the rich kids, who weren't used to washing and ironing of their clothes at home, because domestic servants did such things for them, were always untidy, that when you see us, one might believe that I was the child of a General, and them, the children of a sergeant. I was a super star, and one of the most brilliant in my class. The sons of the late President, were minors to me back then, I was never timid, nor servile, I was very confident, to the extent I could challenge a senior student, to collect back a chair he took from my class, and I begged no one for money, or provisions, my parents provided, enough for me.
When I got to Fgc Port Harcourt, I was still the same man, super star, controller general of the boys, confident, charisma, brilliant bad student, super rich by students standards. I didn't notice the envy, until the last day in school. Every thing I did, to them was because I knew sons of Presidents, etc, even girls, I shyed away from, was because I knew sons of President, meanwhile, it was the same thing in FGC Sokoto. When I refused doing some of the stupid things they did, it was also because I knew children of Presidents, erc. And for not traveling to sokoto, and carrying them along, I was the most wicked person on earth, who they even wanted to kill. Even though, I was by far the most generous man of the set. Hahahahahahaha low level maggots, shit, cockroaches, and urine.
Their low level, gold digging, and foolish Fgc Port Harcourt 95 lives, have caused a lot of, national, and personal problems, which must be brought under control. Today, gold digging, homosexulity, foolishness, illiteracy, fraud, enemy attacks on my prospects, etc, are the norms, among the foolish members of my  family, extended family, friends, school mates, etc, because of these idiots, primarily due to mad gold digger osu erijo, who came to live in Lagos, with me and my family for a while. If only they had known powerful, and wealthy persons, believed in themselves, that they could make it in life, and worked hard at it, and had what I call greatness, the foolish plans, the desperation, and envy, won't have arisen.
Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
