I am sharing this here again, because of the importance it deserves to be treated with.

Recently I heard about a statement said to have made by Pope Francis the 2nd, about gay marriage in the Roman Catholic church. 

I decided to lend my voice to this issue of great religious significance. 

The Holy Roman Catholic church, was the first, and oldest church on earth. 
Saint Peter was the first Pope of this universal church. It is the church Jesus Christ spoke about in, 
Matthew 16: 17-19. And Jesus answered him and said, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hades/hell will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Therefore, the Roman Catholic church, must be the leader in true Christianity worship, and life. 
Homosexuality was condemned in the old and new testaments of the Bible. Infact God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, partly due to this sin.

Therefore I believe that, the Catholic church must reject, and condemn gay marriages, in the church. No matter what happens. 

Any Pope who concedes or approves gay marriage in the church, must be made to leave Vatican, and the church. And the next Pope, must reverse it.

We must never accept pressures to concede to this disgraceful act of sin, no matter who the lobbyists are. Because it will be a disgrace to the Holy Church of God, and a sin.

We know homosexuals exist, all we can do for them is to pray for them to abandon this act. And never to listen to them or accept their request to get wedded in the Holy Roman Catholic church. 
One reason for this post is that this lobbyists might have their roots and origins from those I know in Nigeria. E.g, the disgusting animals, osu charles erijo, Joe bassey, his father richard bassey Okoi, rose opara (nee bassey), etc, and other homosexuals, linked to them. 

This lying, low level, gold digging, local, foolish, semi mad idiot, with no higher education, called osu charles erijo, who was my set mate in secondary school, and whom I didn't even know was a gay, came to live with me, and Joe bassey, and rose bassey,  in Lagos, and was able to deceive the two imbeciles that he was my gay partner/ wife, in Port Harcourt. And they neither asked me, nor confirmed from me, but believed him. And this imbeciles and useless, and fellow gold diggers like him, have been introducing him to others as my gay, without my knowledge. For gratification from him, and his fellow homosexuals. When the truth was, and still is that, I have never been gay since I was born. This was a scheme to get rich gays among the rich and powerful people I know. Because I am far more connected than him, and his local riff raft family. 

There are other similar experiences I have come to realise that have been exported from Nigeria to overseas, which are linked to me, but all are lies.

I know that due to spiritual existence of this current age and time, the Pope is also here in Nigeria. Therefore, he must oppose this attempt to bring disgrace to the Holy Roman Catholic church, by these evil people and persons, even if with his life. Let it be noted here that, I am different from the spiritual body of this age, with my unchangeable physical body, as written in first Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 46: But it's not the spiritual that is first, but the physical,and then the spiritual.

No matter what they do for the church, we can only pray for them to stop sin, and repent. Their donations and numbers means nothing to the church of God.

The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation: 1 : 5. And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first born of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood.

Jesus Christ will always provide for His church, His Priests, Reverend Sisters, Laity, and all parts of the church. Hp

The Roman Catholic church, must never be afraid to ward off anything that is contrary to the word of God. Because it is written in
Revelation 1: 18.
And the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of hades 
Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour, has the keys to death and hades/hell, what are we to be afraid of.

I was Julius Caesar, the 84th Leader/Emperor of the Roman empire. Who was born about 100 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and died about 44 years before Christ. Let's all remember that he was stabbed to death, by his fellow romans, in the Roman senate. And Jesus Christ was also crucified by the Romans, at the request of the Jews/Israelites, and his side was also pierced by the Roman soldiers, while on the cross of Calvary. Likewise, Saint Peter, was also crucified in Rome, by the Romans. Not forgetting Saint Paul, who wrote most of the books of the new testament, of the Holy Bible. Including 1st Corinthians. 

Some mysteries of God, can never be understood by any human being. Because all He has allowed humans to know, are what He has written in the Holy books, and through the prophets. Which are like a drop of water, compared to all the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, streams, and other water bodies in the world. No Pope, Cardinal, Archbishop, Pastor, General overseer of any church, Rabi or chief Priest of Judaism, imam, etc, can understand the whole mysteries of God Almighty.

Therefore we must always be consistent with the words and commandments written in the Holy books. No wish of any man, or woman, must supercede the words of God.

Finally throw away any records of me from Nigeria, unless it is confirmed from me. Because anyone here in Nigeria, can be wrong, deceived, fraudulent, mischievous, bribed, etc. 

Chibuzor Igwe Ojeje William.
